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Everything posted by Iamfalang

  1. certainly NOT after he almost beat her to death. if a person's life revolves around sex, selling sexual pictures, and eating pork (joke), and getting high..................well, expect a strange life. too boring is bad, too crazy is bad. what's good? no drugs (not a weed hater any more, no opinion on that drug as of yet), a brain, and no trading sex for money. aim for those people falangs!!!!!
  2. I go every week out of boredom and slightly for post-exercise relief. I used to have some expectations, now none. 300 baht or something for an hour and it's a good time killer. Let's say 7 years, maybe twice I felt like she injured me. Once was actually my fault, I had an injury and only hoped the massage would help it. nope. yea, it's a risk for sure. you gotta speak some Thai and be proactive....tell them not to do this area too hard, etc..... talk to them before as well. yea, they aren't real professionals, I don't care. this is LOS.....they will tell you they have been taught by the super master and actually learned from YouTube 10-minutes ago. They just want your money. After all these years, I still find it amusing some stranger will rub you all over for an hour for like 300 baht. if over 60, out-of-shape, have actual issues........yea, probably avoid them all just to be safe.
  3. Are you new to the internet??? Welcome!!!! For the last 10-years, I can find free streaming in English.....takes a little work with the adblocking and lags and buffering, but in 2022 it's pretty easy. find a kid and give them 20 baht and have them show you the internet!!!! there's a way!!!! lol
  4. never understood the used book market in Thailand. seemed very overpriced, and they definitely know ebooks, kindles, etc... are way more convenient. sell 10 for like 100 baht and just be done with it............... the time and headaches of selling each book... no way. 99% of all books can be found online for free, so be realistic. books are heavy, that novelty is not for travelers unless you get super lucky and find that one person who really needs that book. I'd even consider going to a school and just giving them away........
  5. I almost got bitten by a massive snake near 711 in a fairly big city, so anything is possible in LOS. sad. tiger, elephant, snake, black widow, croc, soi dogs, jealous ex-gf, jealous gf, wife, mia noi, etc... it's LITERALLY a jungle out there
  6. I'm not saying I'm an arms dealer, but I'll play one online. There is BIG money in selling guns I could see a country use a company to sell tons of guns to let people in another country both kill and destabilize a region.......an unstable country doesn't fight with a bigger country, so you keep selling them guns, drugs, and try to throw them back to the stone ages (read; Iraq). you might get sued, which will result in a few laughs.
  7. Of course the dollar is getting stronger. I said 100%. not 90, 99% you never know the exact day, but I think I told the OP to wait at least on half. nobody listens to me.............................. making big money today!!!!!!!! Dollar power, gold crushed, baht crushed!!!!!
  8. Stock Market is crashing!!! Inflation at 40 year highs!!! Housing Prices crashing!!! Housing Rent at like 2000 USD a month!!! Gas is crazy, food is crazy, it's crazy!!!! But COLA up 8.7% is better than nothing.....
  9. iPad 10,000 is really convenient. I only use it a few times a week, which is fine. I know 10,000 out of your price range. If more than like four years old, NO WAY. Not even for 500 baht. The headaches alone and updates and more headaches and eventual failure will drive you crazy. Older electronics are just horrible......absolutely garbage unless you like tinkering with stuff all day. Even a laptop has battery problems, screen issues after only like 2 years. save your money. if you like the one for 5000, wait until the newer model. New stuff just works way better, looks better, and is more fun. iPad is the ONLY Apple product I like. the rest are overpriced headaches. when they work, they are great...............that's for another thread.
  10. I would be surprised if ANY falang got this kind of money. Maybe three falangs did arrive, get maybe 1000 baht, and then sent on their way. Likely three falang names written somewhere...Billy Smith, Mr. Bill Bob, and Mr. Bob Bill. lol and someone from the school takes cash and says, "Oh, falang expensive!!!!!"
  11. bro, you are complaining about the complainers!!!!!!!!!!!!! Welcome to the forum, you are fitting in great!!!! yea, i hate the complainers or the complainers of the complainers or the complainers of the complainers of the complainers!!!! they need hobbies!!!!! lol
  12. Police dealing meth. Police taking meth. Police getting fired for meth, then killing like 30 children. Meth, meth, police, police........ sounds like a good place to retire and feel super safe. Are you trying to tell me LOS isn't all it's cracked up to be? Can we go back to no news and just act like it's all rainbows and strawberries .. can I say rainbows in 2022 and not offend any snowflakes here??? can I say snowflakes??
  13. Please, save up 10 baht and take a bus up North....or NorthEast..... fahhhhhh L ang.................................... L L L I'll paypal you the 10 baht and try saying FaRang......... I haven't heard an "R" in over 38 years, 4 months, 19 days and 47 minutes. and counting
  14. I can't trust some Tik-Toker that can't even pronounce Pattaya correctly....... Learn how to speak Thai you falang!!!!!!!!
  15. Number 1, there is the threat of Nuclear War......so why suffer at work if it's all going down the toilet (or loooooooooooo for you Brits) Only the owner really has a retirement plan based off your work. That must feel horrible. Everything gets more expensive, but the owner generally turns the screws. life really is short. who wants to go to their grave with an obituary "sucker worked for the man, died." what idiot likes being forced to go somewhere. imagine knowing some clown will control you for decades. that must feel horrible. the 1% who do it "correctly" (usually make money and destroy their mind and health), they aren't reading this anyhow. Then you have the athletes who make big money and every joker friend asks for money. part-time is the way..................... or do what I did, buy 10 Bitcoins at $100 and sell at $60,000.
  16. It is off-topic and none of your business falang!!!! This is the way in LOS!!!!! lol I hope we wear masks for the next 1000000 years and continue to protect the people of Thailand from the dirty falang. Masks forever!!!!!!!! planes are ready, bye bye......
  17. UK...... tsk, tsk, tsk...... not only NEVER EVER EVER say anything on any social media, DON'T have a social media account in your name. Nothing, ever in LOS. send pictures via email to real friends. Last year knew three people, three defamation cases, total was 1.3 million baht awarded. The person saying "bad" stuff never wins. Yes, the fine might decrease, but not the stress and you still lose and have to pay. imagine if you defamed Trump and got jail. stick and stones may break my bones, but words will break your bones. lol
  18. They don't pay my bills!!!! I gotta get this shipment of 100 tones of bricks 600 km or I can't eat!! And I gotta go all night!!!! If not, someone else will take my 1000 baht. urges...... hahahhahahahhahahahhahaha
  19. No, No, NO, Impossible!!!!! You have to remember, the average expat has nothing. They have been financially destroyed, bitter, hateful and living off about nothing. Therefore, they must talk about how buying is horrible, marriage is the worst, dating girls your own age is evil, money is fake, and everything they want is actually really bad so they won't feel as bad. I wouldn't even engage in such discussions, unless with comedy. Tell them they are right!!! Tell them renting is the way, and that it's true 40,000,000 baht can't buy happiness. yea, you got trapped by the financial machine and you are stuck in the trap!!!! lol. Reminds me of a falang I drank with like 10 years ago and he said money was evil, blah, blah blah and then asked me for 200 baht. I said NO, of course. Crazy people here....
  20. Quit crying!!! They are trying to become super rich....................great!!!! Many families in falanglang are super, super rich........some created monopolies, too bad for the poor. bottom line: go make your money, big money, and if you have a chance to make super big money.................you will try!!!! don't be mad they are trying, just pay the bill falang!!!!!! lol
  21. What is this? Why not to be produced by today? or last month? or yesterday? or next week? and were they NOT on a list last month, before the killings? It's a step forward, but I'm not sure how many steps were taking back before this amazing announcement. go get them!!!!!! hopefully before Oct. 31 .
  22. Well, ............................... hold on. The products are FAKE!!! 15 million if real? 15 million if they sold everything at their fake prices? How do you get 15 million? They paid 15 million for all this fake stuff? no I think they mean 15 baht
  23. Why only 34 million? These guys were printing these bills thinking, "I'm going to be sooo rich!!!! Free money!!!! Free lunch!!!! Smartest guys in the room!!! Hey, how's our Facebook page???"" Now they ARE getting free lunches!!!!!!! I'm a retied diamond smuggler who can think of 10,000 better ways to make 34 million than this. Oh, you want to find out how?????????????????????????? glad you asked coppers!!! buy my book, "How to make 100 billion baht in a week." One copy, 10 million baht. No refunds.
  24. For MONTHS, I've been telling people this is coming.... 100% certainly. Hopefully you are all my followers and will prostate yourself when I walk by.... just check my posts and frame them or get all my messages tattooed on your body.....as what I say is truth. The baht will 100% continue to get weaker. I've gotten so rich that I don't care if this is all a big scam scam scam fake fraud scam scam......I'm not a bag holder. just get rich and hand out tissues to the poor who think they know
  25. Oh, I got it!!!!! You want to do an undercover bathroom LB bomb operation and then have AIDS infected water drench every unit and kill everyone!!!! I can see you put the bombs down your pants, light them, but then the LB keeps you in the room too long and BANG!!!! hard to understand my humor online, it's OK......I'll give you a hint........if you see !!!!!!!!! then I'm not serious.
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