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Everything posted by Seppius

  1. True, nothing on the radar I can see for them to make yet another prediction, last one was for the whole country, and nothing. Maybe just wishful thinking as we do need some badly "Thailand’s dry spell forecast to linger until 2024" "The department said between Jan 1 and July 2, the country’s rainfall nationwide was 25% below average, and dry spells have been forecast in many areas until July 17." https://en.vietnamplus.vn/thailands-dry-spell-forecast-to-linger-until-2024/255930.vnp
  2. Please keep up: OP posted "Went to do my 90 day report yesterday and a new structure is in place on the right as you enter. 90 day reports and extension of stays are done in this new facility. It is clean, airy and cool with good aircon and with smiling and polite staff. I handed my passport over and was told "wait 30 minutes". In reality I was out in 10. It was early morning, it is low season but still it was a pleasant and stress-free experience. I should imagine it was also less fraught in the main building. No queues outside, no snappy security that I could see. Long may it continue and a big well done to whoever initiated the improvements."
  3. Did mine today also, took 2 minutes with a coffee in my hand on the PC. Why would anyone go there if they did not have to?
  4. Meanwhile: "Migrant crossings for the month of June hit highest since records began five years ago after 3,824 made journey to UK in small boats - as yearly total hit 11,434" https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-12259843/Migrant-crossings-month-June-hit-highest-records-began-five-years-ago.html Well done Rishi, pledge to stop them is working
  5. Use that place a lot, the guy was lucky by the looks of the size of the tree
  6. There is/was one in T21 Pattaya
  7. I think you mean Piri Piri been to the one in Paragon a few times, I like it https://piripiriasia.com/
  8. Are you sure? England putting up a good late finish
  9. It is not the same country as 25 years ago, there is a lot of opportunity. If they had taken the $10,000 it cost them to get to the UK and gone straight there, they could open a nice business there maybe? https://www.visitrwanda.com/investment/how-to-invest/starting-a-business/
  10. He is a bit controversial but one of the few one's I watch is "Vogging a Dead Horse" he has a refreshing style
  11. This was a couple of months ago now, do we know how the guys got on since?
  12. "How the Albanian mafia conquered the cocaine market in UK" https://irpimedia.irpi.eu/en-albanian-mafia-uk-cocaine-supply/ 40,000 last year alone. And hundreds more from Albania, that war torn country where people from Europe go on holiday, pouring in every week Wonder who pays the £10K smuggler fee?, and where they disappear into?
  13. My building has banned smoking of any kind on the balconies B2000 fine
  14. Thank you for the reply, I believe they have full control email and password, but they have not appeared to use the account or send messages to my friends, been a couple of months now
  15. Anyone ever recovered a hacked Facebook account? Mine was over 15 years old, but recently got hacked by someone in Vietnam. Absolutely no help from Meta, and when I try the online recovery it won't work because the person changed my email, and it says no account with that email Sent a few emails to support@fb.com, did not even get a reply Grateful for any suggestions?
  16. Down Pattaya way, it must be one of the driest Junes for a long time, anyone keeping records this month so far?
  17. Basically junk food, stuff like colas, crisps, cakes, bottled juices, cereals, and processed meats. Also eat in an 8 hour window only My last fast was 60 hours, just water. That was my third one I have done, takes some willpower, but it's great for the body, apparently "When you fast, your body stops using glucose for fuel and starts to metabolize fat. This helps drive blood sugar and insulin levels down, reducing your likelihood of gaining weight and developing diabetes or heart disease. Intermittent fasting also increases the release of human growth hormone, which regulates your metabolism and preserves muscle mass while burning fat" https://www.sutterhealth.org/health/digestive/fasting-what-you-need-to-know
  18. Despite what you see in the press about homless people in the UK, most are homless because they want to be, or have abused the right (drugs, alcohol). Local councils have a legal obligation to shelter you. https://www.gov.uk/if-youre-homeless-at-risk-of-homelessness https://www.advicenow.org.uk/guides/what-do-if-you-are-homeless Maybe your mistake was not going back to the UK for your heart where it would have been free op, just saying
  19. Lost 10 kilo in 2 months, cut out all sugars started intermitting fasting, no drugs, just will power, exercise. I feel great
  20. You could try Prednisolone, not all pharmacy sell it, but you can find it. Worked for me on something similar. I also put raw garlic on the gum, that reduced the swelling Do your own research on this suggestion
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