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Everything posted by JimTripper

  1. I wonder if he is coming to shore, or will just sit in the yacht. If he came ashore it would likely be with a group of people around him and not solo. Tommy Lee from Motley Crue came to walking street many years ago. He was never alone though, there was always a group of people around him he was traveling with. It seems like these types are never really alone. There's always people they know around them wherever they go. The entourage or hangers on. Strange lives.
  2. The loansharks are probably trying to sieze the workers paychecks before they get handed out ????
  3. Not something I would be doing for other then personal photo's. It can get hairy in many countries and misinterpreted as espionage, defamation of the country, bad for tourism, etc. especially if it's themed with decay. Ditto with flying drones around.
  4. They don't let bodies just "sit around". Your body would be reported to the authorities, taken by the coroner, and probably cremated at the coroner if nobody claimdd you (not 100% on that, a Buddhist country may let a temple claim you for a pauper cremation free of cost, or using the money you had on you at time of death). If nobody reports it, then your body just sits there and decomposes or animals eat it. Hopefully by the time that occurs you have found another body to possess or moved on in some way.
  5. Fighting their entry is a game to them. They don't know you don't want them in there, it's like you are putting a maze out and they are solving a puzzle each time. The thing to do is put out a platter of food out in the yard at night away from the house. Just try it, swallow your anger. They will stop coming in the house in several days.
  6. Just shutup & die
  7. Actually, it's much nicer then local Thai housing in many cases. Just walk around and you see what that's like. Cement cinderblock small rooms, no ventiliation, balcony or views, sometimes no windows. It tends to be hidden from view. The next step up is a tiny room in a newer apartment block with tile floors but no private balcony and only a tiny window in the front, sometimes you get a ledge in back for the a/c and to hang clothes. You need to get off walking street though, walk down some back soi's or local areas, then live there for a week and learn to stop complaining about things. ????‍♂️
  8. Nirun in Pattaya always has plenty for sale cheap.
  9. Avoid the per piece places, simply not worth it. I even had one place sew small pieces of red thread into each item to indicate they were washed. Kind of crazy if you wear one pair of underwear a day. I started using the 24 hr self-service laundrymat late at night when the staff were asleep. ????‍♂️ (The Thai's have a thing about laundry and get nervous if a farang is in their doing it on their own. They will hover around and want to do it for you, or just act weird about it. I had it happen all over.)
  10. So who pays the return flight ticket when he shows up visa in hand and is refused? They need to figure this out BEFORE he gets to the airport ????‍♂️.
  11. Having an officer there at all will probably become a thing of the past soon. Like everything else, it will just be a kiosk or robot and you will be scanning your documents in. It's that way already at some airports when you first arrive, though due to the paranoia you still need to stand in front of an officer. The technllogy is advancing so quickly it will all be robot soon, maybe with an officer looking through a camera in a back room somewhere. We will miss the good old days (or not) when some human offered some sort of "interpretation".
  12. I think that if you have a sticker visa the immigration officer is stretching authority to refuse. The embassy has ready vetted you and your finances when you applied for the visa. The officer discretion thing should be an exceptional circumstance the officer notices that slipped the attention of the embassy or original application. So it should be very rare they question a visa you have, because they are in essence second guessing the process in place. The immigration you see are grunt line stamping workers, similar to what security guards would be, not on the level of embassy staff who issue visas.
  13. Remember the movie Pulp Fiction when that guy was getting drilled in the basement by the cop. Thump, thump, thump...
  14. It's hard to fill out a form with a nightstick in your <deleted>.
  15. Did that really happen to you in Thailand and what was the outcome? Would be very rare. If it did or ever happened anywhere you just pay and get out, sort the complaint later. You don't have rights, you could just rot in jail until the backed up court system figures out what to do months later. I did have it happen to me in Mexico, but there were other people around, other guards, judge etc, not just one officer, and they gave me the option to choose what amount to pay for the "ticket".
  16. If it happened to me I would tell them I needed to return to the hallway to use the phone/atm. Just keep getting in que for a different officer. In the unlikely event they all ask for the money (or the original officer interferes and takes over the transaction) you would need to pay or fly elsewhere. There's no real "why" here, it was just somebody stretching the rules and wanted a bribe for whatever reason. This goes back to my vetting rule at any immigration line. There are usually several lanes. You need to glance at the officers and back a split second decision on who looks trustworthy and not just get in any line. It's a vibe you get off them and it's not hard to do with some practice. Same thing you would do talking to someone on the steet or wherever. It could convey as someone you just feel you don't like, or someone not acting normally or looking irritated, or inappropriate smirk when handing back the passport to another traveler. It's your intuition telling you something is wrong and using something you noticed as a tool to let you know.
  17. You don't need to be skint to have money problems, mate. Being from the USA, I tried the Mexico thing also. I was like, how many days can I just eat taco's and beans? They don't have a variety of food there, except in Mexico City. The visa and flight over is sure easier though.
  18. I hate these money problems as we get older. It seems like they are ongoing with no real solution. Even if you make the best of arrangements people have a way of challenging it and causing further problems. ????
  19. What are people doing, going without insurance, or getting expensive global plans? My home country plan won't cover internationally.
  20. When would I need to show the 800k in a Thai Bank? After the 1st year, getting stamped in sgain for a 2nd year, or after 2 years? Or, each time I re-enter at all? I know I need to show medical insurance on each entry as you indicated before. I'm trying to determine whether I can stay 2 years at a time on an O-A, just return to my home country every two years, re-apply for another O-A, and keep the money in my home country bank. It makes sense to me because I want to go back to visit people and would rather re-apply every two years then transfer the money to Thailand. I also have an empty place to stay there anyway so can wait for a new visa.
  21. Does the 800k baht need to be transferred into a thai bank 2 months prior to the O-A permit to stay extension? Is it possible to get a re-entry permit on the extension of stay, so when I go visit relatives I don't need to ever re-apply for the O-A again every 2 years?
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