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Everything posted by NanLaew

  1. Never you mind about what you think I missed, you just carry on focusing on what you love.
  2. NanLaew


    A far, far simpler time when you had time to read the legalese, which individually, probably has not increased in size. If one wants to sign up for everything out there, knock yourself out but don't cry about corporate abuse and lawyers that become judges just because you didn't. Excellent! Then they will be fully cognizant of what they are subscribing to, or otherwise and their responsibilities. If they don't agree, they don't click the accept button. If you can't accept your social responsibilities that come with using social media and other "digital age" paraphernalia, if you feel pressured to click 'I agree' checkbox without reading the T&C's, then maybe it's time to put down the smartphone/keyboard and quietly leave the room before you share your debit card PIN with a stranger.
  3. Being too bright, or being conned? Being too bright to be conned. Hope this helps.
  4. Not all taxi drivers have his mate ( and weapons ) with them - fact. Do your research or stop commenting about things you quite clearly know nothing about.
  5. NanLaew


    If you have time to post nonsense on anonymous internet forums, then you have enough time to check out the "small print" on businesses that you give your money to. Ditto. Indolence isn't a legal defence. Abuse of the brain that you are blessed with should be punished though. caveat emptor
  6. Yes, but none of them would be violently off their tits on weed - fact.
  7. I think there will always be a manned kiosk to process those who need a stamp but mainly for those who's passports have been declined at the auto gates. The RFID chip on one of my passports is damaged and thus unreadable. It was rejected by the auto gates but processed by the officer at the kiosk, same as usual.
  8. I see you're still not over yourself.
  9. Why? The guy was a total pillock who eventually backed down and was arrested. Fairly recently, there was a Chinese tourist who got all bent out of shape over his flight delays at DMK. He was shouting and swinging his skateboard at security and the cops. After letting him carry on for about ten minutes, where nobody got hurt, he eventually calmed down and was allowed to board his flight, leave the country and be someone else's problem. Meanwhile, the usual suspects on AN were calling for tazers and even LAPD-style shoot-first then call for backup law enforcement. Honestly, you need to get over yourselves (you know who you are).
  10. Too bright to be conned. Good. Very, very good
  11. Don't be too hard in yourself. You're doing just fine over there in the shallow end.
  12. You too. Proselytising I mean
  13. You really should have stopped at, "This guy is so stupid" and saved your proselytising for when you get "back home".
  14. Thanks for that. I left Thailand early 1990 and didn't come back until around 2005/6.
  15. NanLaew


    The indolence of the consumer has got nothing to do with the companies or their lawyers. Absolutely nothing
  16. NanLaew


    This "youtube documentary" was before AI.
  17. NanLaew


    Use their app? If it is anything like Lazada, their website is not as good, or as secure as their app on the smartphone. After the (repeat) experiences of my mate's wife in Malaysia who has been taken to the cleaners twice after dealing with vendors selling something, either via Facebook or LINE, the penny has finally dropped. You shouldn't shop on social media.
  18. I'm middle aged, in my 50's I am not, but this isn't a contest. I never had immigration business at their Beach Road Soi 8 location, but I recall an American friend of mine going there in the early 1980's Does anyone know what year they relocated to their current location in Jomtien Soi 5? I didn't need their services until about twelve years ago.
  19. Good grief! You're that old? I recall that location too.
  20. I'm defending free speech. Don't worry, you'll get the hang if it eventually.
  21. The professor is alleged to have tweeted and advocated for Israel's destruction in social media discourse that happened before, and is thus totally unrelated to, the more recent events at Kings College.
  22. Who's claiming the "supposedly intelligent, educated" will believe it? It's a university, where students are encouraged to be more than a slave to mainstream media, conspiracy theorists and the political extremes. They are being encouraged to think outside the box, embrace the alternatives and weigh the pros and cons. That doesn't make them idiots. You probably recall those awful radicals at the Sorbonne back around 1968 and how they were portrayed as a threat to freedom and democracy and the vanguard of global communist domination. How did that work out?
  23. The professor asked the students, as part of their studies, to view Hamas as a liberation group. That is not the same as the professor claiming the terrorists are a liberation group. Freedom of speech will always defeat lack of comprehension.
  24. Since she was born in Gaza and carries a passport issued by the Palestinian Authority, chances are... Her blog is lengthy and very informative. In one in particular, over ten years ago, she wrote the following, "Sometimes I regret not having allowed myself to accept Gaza alone as my homeland. The loss of the homeland is a terrible experience. It is the irreconcilable schism between the person and the feeling that they have an identity." I sense someone who learned and eloquent but is maybe still battling their own personal convictions?
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