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Everything posted by Hellfire

  1. Yes, this is the route I will most likely choose. What is a reasonable price for this kind of “help”?
  2. Imagine going to 5-6 banks with a pile of cash and getting “no” at each one of them. I think I will try to go the agency way.
  3. I am on a tourist visa. I also have a Thai bank account which I was lucky to open 12 years ago. Now I need to open one more account at another bank. And I know that this is not that easy as before. What if I bring 1 mln baht in cash and promise to deposit it into my newly opened account? What are the chances that this will work? Or is it just a waste of time?
  4. Yeah, pure speculation. I would even say - wild fantasies of yours.
  5. Not an easy thing to be a foreigner in Thailand these days. I am even afraid of picking on my nose in public. Don’t want to see my photos or video with a thousand condemning comments from the outraged Thai citizens and my visa being revoked within 24 hours by the governor himself.
  6. So, according to you, the highest concentration of the critical thinkers should be found in a madhouse. Yeah, sure. I have no time discussing anything with intellectually dishonest people. P.S. On one thing I agree with you, though. You are somebody who is on the opposite side of a common sense. Don’t want to use an exact word for it in order not to be banned from the forum (and it is definitely not “a critical thinker”).
  7. In Thailand one should marry an orphan. I was stupid enough to dump one when I met her. Now all regrets.
  8. This is my point when I talk about 18 years. It never was on those levels since 2006.
  9. It is close to 18 years high. It can go up a bit, but the chances it will go higher than 38 are slim, imho.
  10. Anybody driving a car can kill someone, not only those who are drunk. I , personally, would never drive drunk if I felt that being drunk makes me a worse driver. Still, I agree that it is irresponsible behavior and this is why I avoid doing so for many years already.
  11. Was stopped while driving drunk back in the end of 2017. Was offered a “solution package” for 20k baht. Made a counteroffer of 10k and it was immediately accepted. The next morning I read about possible consequences, which I luckily avoided and which included things like prison time and deportation, and decided to never drive drunk again.
  12. Actually , this was an intended meaning of my original post. Don’t fight against common sense using fake constructions like ‘critical thinking’. Being suspicious about obvious things has nothing to do with the critical thinking. It is more about (very popular these days) conspiracy mentality (something on the opposite side of real thinking).
  13. I would rephrase it: Engaging in a debate AGAINST common sense using fabricated "critical thinking" is a futile endeavor.
  14. Engaging in a debate with common sense using fabricated "critical thinking" is a futile endeavor. It is evident that one will inevitably lose such a battle. If individuals were to be held accountable for every nonsensical statement they make (like, pay one dollar for every word of nonsense) - there would be no discussions in this thread.
  15. We will continue to wait indefinitely for a comprehensive explanation and genuine footage. It's been four days, yet neither the brothers nor their family have stepped forward to provide any justification for their actions. Not a single argument has surfaced to alleviate their situation. It's highly likely that the brothers will face significant time in a Thai prison. Any speculation about secret videos or undisclosed facts won't absolve them of their foolish behavior.
  16. 10 times more xenophobic than Thailand. Double pricing for foreigners everywhere.
  17. This “expert” decision will change their lives forever. Being an expert in anything does not mean you have a license to turn off your brain and common sense.
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