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Everything posted by NanLaew

  1. I enjoyed visiting the US on my American employer's training courses in the '80's. I had an idea that I would like to live and work there. Ten years later, my aspirations were fulfilled and I really enjoyed it for about another ten years, making money, buying a home getting engaged but still traveling the world for my work. Then my new employer wanted me to "relocate" full-time and fly a desk from head office. That lasted less than six months and I quit. Admittedly, the salary cut was a factor (no more international travel bonuses or per diem and more taxes) but honestly, I was getting weary of the great American way of the commute to the dreary 9-to-5 and living for the weekends but also more weary of my fellow workers and peers that seemed happily trapped in that cycle. Okay, so maybe they were simply working hard for their bit of their American dream, be it a boat on the lake or a cabin in the country or putting the kids through college, but it all seemed a bit shallow and superficial and frankly unrewarding to me. Great place to visit, with so many unique things to see and amazing things to do, but I wouldn't want to live there again. Now, with the extremely polarised political lay of the land, even with a home that I own there, I don't plan an visiting for a while.
  2. Yeah, but you ain't the POTUS (for which we are eternally grateful).
  3. Triggered. Proper triggered. You must be tired. You can change hands now.
  4. How about Real Madrid compared with Atlético Madrid.
  5. Most of the "non-Americans" posting on this thread are being mistakenly identified as Democrats. Too funny.
  6. Ah yes, this "ungrateful world". Straight from 45's play book (that didn't work).
  7. There you go again. The myopic inability to see any contrary opinion outside the frame of everything you've been told or read about the Democrats in your comfy wee affirmation echo chamber. But, if the cap fits, wear it.
  8. Correction, they are a lot of British-born far-left ethnics with UK passports. There's also a lot of British-born, far right nonethnics with UK passports. I know this latter claim to be fact based on the amount of white little Englanders on this forum, positing on the deplorable state of affairs in the country they no longer live in. You know who you are.
  9. Yes, your take on what's being stated on the reliable news sources aligns with my take. So what's with the lies on Truth Social from the lips of he who would have his, umm... less erudite clique believe that the border is, or will be closed just because that's what he said he has achieved?
  10. Ironic that your chosen leader's plan is to get USA firmly back on the fence of global isolationism. Maybe just hunker down behind that great big beautiful wall of his.
  11. No I haven't. Suriname isn't in Africa. I know this for a fact because I worked there. What are you struggling to say?
  12. The Thai authorities will see this for what it is, farang-on-farang violence. In the same way when Hispanics take a pop at each other in east Texas, no biggie. Now if a Hispanic beats on a white guy, that's a whole different bowl of chili. Nothing to see here, move along now.
  13. Do you? Tell lies I mean?
  14. I see someone woke up early this morning.
  15. Did you find a builder yet? My brother-in-law isn't too busy at the moment.
  16. What's this "computer board" you speak of? Is it taboo calling it the motherboard now? I'll need to check on that next time I'm back in the fatherland.
  17. Typical Trumpette, they were never ever near the border. They're still in Mexico, they're still coming and Trump has stopped nothing. Anyway, I am not a Dem, typical or otherwise.
  18. Let's see now, "The first of the caravans started out from the southern Mexico city of Tapachula, near the border with Guatemala, on November 5, the day Trump was elected. At its height it had about 2,500 people. In almost four weeks of walking, it had gone about 270 miles (430 kilometers) to Tehuantepec in the state of Oaxaca. In Tehuantepec, Mexican immigration officials offered the tired migrants free bus rides to other cities in southern or central Mexico. ... The second caravan of about 1,500 migrants set out on November 20 and made it about 140 miles (225 kilometers) to the town of Tonala, in Chiapas state. There, authorities offered a sort of transit visa that allows travel across Mexico for 20 days. ... Apart from the much larger first caravans in 2018 and 2019 — which were provided buses to ride part of the way north — no caravan has ever reached the U.S. border walking or hitchhiking in any cohesive way, though some individual members have made it. " Way to go Donald, you've "stopped" something that hasn't been a threat since 2019. Now, stop being silly and go and finish that big beautiful wall of yours. You know it makes sense to someone.
  19. But one man's "fake news" is another man's "authentic source." Anyhoo, it's not my job to make you or anyone else believe anything other than what you, or they want to, but the blind flailing it induces is quite entertaining.
  20. I am not an america basher, neither am i a trump asslicker.
  21. Never forget the time-served truth of, "No matter how good she looks, someone, somewhere, is sick of all her sh*t."
  22. This despite the Mexican President already confirming that they're not going to close the border as alleged. But it's OK @thaibeachlovers, you just carry on believing what you want as, in the grand scheme of things, it is all quite irrelevant.
  23. Well yes, of course I made up my post based on classic African stereotypes. Now, what's your excuse for copy/pasting something you saw on your Internet affirmation chamber and believing it verbatim?
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