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Everything posted by Chris.B

  1. You mean similar to the French, Germans and Dutch spreading false rumours about Astra Zenica then? Less educated people!
  2. A lot of people are not refusing, they are waiting for Moderna vaccinations which they booked.
  3. Codswallop! The NHS will give 2-3 months supply of medicine at a time, no more. A condition protected by NHS law? ???? The mind boggles!
  4. Today, the United States delivered one million life-saving doses of the Moderna mRNA vaccine to help Thailand fight COVID-19. Charge d’Affaires Michael Heath, Witchu Vejjajiva, Director-General of the Department of American and South Pacific Affairs, and Dr. Sophon Iamsirithavorn, Deputy Director-General of the Department of Disease Control attended the arrival ceremony at Suvarnabhumi Airport. https://th.usembassy.gov/united-states-partners-with-thailand-to-combat-covid-19-pandemic/
  5. It is an emergency for the authorities if he is left to roam the streets of the UK infecting others!
  6. You would have to knock back more than a few beers to reach the 1980 baht mark!
  7. Apparently, one of the conditions on giving blood is .... 16) You or your partner must not have “sexual deviation”. https://tastythailand.com/who-cannot-donate-blood-in-thailand-you-may-be-on-the-list-of-people-who-cannot/ This could rule a lot of ASEAN NOW members out. ????????
  8. I noticed the following a while ago concerning Brits who were in the UK between 1980-1996. The Thai Red Cross Society Jo Smith If you have resided in the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland (England, Northern Ireland, Scotland, Wales, and the UK Overseas Territories) during 1980-1996, refrain from donating blood. Due to an outbreak of mad cow disease. Or in the year 1980 - 1996, have been sick and received a blood transfusion in England. To refrain from donating blood permanently. https://www.facebook.com/ThaiRedCross/photos/a.119862691380736/4635560613144232/
  9. I have never read one post as you claim above?
  10. You use the SIM just for receiving OTP not for phoning. In Thailand, dual SIM card mobiles are available.
  11. Just checked the GBP/Baht rates as follows: Wise: 44.08290 XE Money Transfer: 43.69960 I know what you have done. You have compared the XE currency mid-market rates and not their transaction rates. You have to install the XE money transfer app to get their transaction rates.
  12. Well the NHS sees fit to provide health services to virtually everyone else, be it illegal immigrants , "asylum seekers", health tourists, animal charity "workers" from Afghanistan, dinghy boat people from across the channel and the Afghan women's football team. So why can't they provide services to British people who live overseas as well? Especially those who have retired there.
  13. No, I don't agree. I knew emergency treatment is free on the NHS. As for the other poster, do you think they are going to let a TB sufferer roam the streets without being treated? No, of course they are not!
  14. instarem.com Instarem, founded by Prajit Nanu and Michael Bermingham, is a Singapore-headquartered Fintech company offering digital cross-border money transfers to individuals and businesses." Instarem is now a part of Nium. Wikipedia Headquarters location: Mumbai, India Errr.... thanks but no thanks! ????
  15. "Anyone using Xe Money Transfer? Exchange rates seem to be same or slightly better than Wise and no extra fees whatsoever." Is it a free service then? Doing it out of the goodness of their hearts! ????
  16. Agreed, a while ago a lot of NHS staff including Doctors were saying they wouldn't enforce charges on health tourists to the UK because they didn't think it was right!
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