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Everything posted by novacova

  1. Personally I can care less of where an individual or a group of people are from, though it doesn’t discount the fact some generally come off as very rude and are very different, though in their own national setting is acceptable. My wife is very bigoted, she is very outspoken about her dislike for Chinese, Hindi’s, Muslim of any nationality, Germans and Cambodians, a non human sub-species in her view. She doesn’t have any hatred toward Burmese, she views them as a lower level of human yet she’ll converse with them and smile. When I preach to her that all humans are equal and fallible, she looks at me like I’m from a different universe.
  2. Simple Green, can be found at some HomePro stores. Or just use dish soap…
  3. Why bother tipping, it just incites expectations. Besides it’s not required or expected unless you initiate it. A guy working on my car a few weeks ago went out of his way to repair a couple things that were not part of the repair project, though he didn’t expect any extra, I paid him extra for his time.
  4. A dead standing tree is hazardous and should be removed.
  5. First the tree needs to be removed, severed at the stump. For best results, immediately apply undiluted (picloram พิคลอแรม) 2-4-d/tordon on the cambium around the edge of the stump.
  6. It’s not going to work unless they stop the lies because many of the gullible do eventually snap out of it
  7. All the above. The wife dragged me there a couple years ago for a night, small lake in a tiny village crammed with tourists. Then we were off to Pai, never liked the place, full of loud tourists and potheads. She booked us a drafty mosquito infested shack in Pai because everything else was booked.
  8. Avoid! Total tourist trap. Never again!
  9. Drive to touristy places to fight off boredom.
  10. Here… https://maps.app.goo.gl/9ejNgz21VFG7mJnp8?g_st=com.google.maps.preview.copy you won’t see any tourists, promise.
  11. It’s incumbent upon each individual to know the traffic laws before driving. Don’t rely on others for the information. Easy to find on the internet. https://www.driving-exam-thailand.com/en https://thaidrivingtest.com/ https://tajlandiafaq.pl/wp-content/uploads/egzamin-teoretyczny-prawo-jazdy-tajlandia.pdf
  12. It means no stopping, no parking under any circumstance. Learn the traffic laws and regulations before driving.
  13. Yet none serve secondhand food, as per topic. secondhand shops in cm are all Thai style with mostly Thai and Chinese goods with occasional products from various countries around the world, even Japan, Fuku and Arigato are pretty bleak for appliances with some furniture and niknacks couple others are worthless. If you want a real authentic Japanese secondhand shop then the nearest place that comes to mind is Bkk or Kagoshima. You can probably get there by tomorrow evening, shop all day Thursday and return with a load of authentic secondhand Japanese goods and be back Friday and come here to tell us all about it. Personally I’d just go to PowerBuy or Daiso and buy new stuff, much easier and cheaper in the long run.
  14. Don’t know, never met him. But one thing is for certain is that he’s is much smarter than anyone in this neighborhood.
  15. Very likely. Most expats that live in th are not even on TV/AN. But if AN is one’s entire world then how would they ever know?
  16. Perhaps psychiatric help would help. Thanks for the clarification of your psychological profile.
  17. If anyone is interested in furthering their kefir venture… https://web.archive.org/web/20210506115922/http://users.sa.chariot.net.au/~dna/Makekefir.html#straining-kefir
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