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Everything posted by Photoguy21

  1. The UK Airforce rejected white men as they wanted to be seen to be diverse, now they are paying the price for their stupidity.
  2. If you have to ask the question then you are probably not ready for the answer.
  3. Maybe it is time for you to leave for somewhere else.
  4. I think that would be a good idea. But I wont include milk in their diet.
  5. War crimes? Are you on a controlled substance because it seems as if you are.
  6. These guys did what they are trained and expected to do. A medal would be more fitting. Put on trial? Could only be a decision of a deranged mind.
  7. And then you woke up, clicked your heals twice and found yourself back in Kansas
  8. DEI is a stupid idea no matter which way you look at it.
  9. Define in a concise manner what happiness is? In my opinion the definition is different for every one.
  10. You may believe it but most, if not all, vets would disagree with you.
  11. Who is spreading lies in that Politicians are intelligent? If they were intelligent that wouldn't come out with the garbage they currently spread. Come on own up, who is it? Look at Miliband, he has the IQ of a dead snail. (My apologies to and dead snails reading this)
  12. Nett zero is a total fallacy. It will not work
  13. According to vets I have spoken to, milk is not good for cats. Make of that what you will.
  14. Milk is very bad for cats. Water is what they need not milk.
  15. He is doing the right thing by not adopting the gung ho attitude. If they do put the military in I assume you will be one of the first to sign up and go
  16. Don't hold your breath as you may very well be disappointed
  17. Up at 5am yes, getting ready to hit the gym.
  18. Who is this "we" you refer to? A political solution, if possible, is far better than a "let us go in and bomb the hell out of them". I assume you would be one of the first to sign up to be part of the forces to go in?
  19. Buddhism originated in India for what it is worth. An offshoot of Hinduism.
  20. If it was a stop over between flights I would go and get a drink and something to eat.
  21. Where I live it is. Maybe not where you are.
  22. Overall performance. Do you know what that is?
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