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Everything posted by Photoguy21

  1. Shows you just how badly their network is. I would expect dual servers with Raid 5 storage but probably just on a normal computer.
  2. Exactly. And there is the possibility of being kidnapped and held for ransom, not just them but any members of their family.
  3. Yes I do believe in me
  4. And where abouts in the country you are. Some areas have better reception than others
  5. Good for them but they should have kept it quiet. Now there will be "friends" contacting them that they never knew they had.
  6. Maybe Thailand is not a destination of choice now with the rules changing almost hourly and the double pricing that everyone outside of the country is aware of.
  7. Who is this YouTuber? Never heard of him. Is he world famous in his own mind?
  8. Probably thought he needed psychological help which would be an honest mistake if he was wearing a Richard Mille watch. They are the ugliest watches known to man and have been used in extreme torture situations.
  9. I have it on my mobile phone. I know there are people that say you dont need it as only computers are being attacked, that has some merit but is not completely correct. With more and more people using smart phones, the hackers are targeting them. Some say the apps are fine if you get them from the phones app store. Installing it is easy and for the last 2 years I have had no problem with it.
  10. Buy it from the internet. Then you can download it no problem
  11. Everywhere, apart from the UK if it is the climate change morons, it is an offence to not allow an ambulance, police car or fire tender through
  12. If he has to come here to get advice he has a whole world of problems.
  13. Not attacking you at all. If you cant take other peoples point of view then maybe you shouldnt comment. You are entitled to hold whatever beliefs you want.
  14. OP sounds extremely new to the country which as he states he is. If he wants to lose everything it is his choice but would advise against it.
  15. I couldnt care less but obviously you fall into that category.
  16. Surely it would be better to have more police out on the streets patrolling. Use of CCTV is good but when there is the very common complaint that they didn't work relying on them is putting faith in the wrong place.
  17. We have a maid, in Bangkok this is, twice a week to clean. No cooking. We pay her Baht 800 a day. She is worth it she does all the work including washing and ironing.
  18. Installation standards not just for copper cables but fibre also is appallingly bad.
  19. With some of the drivers here in Thailand it sounds like you really want to have a holiday in ICU.
  20. Why are people getting upset about this? Malaysia doesnt want drugs brought in so they test. I may be wrong but I am pretty sure this is not hidden from visitors to the country.
  21. Send it DHL to someone you trust in the USA and let them post it on to the PO Box for you
  22. Exactly. Unfortunately there are a number of people many on this forum who believe happiness is getting smashed every night.
  23. Sounds like any country in the world. What about the USA? Mass shootings, drugs etc? Are they a country we shouold respect and aspire to be like?
  24. With your logic, if that is what it can be called every country is part of the world so they should be very similar. I wonder why they are not?
  25. I dont believe everyone is as idiotic as you. Things can get bad because of morons and their way of thinking or lack thereof
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