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Everything posted by JimTripper

  1. I hate to say it and sound dumb, but it could be penis envy.
  2. The daughter needs to help out. Tell the guy to call her and ask for a loan. If he refuses, he is skint out of luck.
  3. The problem may be living squished in with a bunch of other people, not just noise. If that's the case you may get increasingly irritated living in Thailand as people tend to not really leave you alone in most cases.
  4. Sounds like the daughter back in the UK is a real deadbeat. Maybe she was not raised well ????‍♂️.
  5. That always seems to be a great answer, but not realistic at least for the USA. You "return home" there in your 70's without a relative waiting for you at the airport with a bedroom ready and you would find yourself homeless and probably die. There's no social worker or people there waiting for you. Your on your own.
  6. Is he able to vacate to a nearby country on his own and arrange a visa with all the procedures involved? It's not the easiest thing to do flying into Cambodia or Vietnam, getting a hotel, and finding the embassy, especially if your not young and agile. It sounds like he's a little jittery.
  7. JimTripper

    Covid 4th shot?

    I had 3x Pfizer covid shots and just got a flu shot. It feels like I have had too much stuff going into my body, so I'm not getting any more injections for awhile.
  8. JimTripper


    Can you logon? Initiate restore computer to default state under settings I think. Otherwise purchase a new version of windows and install from a disk. It should wipe the old Windows software during installation.
  9. ???? I would just post it. Not something I would need permission to do, unless they have it in one of those locking glass cabinets.
  10. "Belleville apartment bangkok" "House by the pond bangkok" "Sanctuary house bangkok" "The Atlanta hotel bangkok"
  11. The pool idea may not be for everyone. Meeting people with your clothes off can be difficult if your not in great shape or taking care of your body. If you do go this route I recommend at a minimum a full body shave, including down under, pits, etc.
  12. There's too many factors to consider. The point is it's setup to get the maximum amount of money, not for your convenience.
  13. They want to milk out as much money from people as possible. Overall, people of a certain age the research will show have more money then others, others will have more money at a certain age with health insurance and can afford a larger deposit in a Thai bank, younger people will be attracted by an elite card to impress people, etc. If it's all based on income or savings and not age, they lose money overall because they can't get more out of those who have more.
  14. You found yourself through cheap housing, interesting.
  15. Pool, gym or nearest bar, just like anywhere else. People tend to come and go at these condo's and not be around long, especially if they allow Airbnb's. I think that's why many buildings don't allow them. It becomes more like a hotel with passing faces. Long timers would likely be at the nearest bar to the building, at least in Jomtein.
  16. Probably not in a go-go bar.
  17. Maybe he is looking to lose himself. Anything but sitting at home looking in the mirror works!
  18. I don't think they know the answer, but are not content to just sit where they are. The question is, where do they go to find themselves?
  19. Some of these condo's in Pattaya your lucky if you get to sleep at all. I prefer corner units so I can position the bed with my head towards the outer wall.
  20. You sound really confused! ????
  21. Taking a year off work is not really running from himself. Could be quite the opposite for many people who have not found their true calling in their jobs.
  22. I'm following some guy on YouTube and this is actually his situation. Stage 4 cancer spread to the lungs, although his lifestyle is basically the same. Right now he is basically staying in nice hotels with his dogs, smoking weed and taking small trips that are not too far from the hospital. He wanted to goto Thailand but could not due to the flight safely due to blood clots I think. He is late 50's, no kids, single, no friends. Real into YouTube and live streams. Pretty depressing, but if you don't have a lot of money there really is not a whole lot you CAN DO. Your just waiting to die. His name is Mad Mac.
  23. One way you could find yourself is stop taking advice. You basically become other people when you take advice, to the extent that it influences your decisions. Some people are nothing more then a jumble of other people's advice and decisions, then they try to figure out why they are not happy with their lives.
  24. So he does not count as being there, it's only other people that matter? ???? Not a great way to find yourself, is it? You need to find and love yourself before you can have successful relationships.
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