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Everything posted by Photoguy21

  1. So basically they make it up depending upon how they feel at the time. Would that be a reasonable assessment?
  2. I went to 7-11 this morning around 50% of the Thais did not have a face mask, I didnt either and everyone was happy
  3. A lot of gaming computers will give you what you want. I have a Dell computer and it is what you have said you need
  4. Dont see why Italy is considered bad. I was there for over 1 year and it was fine
  5. Not at the present time and maybe not for a long time into the future but you can bet if you apply for something requiring a clean record this will go against you
  6. Just out of interest what are your requirements?
  7. Could be a couple of watts a month doing it
  8. I have used Lazada for several purchases, the last one being a G-Shock watch. Never had a problem. I did order an exercise bench which arrived with a piece missing. Contacted Lazada and I had the missing piece the next day.
  9. At some time in the future you may want something and these misses could result in you being denied getting whatever it is you wanted
  10. Good. Remember one thing if you do listen they will probably say they are from some government office. In reality no government office anywhere in the world will call you on a mobile number. There is a reason for this which is calls made on behalf of a government are recorded. Mobile calls can be recorded by the operator but it is far more difficult and a lot more expensive to go that route than over a fixed line telephone
  11. Obviously the vaccines are not really working as the Health Minister has had all the boosters but still gets it.
  12. Isn't the word "Flock" usually used when referring to birds or sheep?
  13. From a reliable source definitely. Pity the BBC isn't a reliable source.
  14. Apple are a real rip-off
  15. Yes but I just hang up on them as soon as they start talking
  16. Have to live with it. A virus is never going to go away for a very long time. Colds and Flu have been around for probably as long as records exist and Covid contains both of these viruses. So if you think it will disappear think again it wont. Be nice if it did though.
  17. We live in a world where stupidity reigns supreme
  18. Agreed. How many Thai's do you see with cars, motorbikes etc? If they can afford a car I doubt if the increase would kill them
  19. Are they actually wearing a genuine gold piece?
  20. Come on the BTS is cheap especially when you consider the traffic and what a taxi would cost for just about any trip
  21. I think you will find that mentality exists in most countries around the world not just here in SEA
  22. Yes I do but the company makes sure everything is provided. There again if, and I dont know, the flight was a Chinese company would you expect professional care for them?
  23. Coding for Network Security
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