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Everything posted by LaosLover

  1. Mexico to the younger people I met there was more than just close and cheap. It's fetishized the way we did Thailand and my parents did The Mediteranean. It's the whole Parrot Head/Jimmy Buffet dream re-interpreted. And people love it as a brand: Frieda, tequila tastings, Shamans, mushroom.s Its more likely young guys in India and China who romanticize Thailand now.
  2. Speaking of Bob:
  3. No self-respecting New Yorker has ever been to The Statue of Liberty. And "where'd you eat pizza?" is my go-to convo gambit for anyone who's been to Manhattan. To the green man above, I retired to Mexico City first. They may share a continent with us, but no double-way do they ever want to be considered as American. Them's fighting words.
  4. Passport Bro-dom is a huge topic in the Manosphere. Prediction: 99% of those dreamers will never get on a plane. And if they do, it will be PI, not Thailand.
  5. What if I can get posters in good standing here (like that even exists) to verify my irrepressible American-ness? What then? Who would willingly pretend to be an American in a place where most of the other white people pretty much view Americans as a joke?
  6. Jevohah's Witnesses, tho, not exactly known for killer tunes. Apart from the many negative aspects of religion, most of the art I like has roots in it, just like most of the music I like. The search to know the spirit is eternal.
  7. Me, Biden-big government-deep stater. How do you describe yourself in Thailand? Do you say from the States? Also, Euro's think of me as American. Euro's and Oz is 95% of what I meet over here. But you come from a real place. You can just say San Fran, like I say, Greenwich Village. I don't even have to say New York.
  8. You have a zany hard on about this. Suspected diagnosis: Trump Trash. But I like your posts, so I was raised in the New York area and lived all over Uh-murr-ika. Uh-murr-ika is a world wide-loved brand, much more than America is. When I was raised, calling America America was very much part of the vernacular: that song in West Side Story, Ray Charles's huge version of the song, Hits' by Neil Diamond and Jay and the (dare I say it?) Americans. And let's not forget Lee Greenwood, who wrote the Trump Trash national anthem. Why you think calling America America is some kind of slight or diss is by no means anything you should feel the need to rush to explain.
  9. Nice one Kan-guy. Khun La shows how far and long gospel spread. Beyonce is a gospel-derived act. Here's the roots of rock and roll
  10. In the South, White Gospel is called Southern Gospel -to reassure any Dollywood attendees in doubt. Elvis was probably the last white southerner to willingly listen to Black Gospel. 90% of what we call show biz comes out of Black Gospel and Minstrel shows.
  11. It's more about fanboy appreciation of over the top, histrionic singing -and the whole black oral tradition thing. Like this
  12. OK, I'm back to you. I lived in Alabama. As my current (and cleaner) hosts say, "Same, same. But different".
  13. An old Chiang Mai hand told me that often a family will pick the likeliest prospect (usually a girl) and send her out for English lesson in hope of uplifting the family. In NYC, a lot of those Korean Deli's have a whole village behind them. 'Can't believe it's any diff in India.
  14. Bob, do you see yourself perhaps mentoring a younger chav?
  15. The digital nomads are mostly imaginary. I live across the street from a big co-work space. I've never seen even a third person sitting inside at the same time. Yeah, chicken and waffles and BBQ are def thinning the Trump Trash Herd. That and anti-vaccination madness. Sweet!
  16. In America, much less taste for Thailand for GenX and below. They prefer Mexico. In my Thai language class, it's 50% S.Asian, Other Asian, Middle East. Are we but wooly mammoths before the fall into the tarpit? What does the demographic look like living here in 20 years?
  17. The eternal joke was that it was like the bar in Star Wars -it had all ages, types, and shapes. Many bragged about seeing amputee and midget hookers, but I have my doubts. Jerry Hopkins of Doors bio-fame is credited with the first reference. I recall a male bathroom attendant who would massage you when you were trying to do your urinal biz. It was def a tip them to go away scenario.
  18. Any fans of the ol' Gospel Music here? Anyone ever seen it live? I was listening to this scorching live-in-the-church set as this morning's gym motivation selection (music stars at 1:57):
  19. Simply asking Trump Trash direct questions is like throwing water on a witch. Court's gonna be fun.
  20. Gotta sting that a coma victim beat your superman from his basement without breaking a sweat. Cards on the table time: Biden's a puppet, am I right? Who's the puppeteer? No running away muttering about deep state. It's name the puppeteer-time or get laughed out of the room. We're gonna need a name.
  21. He's running. What's your problem? He crimed, and now he has to go to court over it. In addition to running. What's your problem? Who exactly is not "letting" him run? If I steal a car, can I get over it by running for dog-catcher?
  22. I envy you your BKK options. Here in Nimman, brekkie doesn't start serving till 8 AM. Earlier delivery options are fast food and Starbucks. And an inedible vegan place with cashew cream cheese on a hard bagel. Most of your beautiful pics wouldn't fare well in arriving hot via Grab. Eggs tend to be a write-off 10 minutes outside of the frying pan. If I bother going out, there's a little cafe with homemade so-so spinach croissants and B+ hot drinks. At 8:30, it's about 2/3's full with laptop types staking out their spots. We take this as a sign that the tourist months are going to be heaving here and we need to stop procrastinating and get a Netspresso machine.
  23. Trump Trash kept yelling at me, Eff Your Feelings. For years on end. I feel great. Thanks for asking.
  24. I was promised liberal tears. Forever. What happened?
  25. Old people, with poor balance, + steep, uneven steps = crippled old people. Plus, the heat. He should walk on flat terrain in cool weather, have a little sit, and then walk back. Promise me you'll never become a physical trainer. It's about choices. I pluck half the crunchy noodles off the top of the Khao Soi. Two desserts, two decent cocktails a week. At the roof top bar near me, they have a plausible Mango and Sticky Rice Martini. So that would be a two for one for me. Prob have one on Sunday. But not with a burger and fries. Post-70, I have to pick. Sunset view of Doi Suthep. We go once a week https://www.theakyra.com/chiang-mai/dining/akyra-manor-rise-bar/?utm_source=google&utm_medium=organic&utm_campaign=gmb-rise-chiang-mai
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