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Everything posted by novacova

  1. Desperation. Desperate people congregate with each other. Folks like to hang out with their own kind, drunks hang out with drunks. Thieves hang out with thieves. Church goers hang out with church goers. John’s hangout with call girls. Get the picture?
  2. Is why the word “accident” is used and not the phrase “on purpose” Drunk driving is a deliberate act, crashing while driving drunk is not an accident, it’s done deliberately on purpose.
  3. I think only Chinese drive Neta’s. And MG’s as well for that matter.
  4. Sorry, I missed that one.
  5. doppelgänger
  6. I always chomp down the galangal and discard the sticks and leaves.
  7. With those symptoms the first thing I would do is to take aspirin asap and get to a doctor. As mentioned, could be a minor stroke or heart attack
  8. The entire toxic sludge blob lost, soon the hazmat crew will start the cleanup process.
  9. Could someone please spell this out for me in plain English. Thank you.
  10. Should be mandatory throttle limiters integrated with clinometers on those tourists vans, especially the ones from Bangkok
  11. Year round flip flop/shorts weather & the locals don’t flip off each other in traffic.
  12. Weird, life must be rather boring for you.
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