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Everything posted by JimTripper

  1. No, according to my university professor that’s the Little Dipper!
  2. Your in Pattaya, stay up until 9 pm!
  3. You said you were leaving CM. If you’re retired where are you moving to, if I may be so bold?
  4. I don’t think cheap frames are for me. I want a quality frame & lens.
  5. So your fine mid range then?
  6. That works if you want to carry three pairs of glasses around everywhere and constantly change them.
  7. Why are people having problems getting a professional exam and affordable quality lenses then?
  8. I guess that may work if it’s the same pigeon coming each time. If there are hundreds of pigeons each pigeon does not know the wire is there, so you still get a constant pigeon visits and craps.
  9. This has been asked before. Thailand is not a great place for optical needs. Most people recommend some online place like zenni.
  10. That’s what happens at most bars ????
  11. Years ago I had a similar problem at that same DC embassy. The lady kept calling at 6am in the morning, spoke bad English, and requesting stuff that was not on the official list. I had to pay to change my airline flight date. Then due to a delay on their end, would have had to change it again a second time which I did not do. I ended up telling her to return my passport asap, they returned the check for the visa ($200 I think) and my passport. I ended up flying in without a visa and just getting another three month one in Sihanoukville Cambodia with no problems. Never any problems at the LA embassy over many years btw. I wonder if you have the same lady from DC? ???? Something about this sounds real familiar. Does a lady call on the phone? She sounds rushed and stressed out and you can barely understand her?
  12. Hey man, Would you like to meet for head (of beer)? Pls send me a PM or reply to mine.
  13. Owl decoy statues are supposed to work
  14. Does SSA give a letter of projected future payouts, even if your not yet collecting? I know it has this info on the website. Worst case print it out and send that in.
  15. If you’re thinking of going into real “local” areas I would advise some caution in some areas. Including the general area between the old city and Central Festival has many streets with low end karaoke/bar shack while not overtly dangerous you would need to act proper if you went at night. The other area that I would consider semi-dangerous in terms of getting ripped off are the karaoke bars on Chang klan as you head away from the night market, and the smaller ones as you head much further down Chang klan could be more physically dangerous if you went at night and had problems. It all depends on how you act. Some of the ones on Chang klan are run by Chinese so it’s a different scene altogether.
  16. Is Chiangmai Mai writers club still open? Went in there once and everyone was pretty old. Looked like a good place to hit on other foreigners wives.
  17. One of my best male buddies is basically a early 20’s guy, even though he is currently in his 70’s. He has always been that way and appears adjusted at least outwardly. No kids, never married, single, still drinking rum & cokes. His primary social circle is guys in their 20’s-30’s. He has no desire (or need) to grow up and act mature. Some guys are just like that. I think Thailand attracts these kinds of guys. If you were to argue a point with him about not growing up you would lose every time. The only “tell” is when he is sitting there by the pool or in a bar with a bunch of younger guys and how weird it looks, although he would never see it.
  18. Could be it makes him feel younger. Nothing wrong with that. I have visited many years later my University and old places I hung out at and it gives a nice feeling. Same with houses I grew up in. It's about hanging onto memories mostly, you can't really relive it because you have changed, but it feels good to be there again. Hard to understand if your not over 50.
  19. Are you leering at the females in these establishments or just having a good time?
  20. Not specifically, however the males in my class never seem to be interested in my coffee's.
  21. The poster is talking about survival (living with a roof over your head, but not homeless), not extras. Room can be 2,000 baht. Food and water could be 50 baht x3 per day. Add 1000 baht a month for electric (one fluorescent tube light in the room and a hot water kettle) and necessities that allow you to appear in public to eat like toilet paper wipes or razors to shave and cut your hair. So we are talking 7,500 baht a month or $200 Usd.
  22. What you are probably looking for is a beer bar. You feel to young for a place like Zoe In Yellow and you don't prefer a date place where more mature people would be.
  23. It could be you. Most people won't keep asking if you set firm limits.
  24. Did you try the Riverside Bar & Restaurant on the Ping river near the old city? They have lots of live music, outdoor seating, etc.
  25. It's an immigration thing, not just Thailand. The same thing happens when I return to the USA and I'm American.
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