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Everything posted by novacova

  1. Everything you post is supported by the creators of mRNA therapies, this is where your credibility ends. You lack any sense of independent thought or curiosity, just rehashing the same treadmill in perpetuity.
  2. Try it out by turning it on and off. No, the smoke has a way to bypass plants. Respirator, oxygen mask, diving air tanks, a flight to somewhere else.
  3. Most all countries have a history of covering up their malfeasances. Yes, as with most countries, especially the United States, we don’t publicly know even the tip of the iceberg of what some of the atrocities three letter agencies have hidden. Though as with most patriots of their homeland, the truth is impossible.
  4. Yet all your posts are abject obsessive based
  5. Millions of them on the roads, haven’t heard of any issues with cvt’s. Though as with any a/t, problems are likely to occur if neglected.
  6. We’ve driven through a couple of these checkpoints so far, wasn’t checked and waved through and apparently so was the idiot driving behind us last night.
  7. What do you think? Okay!
  8. Because the world has gone to pot.
  9. Personally think another diesel pickup, Toyota or Isuzu, or Toyota Honda Suzuki sedan/hatchback. Mazda 2 is fun to drive and little roll on the sharp curves but a tiny car, m3 is bigger. Can’t go wrong with any of the Japanese brands, it just depends on how much you want to spend.
  10. Quadrilateral
  11. Oh yes, completely unaware Skype could be used on a landline. Personally haven’t used a landline in at least twenty years
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