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Everything posted by JimTripper

  1. I like doing everything myself, I know it gets done right that way ????.
  2. My days of needing to party after 2am are long gone. I'm usually in bed asleep by that time.
  3. Do I need to wear a condom?
  4. Widen a road right next to the main waterfront area? It should be the other way around. ????
  5. You can purchase condoms at any 7-11.
  6. You need transportation coming and leaving that area. I walked in and out from the baht bus in the daytime and it's not doable on a daily basis. Kaetesin Road I think.
  7. They hire very different sort of staff. Coyote is high energy, like a college party, geared more towards drinking or beer bong type stuff. Coyote's can really make you feel old if you go on the wrong night with a younger crowd there because it's hard to have that type of energy when your older. You can end up looking like a parent or father figure ???? and be kind of a 3rd wheel. I also felt like people were looking at me as a 'dirty old man' or wondering why I was there, etc. Coyote type places started feeling weird for me around my early 40's, and about that time a GoGo started feeling more comfortable.
  8. Real dancing would be at the Coyote Bars.
  9. You goto Nirun. Office on the ground floor of tower building. Always units available. You can get roach spray at the Big C down the street...
  10. I agree. It's enough to know what happened without doing a bunch of vlogs on it, especially all the vloggers who immediately did an episode to get views.
  11. Is the pardon program still active? I thought it was discontinued. If it's still around it's likely much more strict the before.
  12. That's because the more you do it your odds of getting caught go way up. Most people think they got away with it the first time, but it's a fallacy. The system is always watching each time and has great odds in it's favor. Each time he tried it his odds went way down. It's like gambling, you win once and you focus on a win you think you have a fair chance of getting each time, but your really just playing a game the whole time that favors the house increasingly the more you play.
  13. Do it a 2nd time. You may not get another chance. ????
  14. Your great at saying absolutely nothing. ????
  15. ???? Sad. He was getting ready to go home to die around family and never made it.
  16. Wow, He smuggled on his person for only 100k baht? That barely covers the airfare and a two week holiday.
  17. Not many people refuse treatment when you need to goto the hospital. The article is typically what happens. You end up there and the system takes over. They don't just let you die. Your treated and the bills pile up. What are you going to do if you have a heart attack or are in pain?
  18. Do the beach and people look as good as Florida?
  19. I was in a restaurant that was empty. I sat in a corner booth to eat alone quietly and read on my phone. Some fat guy came in 5 minutes after and sat at the table right next to me with his back to me and in front of a window where we could see each others reflections.????‍♂️ The fat fk then took a non stop phone call complete with coughing etc. Then another guy came in and sat in the booth right next to us, leaving the entire rest of the restaurant empty ????. I had to move to the other end of the restaurant, half expecting them to follow me over. What's up with people these days? Seems like people get closer then necessary for no apparent reason. No wonder there is a mask mandate, people are just morons. You never know what's going on in their heads.
  20. I still remember the look some short Thai lady gave me on the Mrt when I rode without a mask when Covid 1st hit. It was chilling. I wore the mask every time after that.
  21. Drinking is a big part of it, but I'm sober probably half the time. It's more like I go into so many places and talk with so many different people that nothing really "sticks". I think it has to do with traveling a lot and having that mindset, or just liking going into every different place on the block, rather then focusing on a few particular places each time. ????‍♂️ It happens in other situations too just traveling. Meeting people but the conversation is always the same, where are you from? want to get a beer? etc etc, but it's always like people or places just passing through and no genuine friendships or connections take place because we both know we are not going to be around long ????, if that makes sense. That's about the best way I can describe it.
  22. I saw a dog charge out onto the highway at a Thai guy going at high speed on his motorbike along the shoulder. He had to drop the bike and he got a chain out and ran after the dog. He said "Krup".
  23. Maybe it's just me but I almost never remember bar names. It's just one big cluster fk to me of drinking. I don't usually remember people's names either, although I remember faces, stories and conversation. Such is Thailand for me. Just a haze of people moving in and out. It's one of the things that seem odd about Thailand to me is there are a bunch of superficial places and people that just disappear the next morning.
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