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Everything posted by FriendlyFarang

  1. I don't run a shop or restaurant which has walk in customers, so the things that I am doing, or were doing, are not visible to the public. Do they actually randomly check foreigners for work permits etc.? I think this hardly ever happens. I assume they only check if somebody complains. So be nice to everybody around you, respect them etc. so that nobody will complain about you. If you start a business which is in competition to other businesses nearby, then this could of course cause problems because nobody likes rivalry. Thais do hardly know anything about visas, work permits, etc. though. So unless you tell them that you are working without work permit, they probably won't even have this thought. Are you in local competition with other foreign owned/managed businesses? If not, there is really not much to worry about.
  2. This matter here has nothing to do with immigration. Where is the blue house book in which she is registered?
  3. A while ago the manufacturer's specs were always way too low, nearly impossible to achieve. But with the new testing cycles it's realistic. I just looked it up for the two cars that I drive, and my fuel consumption is about at what the manufacturer states. This implies a more conservative driving style, but definitely realistic when driving in varying situations. If you drive 90% in Bangkok traffic than your average consumption will of course be higher than what the manufacturer states. So just Google for the fuel consumption of whatever car you are interested in and multiply it with the current petrol cost, this answers your question quite accurately. To get a ball park figure, if you just assume somewhere in the 200-250 Baht per 100km range then you won't be too much off.
  4. I just checked the documents again which they gave me, these are "must haves", and official documents: Immigration (non-B visa conversion, as well as extension for working): Withholding income tax return (this is for your employees) for the last 3 months. VAT filing for the last 3 months. Department of employment for the work permit: Social insurance payment for the last month. VAT filing for the last 3 months. Then in addition to this both told me that they want to see that the company is actually operating, so if I would submit VAT filing without any income or expenses they would not approve visa or work permit. Regarding "my accountant told me": I started my company last year, I'm currently at accountant number 5. The previous ones didn't even know much about how to do regular company stuff or how to do taxes, some of them also offered to help me with visa stuff... forget it. Is your company vat registered yet? You will then get this document: This is also required for visa/work permit, took 6 weeks from registering for VAT until they sent me this document.
  5. The guy above says he can hear the difference between 320kbit to lossless on the stock speakers in his Toyota... Many people claim that they can hear the difference, but if you would actually let them do a blind test they wouldn't, it's just in their imagination. Same with people who "feel" the extra power in their car if they use premium fuel.
  6. According to this study only 1 out of 580 people could hear a difference between 256kbit and lossless: https://cdvsmp3.wordpress.com/cd-vs-itunes-plus-blind-test-results/ Maybe you just belong to the 0.1% who have golden ears, but then you should not generalize.
  7. 2 months 555 The absolute minimum is 3 months before you could apply for one, and this is if everything goes smooth. They require the income tax return from your company, which is done at the end of a financial year, which is usually the end of the calendar year. You can do it sooner though, but if you want to do it a few days after you opened the company, I'm not sure if this is possible. You have to register for VAT, and you need to file VAT at least for 3 months, because they want to see the last 3 VAT reports. And these VAT reports shouldn't just be empty reports, without any income or expenses, because they want to see proof that your business is actually operating. They also want to see that you paid social insurance for your 2 (or if not married 4) employees for 3 months. You can negotiate regarding full time or part time employees, because there is actually no written rule that they have to be full time employees, it just states the number of employees. So the business has to be operating for at least 3 months before you can apply for a work permit. Immigration as well as department of employment are aware of this though. I was in the same situation, and both told me that they understand that I just can't apply for a non-B visa or work permit in the first few months after opening the company, and they don't mind.
  8. To some degree yes, which is why I assigned 5% to it. With a slightly decent setup you can hear a difference between 128kbit and 256kbit mp3. But to hear a difference between 256kibt and FLAC.... probably not, even with a high end setup. And I can assure you that having carpet vs. no carpet in your room makes a much bigger difference than 256kbit vs FLAC. Way more important than the bitrate is by the way how it was mastered, but this is not so easy to compare. Due to the loudness war ( https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Loudness_war ) many masterings are bad, and you have to look specifically for good masterings of songs. A good mastering in 128kbit probably sounds better than a bad mastering in FLAC.
  9. Before trying to improve audio quality through esoteric stuff like super expensive cables, or thinking about which audio format is the best, everybody should start with these points, they have much more impact: 1. Put carpet in the room 2. Move the speakers a meter or two away from the walls and make sure you sit in a stereo triangle 3. No windows or doors behind or in front of the speakers To put this in numbers, the impact on the sound is probably something like this: 20% quality of speakers/amp 74% your room (and most of this are the three points mentioned above, followed by acoustic panels etc.) 5% source material 1% cables etc
  10. Obviously a scam, when you open the link they probably ask you for personal details, banking information etc. If they wanted to refund you anything they could just deduct it from your bill next month.
  11. Update: Turns out that they will actually install the cable to the front of the land for free. The guy at the PEA office had to see the chanote and then look it up on his computer to see if it's free for me or not.
  12. When braking hard the rear brake has nearly no impact. I agree with the previous poster, it sounds like you use the rear brake too much. Most of your stopping power should come from the front brake, there is a reason that it's much stronger by design. If we assume that the shop correctly refilled the brake, and he also inspected the pads and rotors and they are in good condition, then imho your problems can only result from some kind of leak (the tube, or a connector, or a cylinder), or a faulty cylinder.
  13. Considering that they are probably breaking many laws, should not be too difficult to get at least one of the authorities interested in this case. Obviously you have to do more than calling the moo baan lady who doesn't give a crap.
  14. You can already buy this in Thailand, not made by Tesla, but by local Thai manufacturers. Here one from Google as example: https://akingwall.com/ The folding concept is new though, but I don't really see the advantage of it. You need to take all the furniture out, put the furniture in one truck, and the house on the other. Without folding you just put two boxes with the furniture still in them on two trucks. OP, why didn't you buy a house like this already?
  15. Land can be sold through power of attorney, there was no need for him to attend in person.
  16. There is no need to change to non-o, they can directly apply for a retirement extension when they stop working.
  17. No The best way to do it is to get a letter from your employer which states that you stop your work with them in two weeks. Then you take this letter to immigration who will cancel your extension to the date stated. You can then apply for another extension. If there should be any difficulties you have 2 weeks to sort them out. At the date stated in the letter, or the day after, you go to cancel the work permit.
  18. How much would you have been willing to pay for this service?
  19. Nearly zero, the little demand that might exist won’t make a profitable business
  20. pre-charged means it's charged already
  21. Most people who say they "self insure" just say this to feel better, the majority of them have way too little money to self insure. I think for many of them the 800k that they have in their bank account counts as self insured. Everything under 5 million baht you can't really call "self insured". Let's say you now have 5 million baht, and are diagnosed with cancer, treatment might cost you 3 million. After you are done with cancer treatment your "self insure" budget is down to 2 million. How will you top this up to 5 million again? Do you go back to your home country for a few years where you would get free treatment, until you saved up another 3 million to be properly "self insured" abroad?
  22. If the condo is worth over 20 million (so each of you owns 10+ million), then maybe. If it’s worth less than that, then probably no.
  23. Only buy a bike if it has a green book. If you intend to buy it meet with the seller at the DLT, let them check the papers etc., and if they say everything is ok then hand over the money. Have somebody who has experience with riding these bikes do the test ride, if it just feels like crap when riding it might be quite expensive (in relation to the cost of the bike) to fix and I would just look for another bike. After the test ride check if the forks or shocks are leaking oil, these are the more expensive parts to fix. If it has LED headlights check that they are in good condition, as well as the tachometer, also relatively expensive. The only expensive thing left is the engine, but to tell if it has been flooded, or was run with too little oil is impossible to tell without taking the engine apart. If it runs smooth you are probably good to go, but there is always a bit of risk left. The other stuff is cheap to fix and not much to worry about. Condition of tires, brakes etc. gives you room for negotiation, but it's all not really expensive. If the current tires look like they would need replacing ask for a 1000 baht discount for this, etc.
  24. Which lengths? All she did was drive through the M-Flow lane, it was actually the easiest thing to do. Red plated cars can't be registered for M-Flow, so she would have had to use the regular toll booths (cash or Easy Pass), using the M-Flow lane saved her time. She probably thought that due to the fake license plate she would not be caught. According to the signs posted the fine for avoiding tolls is 10 times the actual fee, so in this case she should have to pay a 70k fine.
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