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Everything posted by LaosLover

  1. For me it's more like High rise apartment with a good balcony with some herbs in big pots Intellectual time-wasting with fellow Thai-oholics Coconut, sure, hard to beat Meditation in the Thai Forest Tradition, maybe a pop back in to that famous forest wat in Ubon. Mega-Dream.
  2. I was mostly an analyst for NYC Subway. I'm more likely to have met Elvis -or a hi-so- than a CEO, tho I did once work closely with a production assistant on the film, Money Train. Unless you really, really want to see a specific kind of subway car -designed for the film, Money Train- I can't really recco the film, Money Train. Tho Rosie Perez was lovely at a meet and greet. My critical Money Train support was the highlight of a plush life mostly writing interesting subway reports that no one ever read. And now I'm going on to milk the student visa process writing some thesis's that no one will ever read. It's what I do. It's who I am -an intellectual grifter looking for a soft perch. You've met the CEO's, not me. Again, terms of service prohibits me from commenting on brit-osphere class neurosis and its deeply comic side.
  3. In your experience, what percentage of Thai women genuinely prefer western men? I have read overwhelmingly here that they prefer western men for financial reasons. There's a very googlable article about how these relationships change as the man moves towards death's door. In the end they're (very understandably) just waiting for you to go so they can get on with their life. They regret the soul-sucking years of caretaking waiting for a pay off.
  4. I read the terms of service. You can gas on forever offering up only sullen and incomprehensible resentment, but I'm not really allowed to make fun of you back. I can live with that. I'm always a surprised at how little the average poster here is interested in the rich culture here. It's like moving to France for the French fries. To be able to gain insight via academics -and great voices such as yourself- is a literal life time dream come true for me.
  5. I went to school. I did well. Life's been great. I'm going back to school -in a dead easy, super-friendly place. And I'm going to do well. Again. Don't hate me, be me. At the Master's level, that's where you really get to just coast and pretty much study just whatever you want. I specifically put in "name brand master's degree" to elicit a response from that specific contributor. Fish, barrel, shoot.
  6. I'm going to go to grad school in Bangkok or Chiang Mai. It will sort out a long-term visa, be dead-easy compared to the west, and bring me in to contact with positive people -including perhaps the rarely encountered by white men hi-so. I'll def report back. I know from reading here that it's easier to meet Elvis then this sniffy and elusive group. I can see myself racking up useless degree after useless degree (Asian Studies, Print-making etc.). It's a few thousand dollars a year for me and my wife to be perennial students. And those big name uni's look pretty plush. I already have a name brand school Master's degree, so getting admitted will be a doddle.
  7. Yeah, an ice breaker to a stilted conversation sontum date. Just keep tossing out the aroi dee's and hope for some groinal moisture to accrue, I guess.
  8. The legendary George Best quote: "I spent all of my money on birds, booze, and fast cars. The rest of it I just squandered".
  9. Yeah, but they have to think YOU'RE cute to get a payday. I had a successful career in sales. And that was down to NOT trying to sell iceboxes to Eskimo's. It was about finding someone who wanted the piece of junk icebox I was stuck with shilling. Or finding out what an eskimo wanted and then flogging that. But Eskimo "game" is useless.
  10. If they're already into me, then long life experience shows that then I can even be a bit of a bad guy and still get over. I can skip the nice guy audition at the cashier check out counter. If I'm extremely good looking and flashing status, my sense of humor can fall a fair bit short of great. The next question is: for what plausible reasons would a much younger woman who doesn't speak much English, who would vastly prefer someone of similar ethnicity, and has a generally negative opinion of westerners be into me? Especially right from the get-go? Flipping it around, if some middling attractive older woman -who I was not into- was polite, assertive, and funny, would that move the dial for me? What if I had a set in stone opinion that that particular variety of middling attractive older women stunk to high heavens too? I can come back from, "you're ugly" -and have in my life time, triumphantly even. But "you stink" is a sexual death sentence.
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