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Everything posted by Photoguy21

  1. They are not going to get my money for one that is for sure. I agree the EV's are a major risk as a purchase.
  2. And if you get caught not declaring it you are an idiot.
  3. You can buy wine in Thailand you know, just a bit of information you may not have been told.
  4. Telecommunication Consultant within the Oil & Gas industry.
  5. In your dreams. That may be the hype the companies are giving you and they will last that long if you dont drive the vehicle but under normal use? Very much doubt it.
  6. In the last few days things have been pretty slow. I cancelled my transfer, tried again and it went through quickly.
  7. The "white" population have done a lot for every culture, not that you would believe it if you listen to the extreme anti-white people.
  8. You sound very disillusioned with Thailand, why?
  9. Where exactly is this showing a supremacist attitude? Maybe you have been vaccinated with the woke culture. If so you need to get medical help in the form of a psychologist.
  10. The instrument I am thinking of is used to check each outlet and it will tell you what the current is. Crossy may well know the name of the device he is more electrical than I am.
  11. You can get testers to check which circuit is activating the RCCB. Not sure how much they cost worth looking for one.
  12. There are internationally recognised safety standards for every type of transport. Make the driving test a proper test with a course of practical driving and make it essential to pass it in order to have a license. All Thailand needs to do is rigidly implement these safety standards and road accidents will quickly come down.
  13. Things like this can occur with unexpected cross winds but I dont get the impression that this was the cause in this case. Please dont tell me they have female pilots that are not 100% trained or experienced in the aircraft piloting this plane.
  14. What is the insult, I must have miss it?
  15. Unfortunately there are very few standards that appear to be adhered to and not just for buses. I have worked in the Oil & Gas industry for over 30 years and no one I know in the industry would consider have a LPG powered vehicle. I can be wrong in my opinion but not a majority are wrong.
  16. Not a chance. A lick of paint and they will be back on the road.
  17. Never under estimate idiots they can always find a way if they want to.
  18. With many of the comments saying how bad Thailand is, I have a solution for you. Leave the country no one will miss you.
  19. That question has been asked by others on here.
  20. I think I would rather get a few Baht stolen than my entire bank wiped out, wouldn't you? I understand you reason but I also understand you have very little knowledge of how hackers and scammers work. If you did I think you may change your mind.
  21. As I said have the option of both cash and card. As for scammers well if people believe they will get something for nothing then they are open to being scammed.
  22. If you are going to do the job then do it properly. Scrape the ceiling, undercoat then top coat. Taking the short way will only make you do it again very quickly
  23. Going cashless is a very bad decision. Have cashless option of course but also retain cash payments. I say this as cashless means using networks to pay for goods and services. Obviously the people pushing this have not heard about such places as the Dark Web and Hackers. All cashless does is give the hackers more opportunity to steal peoples money. I am sure someone here will say the systems are safe. Ok you use them but the hackers are very intelligent people who will find a way around any safety checks you put in place. So, do I think cashless is a bad idea? No you should always have the option to go cashless or pay in hard currency.
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