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Everything posted by Hellfire

  1. My own experience (which, of course, might be quite limited) tells me the opposite. Brain is the most complex (by far) and the least understood organ of the human body. What are the serious neurological conditions which are successfully treated by the modern medicine? Are there any? All those I know of are incurable. They might call some of them as being "manageable", but those are just words' game and a marketing trick.
  2. The Pope has also said many other things concerning the conflict which were not so popular with the Putin’s propaganda. That is why you prefer not to quote those.
  3. Better save your money and time. Neurologists are not any better than astrologists. Accept your condition and get used to it. They know nothing about the brain, but they will happily accept any money from somebody feeling worried about their new and strange sensations. Unless you feel a real discomfort (a physical one, not psychological) - take it as a part of the normal ‘getting older’ process.
  4. Will execute my sexual revenge on Pattaya around 38 thb per usd.
  5. https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-10745115/France-Germany-sold-230million-military-hardware-including-bombs-missiles-Moscow.html France and Germany 'sold £230million of military hardware including bombs, missiles and guns to Moscow' - likely used in Russia's invasion of Ukraine - despite EU-wide arms embargo in wake of 2014 annexation of Crimea
  6. I feel thankful to the Thais just for not beating me up every time they see me walking on their streets. They don’t even attack me when they meet me walking with one of their females. Words? Names? Semantics and double meanings? Well, leave me alone!
  7. Fighting for Russia in Africa, Syria or Ukraine? What does it mean exactly?
  8. New and important article on Wikipedia about “Rashism”. Rashism or Ruscism (Russian: Рашизм, tr. Rashizm) is an assertion that Russia has been transformed into a fascist country. That transformation was described as based on the ideas of the "special civilizational mission" of the Russians, such as Moscow as the third Rome and expansionism.This is also a claim widely used to identify supporters of Russian military aggression. History of the term The phenomenon was first described as Russism by the President of the Chechen Republic of Ichkeria Dzhokhar Dudayev, who saw the military action by Russia in Caucasus as a manifestation of the rising far-right ideology. According to Dudayev, “Ruscism is a variety of hate ideology which is based on Great Russian chauvinism, spiritlessness and immorality. It differs from other forms of fascism, racism, and nationalism by a more extreme cruelty, both to man and to nature. It is based on the destruction of everything and everyone, the tactics of scorched earth." https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rashism
  9. Very emotional and very true https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=wDmEPFO_hd0
  10. No. Even if they had a great army - would they ever attack Russia for those tiny islands in the ocean? Don’t think so. China? They are already making their peaceful invasion into the far parts of Russia. But this is another story.
  11. You can never totally exclude this to happen. But, my own beliefs are that the nuclear threat is just another bluff of the Empire of Lies which is a modern Russia. This nuclear war scenario was much more possible in the Soviet times. Those Soviet partocrats had some ideology to support their actions. Modern Russian elite is all about money and anything good it can buy. Nothing in between. And, as I wrote above, those “security threats” stuff is nothing but a propaganda ( targeted at the Russian population) and people like Putin are not really feeling threatened by anybody or anything from the outside world.
  12. Have you ever heard Finns or somebody from the Baltic states expressing their will to take back their historic lands from the Russian occupation? As far as I know - almost all Russian neighbors’ only dream is that Russia forgets that their countries even exist! Japanese? Yes, they have those islands they want to have back. But I never ever heard the Japanese ever threatened Russia about any military action in that regard. Their only hope was always Russia to give it back as a good will gesture. Never anything else.
  13. The only real reason why Putin is focused on Donbas is because it is the closest part of Ukraine to Russia geographically. There is not and there never existed such a group of people as “people of Donbas”. An absolute fake. Give me enough power and money, and I will create “people of Texas or North Dakota” for you. The so called Donbas problem was 100% created by the outside forces, namely Russia. And Donbas was never of the real interest for Putin. He just used it to try and to disintegrate Ukraine as a state. A really misleading article. I wonder why it was even written. Trying to attribute some sense and logic to the maniac’s actions?
  14. There were not any. Nobody ever considered attacking a nuclear power like Russia. But Russia is still an empire keeping within itself dozens of nationalities and their historic territories. The last empire which should be broken up! All those, so called, Russian “security concerns” are a part of their propaganda. Ukraine presented no threat to Russia before it was attacked.
  15. Catch up and overtake America. That was a slogan of Khrushchev’s times in USSR. Which led to another Soviet joke (it was especially popular among Soviet scientists back then): it is ok to catch up America. But we better not to overtake it because then they will see our naked as* (an idiom, meaning somebody’s “true situation”, as opposed to the one a person wants to present to the world). Thanks to this war, the whole world was able to see the true worth of the Putin's regime, its “naked as*”.
  16. Men are all the same. Under certain circumstances - all of them will gladly build that Isaan glass Palace.
  17. As I wrote above, this is a typical behaviour of the Russian elite as a whole. They sell anti-westernism and anti-americanism to the masses. But all their own actions signals the opposite. They love and worship the West. All those "anti" rhetorics are simply used to control the population which is INDEED poisoned by the anti-western propaganda (stemming and supported by the 70 years old Soviet time propaganda). I would like people in the West got rid of the illusion that there is Putin and there are people. Just think about the Gitler's Germany and you will get , more or less, a true picture. There would not be any kind of Putin if there would not be a true request for his policy in the minds of millions and millions Russian people. This is a deeply ill society that needs to be treated.
  18. But there is a difference. Those Western politicians may have fake but different opinions (depending on all kinds of interests they present). Russian "politicians" all have one and the same position, that of their führer's. Same same but different (speaking in Thai).
  19. It is hard to say because there is no any independent body to analyze it. My personal experience - not less than 70%. Hope I am wrong.
  20. Who should we believe instead? The media of the Russian Pharaoh? Independent and free? Russia is still the country of GULAG. People are still tortured in the Russian prisons the same way they were tortured in the Stalin's times (just read and watch the recent Russian penitentiary exposures). Nothing really changed. And here you cast doubts on the Western press? Really?
  21. Well, modern day Russians are well aware of the Putin's and Stalin's atrocities. And most of them support those. I don't say you have to attack any Russian you meet. But those refusing to denounce Putin regime's crimes - should be treated respectively (no entry to the civilized world, the least).
  22. Do you remember those "ordinary German civilians" after the World War 2? Somehow, they all were made responsible for the Nazi regime's actions. This and only this helped the Germans to overcome their evil past and to become a modern and successful society today. The Germans collectively denounced their past. Unless Russians go through the same process for the Stalin and Putin regimes' crimes - they will never change, will never become a part of the civilized world. More than 50% of Russians support Putin (and Stalin, too). Most probably, much more.
  23. The most disgusting post of the week. Actually, you don't have an idea about what is happening in Ukraine and Russia. And you DON'T CARE. This is what is really disgusting about your post. Two or three sides to every story? My own 8 years old son just got lucky to get out of Kiev 3 weeks ago (it took 7 days exhausting trip to the Slovakian border). Most of the boys and girls he studies with - they are still there, under the Putin's bombs. Ukrainian children are killed on a daily basis! And here you find "other sides" to this story? This is because YOU DON'T REALLY CARE! So , please, shut up. Just shut up.
  24. I wonder how many of those Thais supporting the Russian cannibal Putin are actually Chinese Thai? I spoke to several Isaan Thais - all of them told me they don't like what Putin does.
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