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Everything posted by DezLez

  1. A possible troll "click bait post" without the clicks! It great fun as we can now take the p!ss about the pr@t without him/her/it knowing!
  2. What a highly reputable source to quote! A South African Publication with 8 million readers per month! Can you come up with something more substantial please! Its website describes it as “a unique blend of news, information, analysis and opinion delivered from our newsrooms in Cape Town and Johannesburg, South Africa”. Daily Maverick is privately owned. The publication is funded predominately via philanthropy, commercial revenue, and reader support, the latter derived from Maverick Insider, the membership programme! Daily Maverick - Wikipedia
  3. So why did the above make the post if he/she is not interested and will not look at replies?
  4. Doesn't fit your implied description of a "Battalion" of men; only 84!
  5. The "Monaco Battalion"; All of 84 men! https://www.tellerreport.com/news/2022-08-29-the-monaco-battalion--the-shame-of-the-84-ukrainian-oligarchs-and-deputies-who-fled-the-war-to-live-in-luxury-on-the-riviera.r1x-qHc1o.html
  6. 24.9% of 1063 people polled is not exactly a "ringing endorsement" as implied in the headline!
  7. Might be too late by then!
  8. Why? There are many online options, here is just one; Free Fax Service: Send and Receive Faxes Online for Free (ifaxapp.com)
  9. Do you mean "make" some money? If not what does "MAJE" mean? Google is no help, too many answers!
  10. I just did not get it at first as all I could see was some weed!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  11. If she sharpens up it will soon be a pointless (s)exercise!
  12. The present world cup is only one example! There are many things on TV for example which suit people from different countries at different times of the day.
  13. But not necessarily to the rest of the community who may not be following this thread as assiduously as you seem to be!
  14. If from business, it was obviously not in Thailand. I have done it here! Staying open late, in a quiet(ish) tourist area, with your local BIB Seargent, given his appropriate brown envelope, you "advertise" the sport/TV programme to the nationalities in that area for their occasion(s) at the time that suit them. We are not talking about people coming out to watch EastEnders!
  15. If they could stay open till 4AM legally just now with the world cup they would make a fortune (legally)! We are talking tourists who have interests in different time zones!
  16. I agree entirely. Use WISE for monthly living transfers etc but not as a bank and not for the transfer of large sums.
  17. Would the possible use of a "smoking product" help explain your recent forgetfulness comment in the "worst Jokes" forum? ????
  18. So you believe that "confused" people should vote for Trump without knowing why! Don't you think (sorry you're a Trump supporter) that "confused" people should be given the facts/evidence etc and once they are unconfused, they can then make a meaningful decision as to who to vote for!
  19. They are not necessarily confused, just so single track minded that there is no possibility of any facts changing their one track "minds" (probably better to interpret that as "a brain cell")!
  20. *Deleted post edited out* I am not confused! You seem to be confusing yourself with Trump by claiming ""More than half of America is with me, and it's growing day by day." Please clarify who is following you and who is following Trump and who you claim God is backing.
  21. But you said they were following you! "More than half of America is with me, and it's growing day by day." Who is being followed or lead? You, Trump or God and which one is doing what to who?
  22. I think I would substitute extreme labour and or communist for "nationalist" in the above.
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