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Everything posted by JimTripper

  1. If there's bugs and smells and people are coming in and out, just leave. That's a dealbreaker, nothing to feel guilty about leaving. You can't spend your life being someone else's property manager and watching as the place gets fixed up.
  2. U fat turd get off the soda and get to the gym or go exercise and you won't care about drinking beer all day
  3. Does anyone know if Bangkok was named that to imply banging a cock, or is it just a coincidence it sounds like that and is missing the letter C?
  4. Were any Thai guys there? Strange question, but I never see them looking at a women erotically. It's like they just don't look at breasts or <deleted> for some reason, almost like they are de-masculinized.
  5. That question is usually about money. They are not surprised, they are disappointed because there is no gauge to determine your income. It could be any amount. If it's a job that pays well, everyone's interested. If not, they usually don't want to discuss it.
  6. Or just one that really knew what she was doing.
  7. That's true for a lot of things.
  8. I think it happens all over. Your just lucky if it's covered. Nothing to brag about really.
  9. Did you actually live there?
  10. Because Nirun it's central. You can walk to Big C and Buakao. Street food restaurants and necessities are all over. I lived in Jomtein before and the one I was at (Jomtein Condotel) I had to hike in and out for food almost daily which was a pain in the <deleted>. Many Jomtein condo's are not near what I need and driving a motorbike out each time or carrying groceries on a motorbike is not for me. I also don't want to ride the baht bus each time I go out. I want to just walk out the door and have what I need. There's another building in that area named Spanish Place I will consider. It's cheap and looks a bit quieter, not as hectic, but maybe not as grungy as Nirun and not as crowded. I think it was one of the original buildings in the area.
  11. Is that the way it works in Thailand, or do people just go in when the rent is not paid?
  12. Never happens. The reason is that it could not be re-rented to get the judgement. They can't double dip. They would need to leave the place empty to potentially collect. Makes no sense. They just keep the deposit and re-rent. Some places the landlord needs to prove to the court that they attempted to 'mitigate the loss'. So they would need to advertise and attempt to re-rent it after the tenant left early. They can't use the court as a tool to punish the tenant into paying the contract if there was an easier option.
  13. you don't need to walk everywhere, just walk down the block, and eat, and stop complaining
  14. I'm glad they work for somebody.
  15. Well, he said straight Thai guys, so I guess those kind of "other things" are out. I think he meant he has a good time with foreigners but they depart (move away) soon, so he wants good Thai friends who stick around more and have more of a long term friendship. To do that he needs to goto Thai bars though, not expat bars.
  16. It's hard to say without knowing you. What happens when you pursue the friendship with a Thai guy like you would with the expats? Do they just ignore you or flake out on meetups or be uptight? Be more specific about the behavior pattern you are seeing.
  17. I'm not sure, that's why I'm asking. What I need is a cheap as possible place that's still livable and safe, but not so cheap that an American would be uncomfortable living there. I don't care how the outside looks and don't care who else lives there as long as they don't bug me. I also don't want to be around any sort of illegal drug activity. I have seen rooms online that look decent, but I never hear of anyone living there and it's extremely cheap and a huge central building, so I wonder why.
  18. It probably says if you break the lease early you forfeit the deposit. That would imply the agreement is void. It's broken usually a couple days after that months rent is due if you don't send the payment. Just guessing ????‍♂️. Can you read the lease? Do you know how to read?
  19. Dating over 50 in the USA these days is not easy at all. Getting laid on the singles scene over 50 without being a rock star or famous artist is a life changing event. Women over 50 have it even worse. Don't even get me started on those big eastern city Christmas singles parties. Let me just say they are fairly depressing.
  20. Do you have experience living in Nirun Grande Ville in Pattaya? Is it livable for longer term, say 6 months to 1 year? It's subjective, so if you do, let me know what your budget or lifestyle is like, and what you consider livable or comfortable.
  21. By the time you find a specific place your already in a great spot. Recommendations don't work for me. Just walk around.
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