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Everything posted by Hellfire

  1. I am actually of the 80s-90s music generation. Heavy metal, Iron Maiden , Metallica, Nirvana etc. However, the older I get, the more I understand that the best of the Rock music was created and performed somewhere between 1965-1975. Though, I am afraid, I would never be able to understand this without my father’s direct influence. RIP.
  2. Meanwhile, the West is still buying huge amounts of gas and oil from Russia. Until this is stopped - Russia will not collapse economically and there will not be any serious threat to Putin’s regime from within. Macdonalds and Facebook’s withdrawal from Russia will not do the job. There is a lot of hype about recent sanctions but the most important ways of isolating Russia’s economy are still not utilized.
  3. Somehow, I think it is you who is influenced by the Hollywood cold war era propaganda about the mighty Soviet war machine. You don’t seem to understand the real situation with the Russian military of 2022: backward, corrupted and low motivated. Many more surprises on the way for you.
  4. Ok, you are right. Those bombs can kill us all. Let’s then make Mr Putin with his unpredictable ‘interests’ - the ruler of the world. After all - we have no choice. He has the bombs!
  5. So, following you logic, the same should happen when Putin invades Poland, Baltic states and whatever country he will feel like to invade? Again those countries will have “to work out whatever accommodation with Putin that they can”. And where will this cowardly position lead us all in the end? Any ideas?
  6. In the worst case scenario (for Ukraine), there will be a full scale partisan war that will make the earth burning under the feet of the Russian soldiers. Because this is what inevitably happens when you invade such a big country with such a big population 99% of whom hate you and consider being an evil aggressor. Whoever thinks Putin can control Ukraine (or even half of it) is a worst kind of a dreamer.
  7. What is there about Russia that makes it a “great power” or “super power”? Economy the size of Texas? Do you know about any modern technology coming from Russia? Or may be it is a Russian military machine which is basically stuck in the 70s-80s of the past century? And what about the African levels of corruption? What is there so Great about modern Russia and their dictator that the whole world should be submissive to its so called “interests”? Oh, I know what. Those nuclear bombs inherited by Mad Vlad from his grandfather Joseph Stalin. And then, what is the difference between Putin and another terrorist breaking into the kindergarten with the bomb in his hands and taking hostages? Is that what real power all about? And isn’t it actually the sign of a Great weakness, instead?
  8. You are an optimist. I wished you were right. My guess is 5 to 10 years, at least. And there are global risks that can make everything much worse (China and many other chaotic elements).
  9. This is too idealistic. There are millions of, so called Russians (cannot express my true opinion of these “people” on this forum), ready to die for their Tsar. This regime should destroy itself from within. Unfortunately, it will take more time than most of us here would like. My main hope is this crisis will not make the rest of the world a much worse place to be living in.
  10. Listen, bannork, is that your comment under this video with 1.9 k likes? What a coincidence (because this is one of my favorite songs of all times) ! If so, it is my honor to meet you “in person” here.
  11. Not sure if I can post it here, but the guy understands and explains everything pretty well
  12. Apart from Azov, there is one more organization which is demonized by Putin media machine - Praviy Sektor (The right sector). In fact, this is also , same as Azov, a small radical organization that never succeeded to make it to the Ukrainian parliament. Together with Azov it is mentioned almost daily on Russian TV as a true face of the Ukrainian government (to which they have NO any connection). Stupid and primitive propaganda that, unfortunately, worked well on the minds of the millions of Russians.
  13. "In September 2016, founder and former commander of the Azov Battalion Andriy Biletsky said that he would be leading a new political party.[30] In early October 2016, Biletsky stated that the new party would use neither names nor symbols of the Azov Battalion.[55] On 14 October 2016, this political party called National Corps (Natsionalnyi Korpus) held its first congress. National Corps formed a coalition with three other right-wing parties during the 2019 Ukrainian parliamentary election, but failed to have any candidate elected to the Verkhovna Rada, and the coalition failed to achieve official party status as it only won a combined 2.15% of the nationwide electoral list vote, short of the required 5%" —— So you seriously compare a marginal organization who only got 2% of votes to the 23 years old fascist regime of Putin? This is one of the typical methods of Putin’s propaganda: taking things out of proportion.
  14. Ironically, in his last speech on TV Putin mentioned “the final solution of the Ukrainian question”. Another direct analogy with the German Nazi regime.
  15. My only question here is how the Western leaders could not see this coming. It was so obvious what the true face of Putin's regime was back in 2014, the latest. Can you imagine that just 4 weeks ago the Germans seriously planned to open Nord Stream 2 pipeline to make their dependency on the Russian resources even bigger? How could people in power be so shortsighted? Should not Angela Merkel be made responsible for sponsoring fascist regime in Russia with the German taxpayer’s money? The money which is now used to shell and destroy Ukrainian cities and its citizens.
  16. Yes, Russia was in the big economic crisis during the 90-s. And then there happened a steady recovery in the beginning of 2000s. The answer about why this occurred is quite simple: just look at the prices of the main Russia’s exports. While in 90s it was close 10$ per barrel, in the time of Putin’s rule it increased tenfold on average. Russian propaganda still attributes this economic shift to the Putin‘s patriotic stance and other kind of similar BS when, in fact, it was just a pure macroeconomic luck. Still, even with the sky rocket gas and oil price - Russian economy is weak and highly corrupted. Not many real new industries were created during the last 20 years, but instead, trillions of dollars were stolen from the Russian people and transferred to the western bank accounts. The most recent actions of the Kremlin, testify, more than anything else, about the inevitable bankruptcy of the so called putinomics.
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