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Everything posted by LaosLover

  1. What about having Bucks Fizz as an actual showbiz act? Matt Monroe was your Sinatra?
  2. Like, have you never been to a bar internationally in your adult life? America is Beyonce. The rest of the world is the Beyonce fan club. Even the Beyonce haters on Tik Tok -they can't ever get enough of Beyonce. So many rationalizations around that.
  3. What about school boy sodomization and inventing the gibbet? 2 can play at this game.
  4. Is can help the brother or the sister of may help? "Will you have sex with me?" "I may". Bit of a downer. I'm not making light of anyone's very real problems, tho that has sure worked for me with my own problems. 'Can't fault a single thing you or Wiggy have to say.
  5. This is the squishy language of alternative medicine losers, liars, and dimwits. What about the Power of Prayer? I'll bet that can work too.
  6. If you want to jump out of window (6 effing times, no less) and you're pinning your future survival on zinc tablets, you should def only ever book a room on the ground floor.
  7. Stolen from Rita Coolidge. Worth reading the Wiki.
  8. No one cares what you think, say, or do. It's like a super-power. Tho a lot of boomers want even more attention than before. -And so richly deserve the c-block drubbing to come.
  9. What's the term for alternative medicine that has actually been proven to work -even a little bit? Uh, I believe the term is just plain ol' Medicine. The alternative-prefix is solely for the gullible.
  10. One time, a Chinese stole my toast from the toast conveyor belt toaster-thingie. After I had sent it though 3 times to get it darker than off-white. Other than that, I got nothing .
  11. Was just reading Yahoo. 3 names put up. Candidates as exciting as a wax museum exhibition.
  12. "I'm outa gas and I really have nothing real to say".
  13. It will be another fake-moderate replacing him. But on the upside: No Trump Trash need apply. Sweet!
  14. Love this trope that absolutely strains to pretend that people who hate Trump talk like retards. Retard, meet mirror.
  15. As many a brit has said to me, when I lifted their drunken face off of a sodden bar mat: 'Just 'avin' a laff. No worries".
  16. Sweet that you took the time to really pad that out.
  17. When Buddha was asked about the afterlife, he grabbed a handful of leaves off of a tree. He said: "What I have taught you, compared to what is to be known, is like this handful of leaves compared to all the forests in the world. It is enough". So if Big-B said not to sweat it, and I wasn't sweating it to begin with, I'm declaring a win/win and celebrating with a bong hit.
  18. Most fascinating post ever?
  19. Shangri-la still has a Friday night buffet and buffet, also Kantary Grill. Some day, the concept of googling is going to rock your world.
  20. Why couldn't that guy have taken a shower to get unsweaty before his big video moment? Is a soap-dodger really anyone to be lecturing others about self-esteem?
  21. It's great to be old and completely check out on stuff like Katy Perry and just drift along. But even with my atrophied pop culture knowledge, I know that Katy Perry's day has come and gone. Next up: Millie Vanilli -a re-evaluation.
  22. I was drinking with some Lao politico types and I asked them why there were no anti-kiddy fiddler posters up in Chinese, just in English. They said: "They get offended. Westerners don't".
  23. Laughably made up statement. You may have had the bogan blues, but nothing you have said here indicates that you have suffered clinical depression. Wanna walk that back?
  24. We're trying to arrange a falafel-driven Chiang Mai-wide meetup. For you, at least they have Chang.
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