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Everything posted by NanLaew

  1. How were they "barmy"? To me, it appears the UK's civilization and society in the 1980's forsook them. You claim you used to write to one of them. Was that insightful or did you simply let it confirm what appears to be the norms of society with regard to what was acceptable about forty years ago? As my late sister would say, "There's no need to be afraid of things you don't understand."
  2. To me, "hassle free" is downloading the forms as requested, completing them as applicable, and emailing them back to the bank, as they have instructed. More so if one is currently out of the country. By February, they may require something else. Despite several members reporting quick and efficient service as a walk-in at certain branches, this success cannot be guaranteed at ALL branches.
  3. And I am exceedingly happy for you. But back on topic, it's up to the customer to ensure that whatever bank they use, they keep their personal AND CONTACT information current. With the burgeoning implementation of updated tax rules it's the customer's responsibility to make sure they don't have any unpleasant surprises. Thanks.
  4. Edward is the child's father who's been incarcerated since 2022. https://news.sky.com/story/ed-linse-man-attacked-parents-for-sending-him-to-boarding-school-40-years-ago-12767192 He is estranged from his Thai wife who has pleaded guilty to manslaughter of her 7 year-old son. He wasn't involved with the child's death. There's also no suggestion that the dead child needed therapy. There is mention of children (plural) but no mention of what has happened to the other(s). There is also no mention that social services were ever involved, but that's not unusual. When they do intervene, it's usually too little or too late.
  5. Maybe this is the scam! Sounds more like the "FAB 103" guy has no idea who is using his email address. Then there are the many members who say, "I have an account but haven't received this email, so it's a scam... but I don't know if the bank actually has my email address." Who ties your shoes in the morning?
  6. The people who suggest they have a Harley ride their girlfriend's Scoopy in Thailand.
  7. They have a collective what now? You don't know Russians.
  8. My mate, and his dad, who worked damn hard "all their lives" have got decent pensions. They can afford at least two overseas holidays a year.
  9. My second home is in east Lancs. I am there 3 to 5 times a year. The ethnicity and faith of the majority of the local, UK-born citizens living there doesn't bother me or impact my quality of life there. Nor does it rent huge space in the head of my mate who worked there most of his life and has now retired. Or his dad who worked down the mines. When we get tired of the weekend boutique gastropub set in their Audi SUV's and Porsche's invading our locals, we go for a reality check now and again and visit some of the less-salubrious pubs and rub shoulders at the spitoon with the welfare spongers, pikeys and other marginalized types.
  10. Calm it Janet. Ricky Jones has been arrested and charged, just like Connoly. His Labour party membership has also been suspended. He will have his day in court in January, just like Connoly had hers.
  11. That's because politicians, serious politcians of either colour, realize that stopping immigration, even illegal immigration, is the faster-track to economic decline and societal suicide. They also lie to their teeth.
  12. I accept your views, but I believe that if one is going to live (and die) here, it is far, far easier to learn Thai and use it rather than play lucky-dip with the 'shy' locals. Life's to short for linguistic proselytism.
  13. NanLaew


    For the OP, the kids aren't his. He can divorce and leave. This situation didn't suddenly happen. If there was no full disclosure from his wife about supporting her deadbeat progeny, then he's not obliged to fork out for it or even hang around. Life's too short for this sh*t.
  14. Maybe you understand people like Lucy Connolly better? https://www.independent.co.uk/news/uk/crime/lucy-connolly-sentence-tory-councillor-husband-twitter-post-b2630930.html Hopefully, the short jail sentence is just the slap up the side of the head she so obviously needed.
  15. Yet Australia is still chock full of 'em.
  16. A police manhunt? Maybe someone has missed a payment?
  17. If she was so "indifferent" to the situation, why did she apologise for what she posted? The only thing her post implied was carry on with the violence and if people die, I don't care. Pull the other one.
  18. If the poor little Englanders feel that they are being stalked by Stasi-like government enforcers that are jumping on their every online utterance, they should hastily come to Thailand where they can post their endless streams of verbal diarrhea and nonsense about their homeland on anonymous inernet forums until the cows come home.
  19. Tory shill. There's more than a few of them.
  20. Yes. And don't forget to "think first and consider the audience, context, environment, implications and a whole host of other factors" before you shout at police dogs as well.
  21. What are you having difficulty with regards Southport? Calling on people to set fire to occupied buildings isn't a good look no matter the race of the caller or that of the building occupants.
  22. I renewed both my OEUK (OGUK/UKOOA) and Norwegian (NMA) medicals in one visit at Bamrungrad last July. In at 8:30, done and dusted by 11:00. Cost 8000 baht.
  23. It isn't in Thailand though. Do the Germans speak Bahasa, Chinese, Indian and Russian up your way? Asking for @scottiejohn
  24. ...so far.
  25. Loads of Germans where I am but not a lot of German-speaking government office workers though. I wonder why that is?
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