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Everything posted by Seppius

  1. https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-12576969/UK-economy-outdone-France-Germany-recovering-pandemic-official-figures-suggest.html The UK economy has outperformed both France and Germany in recovering from the pandemic, revised official figures revealed yesterday. They show that by the middle of this year, GDP was 1.8 per cent larger than pre-Covid levels – implying it is £50 billion bigger than previous estimates
  2. If it's true, and they did pay 3000 each, maybe they did not want the police to see their passports
  3. Sooner do that than re-join the EU, problem is, Russia has destabilized BRICS, otherwise good potential
  4. Last weekend my family and I went down to that nice spot near Sands Cafe as it was looking like it was going to be a sunset for a change, all great except two farangs (English?) idiots playing very loud corny rock music from a tinny speaker. 80% of the people down there, either sitting on the beach or relaxing watching the sunset, were Thai We were told they were there often doing this, and that they live here, but are they thick or something to be so disrespectful to inflict their awful music on others? If they live here, they should know better We had a reservation at Sands Cafe, which we cancelled, because you could still hear the music on the terrace I am sure I will get plenty of "sad" or "confused" but that's OK I don't care, it was just a rant
  5. I understand your concern, but agents like this make no secret of what they do, with ads on Facebook and Tik Tok, Thai Visa Service, Key Visa even have billboards up.
  6. While the situation remains, I will pay an agent 12,500 to renew, and make 20,000 in interest on the deposit in a western bank, and put my feet up while the agent does the work
  7. IMHO this is the best, very professional, they all speak good English, and help thousands of expats. Maneerat soi Post office https://www.facebook.com/maneerat.fon.0818630320/?paipv=0&eav=AfYhLWJAhPJVOzN9ZCkKzK54RE-3lXjAi1DrHy1oycVVfm3Ak7VSgfvBQeG843dIbnQ&_rdr Maneerat Office 183/22 Soi.Post office(13/2) South Pattaya Beach Rd., Nongprue, Banglamung Chonburi if you don't have FB
  8. Bad flooding in some UK cities yesterday, can happen anywhere if the rain is torrential, in Bangkok and Pattaya, at least it clears really quickly
  9. If it means the fall of Russia in its current state, and leads to proper democracy there, then it's money well spent, the world will be much more stable IMHO Actually is USA is one of the least contributors to Ukraine per capita. I am guessing Taiwan is already armed to the teeth The pic is from Oct 22, but I did see a recent one I can't find again, not much had changed
  10. Emsphere Mall in Bangkok, this is the new place being built between Sukhumvit soi 20 and 22, will be amazed and very impressed if open by December this year
  11. 36 grams of sugar in 20oz serving, if you are happy with that fine, I stopped drinking it years ago when I found out,
  12. Seppius

    tap water

    Clean my teeth, use for boiling potatoes with tap, but not greens. Won't use it or coffee due to taste Buy the Lotus 1.5lt for B8, for drinking, its said "mineral water" like Mount Fleur are better "The 8 main minerals are calcium, magnesium, bicarbonate, potassium, sodium, fluoride, sulfate and zinc, which are light minerals that the body can absorb and use immediately. and does not contain heavy metals. Dangerous to the body, contaminants" Another good thread here https://aseannow.com/topic/188380-good-bottled-water-are-any-without-fluoride-available/
  13. There is one of those giant 9 sprig light posts at the bottom of soi 5 Pratumnak, on the beach, it's not worked for a long time
  14. There is one of those giant 9 sprig light posts at the bottom of soi 5 Pratumnak, on the beach, it's not worked for a long time
  15. So you are saying he is innocent of the accusations?
  16. Theppasit road seems like nearly done, but the U-turns are deadly, very small one if you are going towards Sukhumvit and you want to go to Lotus
  17. Ukraine having some good target practise in Crimea This week, Ukrainian forces struck targets in Russian-annexed Crimea on two consecutive nights. Kyiv said it conducted a major airstrike on Russia's Black Sea Fleet Wednesday night, reporting that several cruise missiles struck a landing ship and submarine at its main base at Sevastopol. Both are said to have sustained heavy damage, with Russia's defense ministry saying the vessels will be repaired. Early Thursday morning, another attack followed. Ukrainian media outlets reported that an S-300, or even more modern S-400 air-defense system was hit in the city of Yevpatoria. https://www.dw.com/en/ukraine-war-why-controlling-crimea-could-be-key-to-victory/a-66826192
  18. Russia has already lost this war, it's getting worse for them as the weeks go by. This just about sums it up why https://impakter.com/how-russia-already-lost-war/
  19. It is possible to get help in the UK for housing https://england.shelter.org.uk/housing_advice/homelessness/get_help_from_the_council/who_qualifies_for_housing Who can get emergency housing and longer term housing You have a right to emergency housing if the council think you might: be legally homeless have a priority need meet immigration conditions The council must give you emergency housing while they look into your situation. They also must help you with a personal housing plan. The council does not have to give you emergency housing until you are legally homeless. They must still give you help and advice if you are likely to be homeless within 8 weeks.
  20. Use this website https://archive.md/ Paste the url of the FT or any site like it into the 2nd box, and bobs your uncle
  21. 18 months ago I would have agreed, but AI has changed everything, it can even write film scripts or whole books these days Same with affiliate marketing, think of a product or idea, it's now been done 1000 times before, starting from scratch even if you learn how to make a website to sell a product, getting it ranked now on Google, is almost impossible. I don't know what the answer is to online income, but DO NOT sign up for a course because that is how they are making money in a kind of pyramid scheme, unless you know plenty of people that will buy the course of you. This guy has some useful free tips, but again it's mostly doing it to promote his course, but he does help you get started https://www.youtube.com/@affiliatemarketingdude
  22. The world is in safe hands https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-12502853/Joe-Biden-mic-cut-rambling-speech-Indians.html
  23. Can't you buy them near where you live? 1 can is only slightly dearer than the UK for example, seen them here for b70 UK £1.40 (B62) for 415 gram tin
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