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Everything posted by novacova

  1. A slice cooked in the wife’s cat toaster… …then covered with my favorite nut butter before hitting the hay…
  2. That is you, which is not the case for most non smokers. You’re kidding right? Why do you think hotels have non smoking rooms? And why many apartments and condos don’t allow smoking? Because most people don’t like other people imposing their filthy smelly stinky habits on them is why. Though those who don’t have basic self awareness, respect and common decency for others wouldn’t know this now would they?
  3. Pizza Plus on the Bosang-Doisaket road about a kilometer south of the 118 intersection. Good menu and food, won’t be disappointed, I usually go for the salmon. Pizza is pretty good too.
  4. I’ll pass on this target.
  5. For a non smoker, this should be the first question asked before renting.
  6. Why report the criminal assault to the media and the cops and have the cull tossed in a jail cell.
  7. I drive from cm to maekhachan weekly, no road issues and haven’t heard anything farther up north.
  8. An American apologist leader cannot command the respect of his foreign allies and especially his adversaries. Trump commands the respect from all, even those here on AN that are annoyed by him, after all, that cite his name and MAGA slogan here religiously. JT, you have submitted to Trump’s respect whether or not you can admit to it, you are utterly obsessed with the guy that’s got you by the balls.
  9. Let them sit there and decompose a bit then when you’re bored go out and stomp on them and pop the pits out, it’s pretty fun especially when you’re a little tot, I speak from experience.
  10. Folks tell me I should drive a nice car, my response: I’ll drive any car I damn well please just the same as them telling me to have a nice day, I’ll have any kind of day I damn well please. And if folks don’t like it then that’s none of my business now is it?
  11. The FBI as with any other government agency that goes unchecked is apt to corruption, its human nature and unavoidable. These bureaucrats are given a little power then it snowballs into a culture of political gaming. This is the state of these three letter agencies that needs serious overhauling and even elimination in some cases.
  12. They were just maintaining the legacy of Hoover…
  13. It’s a phoenix not an eagle. Trans Am is a souped up version of a Firebird, same car. The car in the photo is a TransAm aka Screaming Chicken.
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