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Everything posted by FriendlyFarang

  1. Do you mean the TM7? Just use a pen and change it.
  2. He can't change the type of his non-immigrant visa, but it's also not necessary He simply applies for a one year extension for being married to a Thai.
  3. Yes, possible, but afaik you have to be enrolled for at least a year before you can continue paying it by yourself. If you work for less than a year than you can't continue paying it by yourself
  4. My gf assumes that it means hard sex
  5. If something doesn't require any skills you are competing for it with people from third world countries where 5$ a day is a good income, so your income would be lower than that.
  6. 5 min / 15 min That suits my needs
  7. Some IOs at airports make problems when people enter repeatedly with visa exempts, because in their personal opinion these people stayed too long in Thailand. If you get denied they send you back where you came from. At most land borders you can be certain to have no problems. Also not everybody lives close to an airport with international flights, and thus a land border crossing might be easier and cheaper.
  8. This is mostly the case, but not always. The bills can be in the name of somebody else. I know for a fact that my girlfriend's home is owned by her grandfather, but the bills are in her mom's name. Can definitely be changed, just go to the local PEA office. It could of course happen that you run into problems due to being a foreigner, but for a Thai it would definitely be no problem.
  9. Aftermarket shocks are harder than the stock shocks, they don't make the ride smoother.
  10. https://www.immigration.go.th/en/?p=14721 Probably not
  11. They are allowed to enter, how it's handled exactly depends on the moobaan. In my current moobaan security takes a picture of their ID card and vehicle when they enter and notes to which house they go. Occasionally they ask the rider to have a look on their app to see the destination, or might even follow the rider to the house to make sure everything is ok.
  12. Recently ordered a Samsung phone on the banana it website: https://www.bnn.in.th No problems, came with DHL.
  13. Thanks for all the replies, I look it up and see what I can find there. It's mainly the added layer of security, we are not always at home. With children it's also better to be able to take a stroll right from home, without all the hazards from traffic or soi dogs. Having a communal swimming pool is also nice to have, a private one is overkill.
  14. I'm currently looking for a 4 bedroom house for rent in Chiang Mai, in a gated community, but I get the impression that nearly all of such houses have only 3 bedrooms. Are there any gated communities offering 4 bedroom houses, if so what's their name? Then I could ask there directly.
  15. The first picture is the current sell/buy rate for gold bars per baht the second is the buy rate for gold jewelry, the first one per baht, the second per gram
  16. The compulsory insurance always pays. What percentage of Yamaha Finn owners do you think have voluntary insurance? Probably 0.1% tops.
  17. Yamaha is probably aware that nobody cares about this anyway
  18. Will depend on the shop, some might offer it. But be prepared that they add 3-5% to cover the credit card fees.
  19. According to Google there are various shops.
  20. The owner is the person on the chanote. The blue house book doesn't show ownership.
  21. There is no need to leave the country. You use the standard TM7 form to apply for the extension.
  22. Then you could transfer some money to your friend and he could issue you a receipt for your payment.
  23. Agoda (other platforms probably the same) keeps the money until you actually stay at the property, only on this day, or maybe even later, the money gets released to the property. Thus a hotel wouldn't issue you a payment receipt beforehand, because they didn't get the money yet.
  24. What is the question here? If the name is misspelt you should have it corrected. (First the ID card, then the bank account)
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