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Everything posted by DezLez

  1. Why? What harm are the premises and occupants doing you? Are you jealous that perhaps you do not fit in?
  2. Bit of an over dramatic set of statements regarding raids on illegal activity, which I believe the majority of tourists will be neither interested in, or even know where to find!
  3. I'm definitely not Japanese but it seems I should come into the above equation! Is there something I can do about this?
  4. Why were you both wearing your mum's clothes? The family a bit kinky? Ps; Sorry about the editing problem above
  5. I think leaving the hand brake on was not what the doctor meant when he said he wanted the wife to be in labour earlier rather than later!
  6. Shocking attitude by today's workers! it will lead to the death of corporal punishment as we know it! Bring back hanging is all I can say!
  7. Damm it! I misread the above and thought that a man had been jailed with Sir K Starmer!
  8. I am a sucker for all embracing research with tentacles in all sorts of interesting places!
  9. I for once agree with you. Especially as you are not in charge otherwise we would all be ash by now!
  10. My wife blocked me on Facebook because I post too many bird puns. Well, toucan play at that game.
  11. Guess who I bumped into on my way to get my glasses fixed? Everybody.
  12. I figured out why Teslas are so expensive. It's because they charge a lot.
  13. How many tickles does it take to make an octopus laugh? 10-tickles.
  14. So many people these days are too judgemental. I can tell just by looking at them!
  15. I've decided I want a pet termite. I'm going to call him Clint. Clint Eatswood.
  16. I said to my wife: 'When I die I'd like to die having sex.' She replied: 'At least it'll be quick.'
  17. Excuse me but I'm not a gambler so thanks for the tip! But when you "put £10 on", what or where do I put that £10 "to lose a tenner" onto, and what do I not put it onto if I do not want to lose it?" ????
  18. Which Marxist book did that quote come out of?
  19. What disastrous retreat to Dunkirk and what army captured? A retreat yes but not a disaster! The Dunkirk evacuation, codenamed Operation Dynamo and also known as the Miracle of Dunkirk, or just Dunkirk, was the evacuation of more than 338,000 Allied soldiers during the Second World War from the beaches and harbour of Dunkirk, in the north of France, between 26 May and 4 June 1940. For every seven soldiers who escaped through Dunkirk, one man became a prisoner of war. Not exactly "an entire army captured"! The BEF lost 68,000 soldiers during the French campaign and had to abandon nearly all of its tanks, vehicles, and equipment. In his 4 June speech, Churchill also reminded the country that "we must be very careful not to assign to this deliverance the attributes of a victory. Wars are not won by evacuations." Dunkirk evacuation - Wikipedia PS; As noted above I posted something similar to this earlier quoting the wrong person!
  20. What a sad and unnecessary comment!
  21. Why not ask your Thai Bank if they report your account to your home country? Which country in the "western world" are you referring to? There are many inter-governmental banking agreements! Are you referring to FACTA for instance. A bit more detail might give you a better answer from this forum. If you do not want to disclose here I suggest you ask Mr Google!
  22. The SNP seem to be in a bit of disarray! "Mutinous SNP MPs have forced Ian Blackford to quit as the party's Westminster leader in a major challenge to Nicola Sturgeon's authority and independence strategy." Ian Blackford ousted as SNP Westminster leader in major blow for Nicola Sturgeon (msn.com)
  23. Do you really understand the difference between "democracy" and "Junta"? Do I really have to explain that to you!
  24. But what elected authority did the so called government that "convicted" him have from the popular vote of a free people? - None. A Junta "Convicted" him. Not a democratic judiciary!
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