When asked always give a rote response with the purpose of the visa, no more. Tourism, retired, digital nomad, whatever. Nobody cares, but they want a verbal response on record. No additional info is offered unless they ask more questions.
Oxford anthropologist J.D. Unwin studied 86 societies and civilizations to see why some collapse and others don't. What did he find? That sexual debauchery leads to the collapse of a civilization within 3 generations.
Without prenuptial chastity, people usually regress into the lowest "dead" category as they become interested only in their own wants and needs. They become slaves to their appetites.
Cultures that have embraced total sexual freedom collapse within three generations. They might limp along for a time, powered by some momentum, but eventually, they are conquered or taken over by another culture.
I think she ran at all due to a lack of viable Democratic candidates. I don't think she really wanted the Presidency.
I'm not seeing any true Statesmen like I saw in the past running anymore. Where are they?
I have always believed that using an agent helps get the deposit returned. I would not have paid so much money for a deposit to just any landlord who could just block my calls or disappear after I move out. They are also suppossed to vet landlords so everything is legit and above board.
I have decided to just stay and keep paying rent as usual, unless someone tells me to leave. I can't find a better place for the price without signing a new contract and paying another deposit to a different landlord. I won't know if the deposit is returned until I actually vacate. I think I would still be legally entitled to the deposit at some point even if the lease had expired and I was still living here in subsequent months. I'm assuming someone won't just come in and remove my things due to some communication issue.
That's a good point, but it would probably mean living in a ratty room somewhere. Some of these cheaper monthly stay rooms with small deposits are awful. I looked at one next door in case things went belly up here and it was not for me, to put it politely.
I also tried Airbb, but I got tired of moving all the time and searching for places on there and timing the stays just right.
Why go on a forum for that? A scammer could meet people anywhere much easier (assuming they are in Thailand and not Nigeria).
Like any expat bar, restaurant, or cafe. Lower down on the food chain any tourist landmark.
It's a bit strange that the landlord wanted me to tell the agent something. After expressing my interest to stay, it seems like the landlord should take the ball and either present me with another lease or ask the agent to present me one since they hired the agent.
It's unclear if the agent is actually doing ongoing property management, or if they were just responsible for finding me as a tenant and writing up the lease. I figured they were acting as a property manager since they come in at the end and take photo's and determine damages. I wonder if they even differentiate those roles here.