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Everything posted by DezLez

  1. Thank god! PS; It is not quite a "generation" as Labour left office in 2010 and a generation is normally thought of as approx 30 years! From WIKI A generation refers to all of the people born and living at about the same time, regarded collectively. It can also be described as, "the average period, generally considered to be about 20–⁠30 years, during which children are born and grow up, become adults, and begin to have children.
  2. I suggest you provide a link when you make a reference such as "Mac already provided it. It doesn’t help either of you." Without a link nobody knows what you are referring to, mind you that is not unusual in certain cases! It also helps if you look at the timings of post and edits before referring to them, or not in your case,
  3. "Mac already provided" what and what does "it" not help? I did not realize that this was a puzzle forum with people pulling figures out of very thin air and postng them along with riddles. Please explain your post! PS; ADMIN Please bring back the "confused" button and save me having to type this!
  4. I still don't see the point as I will end up drinking the half empty bit of the glass and probably make a spectacle of myself!
  5. Where is that heavy breathing emoji when you need it?
  6. But was that not a butt plug that you ordered Sir?
  7. You've been to that #$%# Club have you?
  8. I quote "The data, gathered by the UN, was based on a nationally representative telephone survey of 1,000 adults" and printed in the Guardian which also says " according to estimates of hunger in the UK." from that survey! Also please note that the article is 6 years old and is fronted by the Food Foundation who state at the top of the "article" "Food Foundation reveals scale of food insecurity, with 4.7 million thought to be regularly going a day without eating" The foundation estimates that 4.7 million people aged over 15 were severely food-insecure, meaning they were to (sic) poor afford enough food and sometimes went without. A further 3.7 million were classed as moderately food-insecure. The data, gathered by the UN, was based on a nationally representative telephone survey of 1,000 adults. The foundation said although the survey methodology was robust the low sample size meant the findings should be treated as preliminary." As that is only a preliminary report from 6 years ago where is the follow up substantive report?
  9. Who is "your" and "they" in your post?
  10. And you consider that a basis for your quote "8 million people in the UK can’t afford regular meals," Please provide some actual proof rather than a "telephone survey" (sic) of 1,000 people. (Possibly phoned from a Guardian mailing list!)
  11. I just can't "see" this joke! ???? Are there any far seeing teachers, or better still pupils, who can give some insight to this unsightly problem?
  12. Not to "8 million people in the UK can’t afford regular meals,"
  13. This is your statement "8 million people in the UK can’t afford regular meals," It is up to you to prove your figures, not me!
  14. This is from the same article which you seem to have missed in almost it's entirety! "But members of Conservative associations as well as local councillors said they were “delighted” by how the contest played out. Tom Herman, from Hoveton, who is deputy chairman of North Norfolk Conservatives, said that North Norfolk Conservative MP Duncan Baker, who backed Mr Sunak, “consults very widely in the constituency – not just among Conservative Party members – and listens to those views and makes an informed decision on who to back for leader”. “That to me is equally democratic,” Mr Herman said. “He really has his finger on the pulse of the constituency.” "Roy Aldcroft, a Conservative councillor at Shropshire Council, said: “I’m very pleased it has been sorted out, that we will now have a clear path to sort out the many problems that we will be facing this winter. “The fact that we did not get an opportunity to vote, I’m sure some members were quite upset about that but to be quite honest we need to put the country first.” Carole Jones, a Conservative councillor for Dorset Council, also said: “I’m quite pleased we didn’t have a vote,” adding she is “more than happy” with the outcome. “If our MPs do not get behind Rishi (Sunak) now, when we come up for election, people like us will be mullered,” she said before telling them to “get their bloody act together”. Ramji Kanji Chauhan, deputy mayor of Harrow, said he agrees that the quick leadership process has been better than going to a vote among members. “With a vote, it goes on for a long time, we make the country unsettled,” he told PA. Meanwhile, Elizabeth Campbell, leader of Kensington and Chelsea council, said: “I’m absolutely delighted that Rishi is going to be prime minister. “I think we need stability now,” she said, adding that the turbulence has been difficult for councils who need “clarity” so they can plan. On Mr Sunak, Mrs Campbell said he is “sensible”, “clever” and “decent”, adding: “It is quite nice to have a grown-up back in control.”
  15. That seems to be what you are doing with any hard evidence!
  16. Which proved nothing apart from bias and lack of facts!
  17. We have asked for a reliable source quoting facts, not telephone polls of 1000 etc, but so far just hot air! I do not think anyone denies that there are people in poverty in the UK and around the world but unsubstantiated figures demean, not help their argument!
  18. Sorry! I was not getting at you. I was trying, unsuccessfully, to back up your comments about people not understanding, or wishing to understand, how the system actually works,
  19. Someone does not appear to know the difference between Party MPs selecting a unanimous winner and the members of a political party who did not therefore need or be required to vote. The leader of any party needs the backing of MPs to get their legislation through the house, not the vote of the party members!
  20. There is no longer a "British Empire" Just Britain and the "Commonwealth of nations"!
  21. Cr@P! Get the kids exposed to different languages from different accents and nationalities!
  22. Not so much sticky as bound up in more than red tape! Could they force me to stay with my end of the bargain?
  23. Do they have a 14-day refund policy?
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