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Everything posted by FriendlyFarang

  1. I got pulled over at the big police checkpoint on Highway 32, which is operating nearly every day. Not the first time getting pulled over there, usually they just want to check if the red license plate on the car is legit. They inspected the license plate, but they also told me that I was going too fast. The police officer swiftly (like a second or two) showed me the picture of the car on his phone and then zoomed in on the speed, which showed 124km/h. I said that I doubt that I was going too fast because I pass here often and just set my cruise control at 120km/h and was never suspected of speeding. But he insisted that I was 4km/h too fast and would have to pay 500 baht fine for this. No tea money, but an official fine, he even told me that they could send me the fine in the mail if I preferred this. Then I requested to see the picture again, and upon closer inspection I noticed that this isn't my car, it was of the same brand and same color, but a different model. I also noticed that the picture didn't even show the license plate, it was cut off. So I pointed this out, upon which he was "oh, one moment", and started doing something on this phone. After 10 seconds he had another picture, claiming that the first picture was wrong but this one is the correct one. Again, same brand, same color, but different model, definitely not my car, license plate again cut off. Did you ever experience this?
  2. Probably off by 10%, so in case of 500g it would show 550 The article didn’t say anything immigration or work permit related, so the vendor probably has Thai citizenship
  3. Your non-o visa sticker says that you got it in London.
  4. They are not an insurance company, they are just brokers, so they sell policies from other companies. (Just for information, that's not meant as critic) I have my motorbike insured through them, but at least in my case they are just the broker, because my policy is by LMG, and when I did a claim I had to interact with the LMG representative, but everything went ok, no complaints, so would recommend them as well. I think only cars are insured directly by them, but maybe others here can share their experience as well, have a look at the policy document which you got from them and let us know which company it actually is.
  5. The "cheap" oil is probably semi synthetic oil, which is what the manufacturer also puts in the bike and which is according to the specs of the owner's manual. You might now have opted for the premium 100% synthetic oil which costs twice as much and doesn't provide any benefits if you regularly change the oil anyway. By calling the standard oil cheap they successfully up-sold you the premium oil. This is something that I also noticed and don't understand why, but that's how it is. That's standard, same as tires, hardly anybody changes this at a dealer. Just go to one of the many battery shops to get a new battery. Looking at the prices, this should be OEM parts, after market parts should be cheaper, but of course it totally makes sense that you clarify this beforehand, not that they sell you overpriced aftermarket parts. This is by the way not a new fork, just a fork rebuild.
  6. They can work if they currently have an extension which allows them to work, an extension for retirement doesn't allow work. But if let's say they initially entered with a non-O for retirement, but do now have an extension for having a Thai spouse, or an extension for working, then they can work. Of course they need a work permit as well. Somebody with a retirement extension should be able to apply for a work permit, and after having confirmation that the work permit is being processed they should be able to change their extension to one for working and then subsequently be issued the work permit.
  7. You have to ask your department of employment, not immigration. You should be able to apply for a work permit, and then after this immigration would cancel your retirement extension and give you an extension for working. But department of employments are known to be difficult. For example my local office refuses to let a tourist visa holder apply for a work permit, even though the first clause on the work permit application form states something along the lines of "for holders of non-immigrant or tourist visas".
  8. You think you can just get another person's bank statements? Lol Obviously this has to go through police / court, if the court agrees that the evidence which you provided is sufficient, then they (or police) might request the statement from the bank.
  9. That's what Thai law says: Somebody could now argue that driving a car to buy groceries would fall under house management and family necessities, and thus debt from an accident would fall under this category. Just speculation, I have no idea how a court would rule regarding this.
  10. Oh ok, didn't know this, I used my girlfriend's truemoney app. I guess most people here have a Thai girlfriend/wife so just let them order it for you.
  11. Microsoft sells the key for 4000+ baht and you really wonder if a key for 300 baht is legit? Clearly not legit, but they still might work though... You can also find those "discounted" keys on many other websites, ebay etc., why the focus on amazon? https://www.microsoft.com/en-us/howtotell/Shop.aspx
  12. Yes, if they enforce being in possession of a driving license probably 90% of motorcycle renting shops will close.
  13. There is nothing special for you to do. Maybe they inquire about your previous work when you apply for another extension for working, or maybe they don‘t care at all, nothing to worry.
  14. That's why there is an IDP, easily understandable and looks nearly the same in any country.
  15. You entered Thailand at some point in January or February as a tourist, and then your tourist entry was converted to a non-B at immigration, right? In this case you can stay in Thailand until 11th June with your current permission to stay.
  16. Is your current permission of stay directly from a visa or did you apply for an extension?
  17. If a car has red plate but no book then the plates are probably fake. At first the dealer gave me such fake plates (but he informed me about this, also just plates no book), because they didn't have any real red plates available, then two weeks later I got real red plates with the book. I assume the question is related to motorcycles, because it's in the motorcycle section: In most provinces you don't get red plates for a motorbike, you just ride without them. Police is aware of this and I never had a problem in a police checkpoint, when asked I simply told them that I just recently bought it, but the newish condition and odometer of the bike also verified this.
  18. I was asked to pay a 60 baht processing fee when submitting a TM30 in person. I insisted to get a receipt, then it was suddenly free of charge. Due to the defamation laws I won't name the office, no need to ask for it.
  19. I've read here that it's open. But before I would make a long journey there, I would simply call at the border and ask them if it's really open, then you know it 100%, because things can always change: https://goo.gl/maps/222HRsamfdz23UQb9 If the border checkpoint doesn't answer the phone you could also call Tak Immigration instead. If you let your Thai girlfriend call make sure that she asks if "farang" can use the crossing, because a border crossing might be open for Thais but not for us.
  20. You can order the easypass device through the truemoney app, it costs the regular 300 baht as in any easypass office, you just pay 52 baht extra for shipping
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