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Everything posted by LaosLover

  1. Ah, I love the sound of a rhymes with Wishhead hopelessly grasping after futile hope in the morning.
  2. Trump has def shut up. Well, his version of it. His last post was just a rehash of earlier whines. He's got nothing new to say. He's outa gas. Garland set up the repubs to demand the warrant. And now he's going to give to them. Good and hard.
  3. You'll always have SunnyinBangrak. How great is that?
  4. It's sooo great that after your joke bombed, you came back and flogged it again.
  5. Also likely: "I had no idea I had that stuff. Someone put Mark Meadows in prison immediately". Is Mark the leak? He's prob the most screwed of Trump's enablers. In the him and Jared choice, I pick Mark by a hair. Doh! I forgot; no speculation is allowed on the internet. I guess it's just a porn conveyance mechanism now.
  6. Good article in NY Magazine that has a great line about his lawyers: "You can't do this kind of cable news network BS-ing in real court. Ask Sidney Powell".
  7. PLEASE don't focus on the search warrant. Can't we just continue to run down the clock with more dishonest this and thating? I keep expect a Luke, I'm your father-moment with this guy and MicManus. Next up: They release the warrant, but for sane reasons, nuclear stuff isn't on it, or is redacted. Trump yells fake news, witch hunt. Problem: It then forces Garland to formerly charge him. Unlike Trump, Garland has a plan b, c, and d.
  8. Unless he renegs on his capitalized post ENCOURAGING release of ALL (conveniently unspecified) documents before 3 PM of Friday, it's going to be a great weekend to read CNN. I'm going to, you know, do my own research.
  9. Just in: Trump is now encouraging the release of the warrant (but still won't show his copy). Best guess: he will contest the warrant as fake, but STILL won't show his own copy.
  10. Oh, and the judge, not Saint Fatty, gets to decide if the warrant is released. Site of the inevitable trial? Fairly liberal Washington DC. Them's the breaks.
  11. If the AG is leaking stuff about nuclear codes etc. being in the big pile, that's too much of a ramp up of expectations and a climb down afterwards. They've got him, they've got him good, and miscreants like Ted Cruz are sweating that 3 PM deadline. I notice the trump defenders have cleared out here, other than one abstruse worrier about stuff, you know, just left lying around -which is virtually nobody's fault, am I right?
  12. A sense of internet entitlement seldom seen outside of OnlyFans. Bravo right back at you.
  13. The stable genyus signed a bill that made it a much worse felony to mishandle classified docs, hoping to ensnare Hillary. Asked for comment, Trump quoted Homer Simpson: "Doh!". If they've got him on felony -even a weak one- DeSantis is having the best day of his dour, killjoy life. Lock Him Up. Lock Him Up.
  14. I speak MickManus. Another translation: If every last person in his family and employment says it, but he doesn't say the magic may-word himself, then Trump is innocent. And a victim. This person is a just a time wasting troll. No further engagement ever.
  15. Shorter version: They found something damning. Now it's spin time to try to muddy the waters to keep the rubes on board and keeping on donating cash (to a billionaire, no less -supposedly).
  16. Are you on drugs or something ? Your usual I....I.....don't understand passive aggressive thing. Everyone understands me but you. Look at your likes in this discussion and look at mine. This is A Mel Gibson Jesus film-level beating you're taking. Time for you to go back to yelling at people in the pub who have the nerve to have sex in Thailand. You got nothing. Your guy's nothing. And now you're down to playing the befuddlement card. Gotcha.
  17. I speak MicManus. Translation: "I have no idea. I have no opinion. On my tombstone it will say, "A life well-steeped in maybe this, maybe that.".
  18. I said, Part Deux. To give this mess the Mighty Ducks terrible film-gravitas it deserves.
  19. Obviously, Pedant leg-clinger, I am quoting the person not far above me who is quoting Jesse Waters. You know that. You just want to remind people you're here and slow down the discussion. I believe the term in your native land is pub bore.
  20. I'm looking right this second at a Trump attorney saying that evidence was planted. Oh wait, wait, she said MAY have been planted. She has a "hunch". MAY is a special magic word that lets you say anything you want and then have unlimited wiggle room, to say whatever pops in your crazy noggin, like the mind reader above: "Uh, I said magic-may, am I right? I'm claiming my liar's get outa jail free card for making stuff up". Why doesn't Trump call her on the phone and tell her to stop saying magic-may?
  21. So running away from what your sources are. As black people used to say in vaudeville: Feets, do yo' stuff.
  22. A "hunch". To anyone other than Mick McManus, this is the equivalent of: "It came to me in a dream".
  23. Man, Poor low on the totem pole Eric gets the dismal job of speaking to The Daily Mail, typically viewed as bird cage lining even among the other red top brit newspapers. Not even wild life rapist Don Jr. This is like you watch the 3 Stooges and get stuck with a Shemp episode. Or go see Slade and find out Noddy doesn't tour. Sometimes, if they can't get a real guest, he get's to go on Hannity for some extra gentle handling. It's great to read about brit oldies here who still (still) cherish a newspaper about The Royals, dog's antics, and naughty vicars. If Trump's surrogates are out everywhere saying evidence was planted, and he's not correcting them, then he endorsing this wacky claim by default, oh, hairsplitting, racist-apologist, friendless Pedant. If it were Obama, would he let others speak for him? No, Obama was not a weasel. Obama spoke in declarative sentences. Your guy is incapable. He can show his non-existent tape any day of the week. He can show the warrant. He's got nothing.
  24. So Trumpies: Why THOSE boxes? What's in 'em? Why'd he feel the need to take them? And then hold on them so fiercely? Do any of you believe it was all just stuff he declassified? If so, why keep 'em? He's already walked back the declassification story by the way. Any curiosity -at all? Or would "the narrative" be unflattering.
  25. Can you share the goldmine you will be gleaning to get your backpacker facts?
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