Yes, I recall someone having a rough stab at the American demographic in Thailand in another thread, and it was observed that bigger cities like Bangkok appears to have more Democrats whereas the tourist traps like Pattaya have more of the MAGA sect. I am not sure how that translates to other farang enclaves like Phuket, Samui or Chiang Mai, so I will take your word for it.
Personally, when I lived in Pattaya, most of the Americans who were regulars at one of the bars I frequented were ex-military and rabid Trump followers. These guys were decent and fun to drink with, but if someone raised politics, they became obnoxious and loud, and would pull more and more extreme first-term Trump conspiracy theory stuff out of their arses, like the birther conspiracy and 'Mike' Obama. It was like a puerility competition. That was usually a signal for me to pay my bill, and leave them to their nonsense.
So, back to the OP, I am not sure if the casual acquaintance non-American you meet is going to be overly concerned about your politics. I am sure that most may have already formed a generic one-size fits-all opinion of all Americans. Anyway, talking politics with comparative strangers is a bit crass, no? There's no need to bring your butt hurt to the table, as that may just enforce the opinion they already have, or otherwise.