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Everything posted by Seppius

  1. Seppius

    Back Problems

    Might look at your sugar intake, since I cut out sugar in my diet, no aches or pains. Not saying the cure, but could help https://sinicropispine.com/how-sugar-can-affect-your-spine-health/ https://teeter.com/blog/sugar-causes-back-pain/
  2. Good test for a UK VPN is try and log into the national lottery site, great at detecting VPNs
  3. A friend of mine is going for the LTR, 43yo and a UK citizen, he is using a lawyer in Bangkok to prepare the application, he fits all the requirements. I will update how he gets on
  4. Watched the whole thing last night, mainly because of Steve Coogan, who did a fair job, but I did see some "Alan Partridge" in some of his lines. Found it all a bit repetitive, and skipped some Much better for the story of JS was British Horror Story, which this was based on https://www.imdb.com/title/tt18970454/
  5. I agree, nothing special this one
  6. Last 2 years of traffic chaos to put new drains in, and it's no different
  7. Thank you for the reply, I am certain also you are right, will try it around the shops in Tukcom on the off chance
  8. Friend from the UK just gave me an iPad Air 2, it's not nicked, but from a company no longer around, cracked the pass code, can't get past the email ID, and the person no longer contactable Tried a couple of shops in Jomtien, but can anyone recommend a shop in Tukcom might crack it?, its not an easy job I think. I tried some online software with no joy Thanks
  9. Why is it so hard to believe? If Israel finds out Iran is behind it, they may attack them, Russia supports Iran. US has moved their deadliest strike group into the area "Israel-Hamas War: Why the prospect of this conflict being 'contained to Gaza' seems improbable" https://news.sky.com/story/israel-hamas-war-why-the-prospect-of-this-conflict-being-contained-to-gaza-seems-improbable-12980756
  10. World War 3 starting right in front of our eyes
  11. More from the BBC, with drone footage about the village hit. UN inspectors now investigating, direct hit, nothing else around it https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qNpBQyj4dk0
  12. Watch this and feel proud support Putin https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1O9xyNXJODk
  13. It was not a stray missile, it was a target, Putin is a bastard, and I hope his supporters on here are ready when he drops the nuke, because he is crazy enough https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-12601107/Putins-missiles-kill-ten-year-old-boy-latest-blitz-day-51-died-Ukraine-wars-deadliest-strike-Vladimir-warned-Satan-2-nukes-ready-use.html
  14. I am sure you are well aware of what China says over the war
  15. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iKMPOJwtCF0 OK, not in so many words, but they're certainly not supporting Putin, warning him about nuke threats
  16. Use this https://archive.md/ Use "I want to search the archive for saved snapshots" Paste URL Click google cache Works for most sites
  17. So your Putin murders 51 people in a café, kidnaps children and flattens cities, is this to catch a few neo-Nazi? Very 21st Century At least Ukraine targeting military positions, support Putin all you want, but history will prove the Ukrainians on the right side, if he succeeds here, next would be the "Nazis" in the Baltic States, expansion is what Putin wants in his little deluded mind, even his biggest ally China is telling him to stop
  18. Ousting Kevin McCarty is not good news for Ukraine, but great pitch here, and very true IMHO Kevin McCarthy compares Putin and war in Ukraine to Hitler and 1930s https://www.tiktok.com/@bobbyscott100/video/7285977981258829088
  19. Sorry, you are only half right traffic genius
  20. Let's have the answer then, what are the arrows for?
  21. So if you know the answer, why not stop being a smart a** and answer the question? Because he is wrong I know the reason for the arrows now, let's see if you do. No one replying has answered it properly. Why the arrows are at a stop sign?
  22. There is only one lane. It's the bottom of Pratuman soi 5, Pattaya if you want to go and look, and there have been several accidents there, because drivers from all 4 directions very rarely stop
  23. Passed my 50 questions a long time ago, had a full Thai licence since 2012, you won't find that sign in the book
  24. Two busy roads meet at a junction, I know it is a stop sign, but what do the arrows mean? I looked at all the sites with Thai road sign, but these are not there
  25. Someone sent me this
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