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Everything posted by LaosLover

  1. Annnnd he wins the thread.
  2. Gender studies started and are much more popular in Europe. If you think "Americans" are out to get you, consult a psychiatrist.
  3. I applaud your wisdom on staying on the ferry, the area around the terminal is pretty nothing. But your story dates you; post 9/11, you have to exit the ferry and wait a half hour for the next one. On the other hand, they have a nice, big fish tank to entertain you for 2.5 of those minutes. I thought people would be asking me about P4P in Haiti. It costs a dollar, don't wear a condom, wear a space suit.
  4. In Appalachia where I live, it's about 80 baht a gram. Maybe I'll pack along my own. What could go wrong?
  5. I urge you to get in touch with Sparktrader to take Australian-lessons from him.
  6. I'm sorry, but you seem to be the only joke-averse person ever born in otherwise blooey-bloke Australia. The only Ayler I care about is Albert (that's for GammaGlobual to hopefully post a YouTube on).
  7. I'm saying that Australia is Utah (dramatic dessert scenery, rugged individualism) WITHOUT Mormons. Or on average, decent looking women. I can see why you're all in Thailand. Olivia Newton John was a steep outlier.
  8. For Americans, a shrimp on the barbie is the existential Australian reality from a popular tourism tv commercial of my youth urging people to spend giant money to visit what is essentially Utah without Mormons. More the point, why is a chicken parm sandwich so dire over there when its the semi-national dish? Excuse me, a parmie. I wanted to organize a kind of Italian-American culinary peace corps to explain this dead-simple dish to you. The fact is that I agree with you about 92%. If only I agreed in the propah form.
  9. .....And even tho MicManus is a pub bore at Eye Magazine pseud's corner levels, he does -inadvertently- make the case that there there less -but certainly not zero- racial tension in England, compared to the states. I used to love to go to Nottinghill Carnival every year. Going to a Carib street festival in Brooklyn is much less welcoming. Indeed, going to a carnival in the Carib is much less welcoming. But London is much more racially benign than the rest of the UK. It's like thinking that Greenwich Village, NYC is typical of the states.
  10. White boyfriends -racism's most victimized class.
  11. So Beardo -make that UK Beardo- in the TikTok is tediously worried about UK racism. And then "Where am I?" keeps saying that there is no UK racism. And then Throw a Shrimp On the Barbie is just concerned that the debate is in the "right form". is this the worst thread devolution ever?
  12. I worked in a 50% African American office for most of my career. It's true, the only black people in senior positions were Caribbean. American African Americans weren't considered classy enough. Def some inter-black bad blood over that.
  13. Talking about racism making people racist is literally a Tucker Carlson talking point. "Where am I? Is this the Fox News Board? No wait, again, people are getting laid here, so it can't be." "I...I feel so lost".
  14. "I pretend to have a personality by nitpicking over nothing to disinterested people who I couldn't pick out of a police line up on the internet".
  15. Does it really kill you to say X instead of Y? Why not give people the reasonable respect they ask for? Why is this such an issue for you?
  16. "I'm English. When I run out of argument game, passive aggressive stock phrases are all I have. It's genetic. I can't help it."
  17. "Why can't strangers who I don't know from my hole in the back talk the way I want them to talk on an internet forum that's mostly for laughs? How'd I get here?" "Why won't they talk like me an Beardo -like I prefer? Where's the good faith?" "I know for sure I'm some kind of moderator here who can pick the topics. If only I knew where I was".
  18. "Wh-Wh-Where am I?" "I crave good form, but people just keep talking to me like normal people do. Where can I find the good form I crave?" "Where is that place so I can go there? From wh-wh-wherever I actually am at the moment?".
  19. You can also just pop over to Bumrungrad without an appointment and get seen to -partic these days. I'm a fan and think their premium service Is worth their premium price -partic as a tourist who wants help fast. Warning: Thailand is pretty stingy with pain meds. You'll be lucky to get Tylenol with codeine. Much sympathy to your wife.
  20. "Where am I?" "Is this the Eton Hall debating club? No wait, it looks like these people are actually getting laid, so it can't be". "Uh, where am I?"
  21. "Where am I?" "Is this the Supreme Court? I want to ponderously debate nothing at all -at length. In the Supreme Court". "How did I end up in this goofy collection of ex-mongers and drunks?" "Uh, where am I?".
  22. Time for you to find another leg to hump. I notice a lot of waffling about "not the same racial issues" and "not the same racial division" in the UK. So you can then argue endlessly how it's "not the same". But if the UK is a racial paradise, why is Beardo wailing so mournfully -like your mom did after you were conceived?
  23. Just too nitpicky not to laugh out the room. Did that pub bore specifically say that he was only talking about the UK? NO. I lived in England for many years. Their obsession with black injustice in the US was a little on crazy side. When Obama was running there was much bad taste mirth about, "I hope he doesn't get shot". America is like Madonna. England is like the Madonna fan club. And yes, plenty of police bias against black people (partic. of Jamaican origin) in the UK. Will I be your google chump and go collect links for your passive aggressive satisfaction? No.
  24. Nah, the topic is angry white men. In general. Who died and made you moderator? For confirmation, use the brains that god gave you and read the thread title at the top of the page.
  25. You're painting into a corner with OzMoron ("please, go out of your way to forget I was even here -just remember my boring message") and madcap beardo in the tik tok. It's a statistical fact that black people are a bazillion times more likely to die in custody with the police. Excuse me. Po-leeeece.
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