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Everything posted by NoDisplayName

  1. There are TWO bank letters required for the visa conversion/request application - proof of foreign source AND current balance. For annual extensions of stay, ONLY current balance letter is required. You are not required to prove foreign source again.
  2. How would it increase the IO's income? The extra fee goes to VFS Global for running the website/application. If the online system is providing an approved scan code to show at the desk, this reduces the IO's opportunities to deny applications.
  3. How so? Made an appointment at CW, took the bus across town, got the bank letter, then annual retirement extension and re-entry permit, followed by another cross-town bus. Total time at CW, including the bank-getting-the-letter part, was 90 minutes. spent twice as long on the bus.
  4. BATS! Oh, fergoshsakes, no! Only civilized escargot or mountain oysters for this fella!
  5. I dunno............might be for online registrations for the cellphone app. My single data point anecdote is: I've got a USA passport only, and I've opened both accounts in person. I can buy/sell mutual funds on offer by Bangkok Bank, and SET stocks thru Bualuang. YMMV
  6. That appears to be limits on using the online registration. Strange though, that a few tabs later it goes on to do FATCA for US citizens. Just go to Silom branch. Open mutual fund account. Walk five minutes up Silom Avenue to Bualuang Trading. Open brokerage account. I dunno what to say. I've got both, Bangkok Bank mutual fund account and Bualuang Trading securities account. US citizen. https://www.bualuang.co.th/?lg=en
  7. Are you sure about that? Bangkok Bank (and Kasikorn, too, I believe) let you open mutual fund accounts just like opening a standard savings account. Silom branch, first floor. You'll need either a work permit or "the embassy letter." Once you're set up, you can buy/sell mutual funds online. Very limited offereing. When you buy at the office, you'll get a passbook for each fund. https://www.bangkokbank.com/en/Personal/Save-And-Invest/Mutual-Funds Similar setup at Bualuang Trading. Open an account as a foreigner, no Thai ID card needed. SET stocks and a small number of mutual funds.
  8. At least with Bangkok Bank, you get what you get. Sometimes any transfer for any reason gets the FTT, sometimes not. The "long stay" transfer is most likely, but not guaranteed, to be listed.......by YOUR bank, in your bankbook as FTT. Doesn't really matter what Wise receipts show unless you're using them to prove on error at the receiving bank statement. The IO's should never need to see Wise receipts. All the IO needs is the passbook with FTT (or whatever code your bank uses) to indicate a foreign source, a guarantee letter showing the current balance, AND a bank letter confirming foreign sourced funds. So that's TWO bank letters for the initial visa application. And you mentioned "your" bankbook. Did you send the money to your account or to your aunt's account?
  9. Just buy a new free-standing monitor. You'll probably need one with both VGA port (for your Lenovo) and HDMI (for your next computer). This is the first one the popped up on Lazada. https://www.lazada.co.th/products/expose-3-19201080-monitor-238-75hz-hd-ips-desktop-gaming-led-i3341314669-s16600392328.html? If budget is tight, you can get used/refurbished from the IT guys at your local computer center.
  10. Wise maintains funds in their local accounts (methinks Kasikorn). When you transfer money from the Homeland, you send money from your local homeland bank to Wise's local homeland bank. Wise then sends money from their local Thai bank to your destination Thai bank. No money necessarily crosses borders. If you don't select "long-term stay" as the reason for the funds transfer, then your transfer may be coded as a domestic transfer from Wise's Thai bank to yours. Selecting the long-term option should result in your transfer receiving the coveted FTT coding, but this is NOT guaranteed.
  11. Stock and bond funds thru Bangkok Bank: https://www.bangkokbank.com/en/Personal/Save-And-Invest/Mutual-Funds/Fund-Prices Or their Bualuang Brokerage for individual stocks. Office near Bangkok Bank Silom branch: https://www.bualuang.co.th/
  12. I would expect treatment for "the munchies" would be an outpatient procedure.
  13. What are the actual requirements here? Must the investment retain the full value of 40 million baht for the entire three years, or will I be permitted to lose the full investment amount right off the bat?
  14. My girlff......umm, wife......got her apartment registered on the section 38 app and successfully submitted my information as residing with her. Downloaded and printed off confirmation cellphone screenshot. When applying for a non-O visa for retirement (mid-July) at CW we were NOT asked for the TM-30. The IO accepted a statement from my girlf....umm, wife....that I was living there, along with a copy of her lease and her ID card. When applying for the annual extension (end-Sep), the screener at desk #25 DID request the TM-30. Cellphone screenshot of the sec.38 registration was accepted.
  15. Hooray! Get TAT right on this for a new slogan! Thailand: Hub of artificially-bred short mackerals!
  16. Bank guarantee letter showing current balance can be obtained from any branch. Unless Joe says otherwise, the bank letter confirming transfer from overseas can only be obtained from the branch maintaining the account. Was the wise transfer coded as FTT or as a domestic transfer? Will YOUR immigration office accept wise PDF receipts?
  17. I I can't say 'bout Chiang Mai. Same-same but different. Best check the automotive sub-forum for the latest license requirements. Here's the DLT website. https://www.dlt.go.th/en/renew-license/ And a site where you do the required online training, and print off a scan code to show the clerk when you submit your application. https://dlt-elearning.com/
  18. Yes, it's legit. The embassy notary is only confirming you are you, and nothing more. They don't check any information that you put in the affidavit. It's a nice service ($50) providing a paper with an official government stamp that satisfies the little local bureaucrats. I had to get a similar "affidavit of singleness" to get hitched at the local office. Same sort of paperwork drill, notarized signature with no check that I am/was actually single. You'll need to book a slot for notary services. https://th.usembassy.gov/u-s-citizen-services/acsappointment/ This is an affidavit of residence from the embassy, nothing at all to do with immigration. You get this notarized paper in lieu of the certificate of residence from immigration. It's an either/or deal for DLT. Take the embassy notarized paper to DLT as proof of residence.....along with your US drivers license and health check.
  19. Haha! Yes! You fill out the standard "blank affidavit" with anything you like. The notary won't read it, doesn't care. You're only getting your signature certified confirming you are the person who said some stuff. https://th.usembassy.gov/wp-content/uploads/sites/90/blank-affidavit-bangkok-january-2019.pdf
  20. OP is in Bangkok, and won't get a residence certificate from CW unless he's got a long-term visa and has already done a 90-day report. He'll need to provide Chatuchak DLT with a US embassy affidavit of residence ($50).
  21. Explanation and photo here: https://banknotenews.com/?p=37863
  22. Keep the 800k in a dedicated account and there won't be any activity, unless you have a fixed account adding interest semi-annually. Stop by the bank every 60-90 days or so and get the passbook updated. Of course there is no additional activity, since this account is solely for immigration, but you have entries showing balance unchanged. Next extension, bring your other savings account passbook(s) to show activity.
  23. Under a year, you can renew. Over a year, you must take the written examination. No driving test required. You will need a residence certificate. This is for Bangkok Chatuchak. YMMV.
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