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Everything posted by Hellfire

  1. Ask any businessman hiring people anywhere in the world: you will hear the same story.
  2. So, it looks like a lot of foreigners have came to Thailand and opened the businesses just to find out how lazy almost all Thai people are. And everybody have one and the same story: we are ready to pay a lot for a work of almost doing nothing and still these lazy people refuse to work. I wish I could ask those Thais what the real story was, I am sure it would be quite different. Anyway. The question is why do you still operate your businesses if there is such a huge problem with hiring people? Or may be it is not a real problem? Many foreigners come to Thailand and expect these poor third worlders to be happy for every dollar they give them. But when they see instead that local people have some dignity and self respect (and even dare to think they have a right to be lazy) - they then accuse the Thais of being lazy and “lacking initiative”. Come on, money is important for humans, but, contrary to your beliefs - it is not everything.
  3. You know, if my only option was to work in the construction or in the rice field for 300 baht a day - I would prefer to steal or sell drugs instead.
  4. I remember now the calloused, rough hands of my ex-girlfriend's father. His sun-wrinkled face. This man worked hard all his life and at the same time had no any savings and not even a decent house. And now some pampered farang is telling me about lazy Thai people...
  5. I would say, that’s the way most of the corrupted societies’ economy works. And again, your opinion about Thai people being generally lazy is not obvious in any way since it stems from your personal and limited experience. My own experience, for example, is quite different: some of the hardest working people in the world. And still, unacceptably poor (most of them).
  6. What your post with your limited personal experience has to do with the FACT that majority of the Thai people are paid pennies for their work?
  7. And what about that 10 usd wage per day? With the family to feed? Working under the hot sun? Would you still be able to succeed when paid so little for the hardest kinds of work? And this is the reality for the most of poor people in Thailand. “There are obviously exceptions”.
  8. Poor people in Thailand are damned. It is so hard for them to make it out of poverty. The system does everything to keep them poor (and uneducated). I guess, she never had such a big sum of money at her disposal before. I really cannot blame her for her actions. I prefer to blame the corrupt system which keeps millions of hard working people poor and without any hope for a better future.
  9. I too hope this senator cannot stop the bill. But he has already successfully stalled it. And this at the time when, according to many sources, the Ukrainian army is running out of ammo. “Congress is said to have acted with extraordinary speed and bipartisan solidarity after Biden warned that aid to Ukraine is likely to stop next week without a new influx of funds. In a rare show of bipartisanship, both majority leader Chuck Schumer and minority leader Mitch McConnell co-promoted the bill”. https://english.nv.ua/nation/us-republican-senator-stalls-urgent-aid-package-to-ukraine-news-50241832.html
  10. This is such a harsh decision. A fine of 500 thb would be more than enough.
  11. Senator Rand blocks Lend-Lease Prime-minister Orban blocks embargo President Erdogan blocks NATO
  12. This is so wrong. Thinking we are the part of the Nature. We are not. We overgrew it. Somehow, we are the anti-nature. May be, we are the nature’s cancer. Anyway - we are something unique and not complimentary to anything that existed before us. Never will we find our peace of mind in going back to nature.
  13. Have no idea about that Matrix BS. This world around us is deeply human. We exist in the human vacuum and there is no any other reality but the human one. We can research this world around us, find some rules and laws. What we cannot do is to exist in any other world or reality but the one created by ourselves. Is there anything existing but it? Definitely. There is. Something. May be an infinite number of “somethings”. But none of it has anything to do with us, humans. We have one and only reality, the one mirroring ourselves.
  14. The objective reality is a myth. There is only a human reality. No humans = no reality.
  15. The world, as we know it, is nothing more than a story told by a grandmother to their grandchildren… when there is no more grandmother to tell another story, then “this world” will be over. Can there be other worlds? Absolutely. But we have no idea about those, those are not our worlds, those are not worlds at all….
  16. This world is not existing without us, humans. We created it in our minds, it exists as long as we exist and it will cease to exist the moment we do.
  17. No, they are just machines. They recognize nothing. The only creature on this planet that does recognize anything (in the true sense of this word) is a human.
  18. Yes, that is my idea. Birds are much closer to the chairs or stones than to us, humans. We humans are unique. Like not anything else in the known universe.
  19. The problem is they are never going to appreciate the quality of their life. Does your computer have a good life? Or the chair you sit on at the moment? Does your chair indeed has any life?
  20. Yes, may be. The problem is - they don’t even know they are alive. They don’t exist for themselves. They do only exist for us, humans.
  21. They are programmed to seek and find the food. Machines. If you want to find out about their real level of intellect - ask what their favorite football team is or what was their last girlfriend’s name or… whatever… From the human’s point of view - all those creatures don’t really exist… they are kinda dead…
  22. Yes, but they are just machines not remembering a single thing they did a minute ago. Not much different from a tree or even a stone. Do you really wish to be a stone? All the beauty of the birds - it is only their beauty in the eyes and brains of the humans whom you seem to despise. Nothing else. There is no world outside of the human brain. Only an absolute nothingness.
  23. Do you really think any bird knows it is a bird? Being a bird is equal to be dead (from the human’s point of view).
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