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Everything posted by Chris.B

  1. Canada, UK and Australia are not providing Sinovac! ????????
  2. First, try re-registering using a different email address. Secondly, from the British Embassy..... "If you are having trouble registering for a Covid-19 vaccination please contact the Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MFA) at [email protected]. If you successfully registered for a vaccine via the MFA website but have received an email stating your application has been declined, call the MFA on +66 (0) 2572 8442"
  3. Nonsense, today it has been reported that 430,000 Moderna doses will be allocated to private hospitals.
  4. Yes, you will be able to transfer your vaccine rights you purchased to another.
  5. No, most have not had Sinopharm. Only Chulabhorn have been distributing Sinopharm for the last month or two. Most Thais have had Sinovac and those that have had double Sinovac are now being advised to have a booster of another vaccine. As for your mention regarding youngsters and what "All health bodies say....", I think you either made that up or dreamt it in your sleep!
  6. I think it unlikely they will allow you to split the 2 shots. Have you confirmed this is possible?
  7. https://www.bot.or.th/English/FinancialInstitutions/FIholiday/Pages/2022.aspx
  8. Thais don't like chocolates and don't go big on cards, give her some fruit (Durian) and 2k instead.
  9. Their Thai wives haven't been though!
  10. I reckon now the stuff has started flowing into the country, it will be flooding in by early next year. A couple of million vaccines over 200 hospitals will be dealt with in no time. Don't be a glass half empty man, get in fast before everyone else piles in. ????
  11. So the OP moved in on 1st September. On the 30th October he was given a notice to quit within 2 months which is 2 months earlier than his contract finishes. Fighting over 2 months only! Ask for a payment in lieu of breaking the contract early. If no payment, don't move out until you are ready or the contract term ends. Don't expect him to pay your deposit back, he will probably find all sorts of excuses not to pay it.
  12. Now is a good time to book Moderna for your loved ones if, like mine, they won't have the Chinese vaccines. ????
  13. The first batch of Moderna arrived in Thailand today.... https://www.facebook.com/tnamcot/
  14. Not concerned about being Asymptomatic then and spreading your <deleted> to others? ☹️
  15. "Phisut said that if it continued then operators would have to turn to vaccinated migrants to fill the jobs. " .... and there be the warning/threat! ☹️☹️
  16. They could still be carriers breathing out the virus into the air. ☹️ They call that "Asymptomatic".
  17. What a stunning analysis of the situation! Actually there is another option. The OP could ask the landlord for compensation for moving out early. That would muddy the waters. Bluff him out! ????
  18. Very sad situation. ☹️ But I am on the side of get out and get another place. I am sure there are landlords out there who are honest to deal with.
  19. You can have Covid without knowing you have it. The mask is there to stop you spreading the virus through your mouth and nose to others.
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