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Everything posted by novacova

  1. I really don’t think a poll was needed to make this assessment given that it was blatantly obvious to anyone paying attention..
  2. The Trans Am was also known as the Screaming Chicken… We used call all Asian cars rice burners way back when .
  3. Most every day run of the mill Americans looked at the left and their shenanigans and pretty much said enough already with their abject attempts to bring down the entire country because of a guy that defeated Hillary and made comical remarks on the internet.
  4. A woman gets ordained and goes to a funeral, then goes berserk and jumps in a well. Perhaps she was ordained with the wrong entity.
  5. With the blower/fan set on high and the temp high running @ ~ 27-28 degrees is the most efficient way to run these things, the more and faster the air is blowing across the coils the cooler. Setting at a low temperature and low fan speed is inefficient.
  6. In this hypothetical scenario, if the violent perpetrators that had family members and friends living with them, then they would be subject to whatever circumstances of casualty for the welfare of the civility of my domicile. After all, they neglected to control the perpetrators and are part of the problem.
  7. If I lived in the desert where only the laws of ambiguity existed and someone was throwing rocks at my house and killing off family members and pets, I would mow them down crush them and stomp them into obliteration and would care less about what others thought.
  8. Perhaps an impatient Grab driver
  9. Couple of uncoordinated sissies bitch slapping each other instead of manning up and saying f-off and moving on.
  10. We ate at Zurich bread cafe while we were there, don’t know if it’s cheap but it was pretty good.
  11. No, nothing. My wife is Buddhist and doesn’t celebrate Christmas.
  12. Honda click eh…not the harry Fraser Michael Richards guy here is it? Hope all is good!
  13. You folks replying to this thread are missing Chris’s intent of the OP. Perhaps it’s a test of the reading comprehension skills of some AN members?
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