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Everything posted by DezLez

  1. So has the leader of the Labour Party in the last few days: Sir Keir Starmer insists he won't derail Brexit as he rules out a Switzerland-style deal (msn.com)
  2. You do not say where you are in Thailand so I suggest you just google; "Thailand "gammon steaks"" and you will get pages of responses!
  3. How can you post facts about the future? I accept there are lots of projections regarding future trends etc , but I do not count them as facts!
  4. The first Oxford English Dictionary citation is from a January 1983 Washington Post article: "Gross me out, I mean, Valley Girl was, like, ohmigod, it was last year, fer sure! I mean, get a life! Say what?" 1986: Appears in Baby Anger page 48 as "Get a life, people of New Jersey!" 1986: The phrase was used by actor William Shatner in his appearance in a December episode of Saturday Night Live, in which he shows up at a Star Trek convention and implores a group of Trekkies who are obsessed with the details of Shatner's life to move out of their parents' basements and "get a life."
  5. If that is your best example of your grammatical accuracy? ????
  6. Own up! How did you get that camera into my bedroom? PS; She wears the boxing gloves during sex to make my rather extensive manhood look smaller! It has nothing to do with our S&M fetishes!
  7. Why not? I think he would fit in well with all the single foot numpties they have at present!
  8. You have obviously never served in the military of any country and all serving and ex-service men and women of all nations will find your remarks as extremely offensive!
  9. So what? Undergraduates are/were students but not all students are/were undergraduates! I may have been a student of many subjects but may have never an undergraduate! As an (ex) undergraduate student I thought you would been educated enough to know the difference!
  10. Not if they are not at university! From the OED; undergraduate n noun a university student who has not yet taken a first degree.
  11. Of course they will if you have applied for a loan or mortgage or other application that requires an interview etc; You then arrange a mutually agreed time for the call at the Bank's expense. I agree however that you never accept a cold call from ANY organisation and do NOT use any phone number suggested by them as a call back, even if it is a number you recognise. Always call back onto a main switchboard/call center number from their website who will connect you to the legitimate caller, if there was one!
  12. Yea but not a leg to stand on!
  13. Will they shoe him in for another operation or just leg it?
  14. You said "I have yet to meet one who could hold a decent conversation - in English or Thai" Yes it offends me as you seem incapable of lifting your expectations and seem incapable of finding educated Thais to have an intelligent conversation with. Hence my bar comment! I am sorry if that bit offends you!
  15. "One who"? If you mean holding a decent conversation in English with a Thai person then you need to speak to more Thais, preferably outside of the local bar!
  16. I'm chronically depressed, but my spirits feel uplifted when I'm outside in the beautiful sunshine. I guess I must be Soular powered? ????
  17. After returning from a trip from the Sunshine State, a man tells his friend all the things he’d seen. “Did you know in Florida they use alligators to make handbags?” His friend says in amazement, “Wow, it’s crazy what they can make animals do these days.”
  18. I just spoke to Bill Withers. I told him “ain’t no sunshine” is bad grammar He said “I know I know I know I know I know I know I know I know”
  19. Why make the same post twice? The post was not funny the first time! Just crass!
  20. Well that would explain why a Buddhist country is poor at English then, won't it!
  21. I assumed that if you really did not comprehend the subject matter or content of the forum that you would have googled "Bolt Driver" and therefore not shown to this forum how much you need to get a life before making such a pointless post! Hence my attempt in my first post at giving you a "let out" by thinking, erroneously as it now transpires, that you were trying to be humorous!
  22. Let's give him/her the benefit of the doubt and assume it was meant to be humorous!
  23. He maybe wants to know so that he can put his earing in the correct ear and find his (new) suitable boyfriend!
  24. She can keep my wick active and light up me and my house anytime!
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