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Everything posted by NanLaew

  1. The ones schlepping around Wal-Mart are. The ones at Trader Joe's and Whole Foods, less so. https://www.washingtonpost.com/blogs/govbeat/wp/2013/12/09/you-are-where-you-shop-what-your-grocery-store-says-about-you/
  2. So the British Empire created Singapore? Readers, don't forget you read it here first.
  3. What precisely is this "muslim mindset" and how exactly does it diminish your quality of life in Malaysia?
  4. Mrs NL's new maidservant isn't much of a worker.
  5. When was that??? You have to be kidding me!!! Like now? Once you avoid Jakarta and Bali (the Indonesian equivalent of Bangkok and Phuket), there are thousands of islands to explore. Lombok for starters.
  6. Maybe he was looking for pussy? He does mention it a few times.
  7. Yes indeed, so here's my effort. Why are the police even interested in this while the Red Bull guy is still free? OK, how did I do?
  8. Absolutely correct. A "slam dunk" is a far, far better analogy than "landslide." Being non-American, I don't have so much to get over than the actual losers. For now anyway.
  9. Not too shabby for just another dumb prole, eh? There are fools and tools on both sides of the partisan divide but for the record, I'm not a Harris prole.
  10. Do you think America needs a "second civil war?" Does the rest of the world deserve America's "second civil war?"
  11. You can also print it out and carry a copy for the same purpose when you're perched on your barstool.
  12. They must be quite disappointed with you then?
  13. Pretty obvious they are all waiting for you.
  14. Yes, immersion learning is fantastic. During a break from work, I did three weekends immersion in Brazilian Portuguese at the University of Houston. This after struggling with the language on a job in Maranhão, up north where English speakers were sparse. When I went back for the subsequent tour of duty, the locals that I had been dealing with before were a bit dumbfounded as to why I had been so 'difficult' on my first gig. I went back to UH on my next break to do the next level of immersion training but after living the language in Brazil for the previous two months, the instructor reckoned I was way ahead enough of her current classes and not to bother with them. However, we did meet for a couple of lunch dates and she talked me into getting involved with calling her class members on the phone. This was also part of their immersion training; someone calls you speaking only Portuguese and you need to answer in the same langauge. Fun stuff but more fun was I ended up working for almost two years in Brazil.
  15. When we relocated, my lad was denied enrollment in his new school's Intensive English Program because his existing English language skills were poor. This was due to the non-existent teaching of English in the Intensive English Program at his previous school. That was run by a 26 year-old English TEFL'er who insisted that my then 6 year-old was 'an underachiever' and maybe he should have his head checked. When I spoke with the Thai head of the English language department at the new school about this, it was easier to talk with her in Chinese as my Thai is rudimentary whilst she refused to even try speaking English. IEP's are a way of wringing more cash out of parents to pay for the extra salary of the 'supervising' teacher who plays with their phone for an hour. YMMV TiT
  16. Really? That's all you see when you open up the aseannow home page? Strange...
  17. Advice posted many years ago on the pattaya addicts forum suggested that real mongers never go back for seconds.
  18. And then AI came along and pondered it more.
  19. Too many checks and balances to get in the way. I want to win the lottery (and I am workimg on it) but that doesn't mean that I will. Anyway, at the risk of diluting this 3-alarm, Trump fire thread, here's a look at how a couple of the world's other most treasured democracies are finding that not keeping to their electoral promises and policies is coming back to bite them. "If the Labor parties in the UK and Australia, and the Democratic Party in the US, are to act as effective stabilizing forces in the future – as they have done for the past century – they must discard the elite ideologies that they are currently wedded to and become, to use Kim Carr’s phrase, “bold reformist parties.”..." https://www.rt.com/news/607472-western-working-class-votes-trump/
  20. One man's opinion is another man's dogmatic assertion. Glad you worked that out by yourself.
  21. Wow, and there was me thinking that the conservative's rabbit holes were mighty deep.
  22. What "the left looks down their nose at" notwithstanding, they are what they are. The salt of the earth, down home, folksy sort. Bless 'em.
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