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Everything posted by samtam

  1. Yes, I just completed my "Proof of Life" witnessed by my Thai lawyer. Whether the DWP check on false claims of UK residency to obtain the annual inflationary increases is another matter. The witness to the "Proof of Life" could lie on your behalf, but may face criminal proceedings too. Certainly the UK Government is looking to eliminate benefit fraud, given the dire state of the public finances.
  2. I sympathise with the lack of interest and response from your complaints, but unfortunately it takes a few vocal and likeminded co-owners to get together and formulate a strategy. Obviously you have to have mostly Thais involved. By the sound of it, (no pun intended), you are unlikely to be the only co-owner who has an issue with AirBnB, or similar short term renters. As I said, it's not easy, and you will go through hell to get something done. We had a totally unrelated issue with the committee and their co-owner friends at my condo, involving a very important and rich family. It took about 2-3 years to get it resolved, and it was extremely unpleasant. But everything has been through 180 degrees, and it now works as it should, and what we did is now very much approved.
  3. It's not easy, and it's not cheap, and with the type of people you're talking about, it might be dangerous, but there is a remedy; if there are sufficient numbers of owners who want to agitate, they can sue the committee and the juristic person manager for not following the Condominium Act.
  4. @bamnutsak's comment from the above thread: Social Security payments could suffer interruption soon as DOGE causes ‘system collapse,’ former commissioner warns—‘start saving now’ https://fortune.com/2025/03/03/social-security-payments-benefits-interruption-doge-cuts-system-collapse-retirement-disability/ Social Security has never missed a payment. DOGE actions threaten ‘interruption of benefits,’ ex-agency head says https://www.cnbc.com/2025/03/01/doge-actions-may-cause-social-security-benefit-interruption-ex-agency-head.html
  5. I think it's fair to assume that you can now take nothing for granted in the US under the administration of Musk & DOGE.
  6. Sorry. I missed any reference to US Social Security.
  7. What about tax? 5% on THB780K after TEDA of THB500K is THB14,000 - or less, if you have insurance exemption.
  8. He's King Charles III, (since 2022). Like Zelensky, he's also a head of state. Unlike Zelensky, he served in the Royal Air Force and the Royal Navy from 1971 to 1976. The King, mindful of his constitutional role, agreed to a meeting, at Zelensky's behest, just as he has issued an invitation to Trump, (both with the agreement, or request of the prime minister).
  9. Well, you can certainly save your file, but whether in stages, I'm not sure. Mine is completed and saved. I amended one version that I had saved, and then added in a withholding tax interest claim. That has now been saved, and I will file when I want (before 8 April).
  10. Yes, you can file online with a TIN, even without a Thailand salary. It is only in Thai, so either using Google translate, or have a Thai person complete on your behalf. My online file in complete, and saved and pending a "send" button, when I want to, (before 8 April 2025). [I access through https://efiling.rd.go.th/rd-cms/ and log in using my name, TIN and have an SMS sent with digital code.]
  11. Sorry, not YOU defining "sent to Thailand", but the Thailand Revenue Department. Their Guideline does not define it.
  12. My circumstances are the same - personal allowances of THB500K far exceed assessable income. BUT, your local Revenue Office has interpreted the Revenue Department's own filing Guidelines I quoted previously, to wit: any income over THB60K for a single person or THB120K for a married couple, requires a tax filing. This is where the whole thing gets really annoyingly stupid....the lack of consistency in what TRD say from office to officer. One would hope by now someone with authority at TRD somewhere in Thailand has grasped that fact, and realised that they need to make adjustments to either their guidelines, or their internal directives.... ....oops, wake me up😴....TIT
  13. My point was defining "sent to Thailand", not the allowances.
  14. No. When all the figures are keyed into the e-filing it produces and PND.90. I thought it would be a PND.91 too, but the programme converts "income" into salary, so after it computes, it becomes a PND.90. (Yes, another confusing and apparent contradiction, as I don't have a salary in Thailand.)
  15. Got it! As a matter of curiosity, what is the basis of your vehement argument to ignore TRD guidelines? Is it just the TIT lack of clarity BS that permeates, or something more substantive? I only ask candidly, because the efficacy of toeing the TRD Guidelines is rather diluted.
  16. Income Sent to Thailand: Below this amount. Define "Sent to Thailand". Actually, rather than ChatGPT, get TRD to define it. It doesn't, and therein lies the problem of TRD and AI.
  17. Whilst what you say makes complete sense to me, your TRD office doesn't obviously follow the Thai Revenue Department guidelines: The rest of what they've told you is not covered in the Guideline, (income after TEDA, no salary in Thailand etc). Also they do not define "remittance", as in money brought in / accessed via a method other than an overseas bank transfer. So called Thai tax experts, including those who have wheeled out TRD staff state otherwise. There is simply no consistency from one office or officer to another. Perhaps the Finance Minister is realising they have opened a subject which has no concise rules. Until they do, it is anybody's guess whether one should file or not; and I've "heard" both sides numerous times, but not a specific clear directive from the Thai Revenue Department, in writing, other than the "Guideline" aforementioned.
  18. Yes, weird. As long as its signed, relevance doesn't matter.
  19. Actually, it would be copies of the passbook, (with some ATM payments into an account), which bears no exact relationship to the withdrawal amount from the foreign bank source, as in I draw THB30K from foreign bank and pay THB20K into Thai bank. You think they would find that useful? Or do they expect unreconcilable supporting documents, which they never bother to check? The passbook shows "teller ID", which seem to be the same branch, so I presume that is the location. These passbook entries do not reflect the debit card entries on the foreign bank, but maybe again the inability to reconcile the amount on the PND.90 and the supporting documents is (bizarrely) not required.
  20. "Bank statements" are presumably bank statements from a ban in Thailand? "...show the location" of what? [Again, my Thailand bank statements show zero transactions.]
  21. As discussed in a previous thread of a broader nature, I plan to e-file my tax return which shows income from pension and dividends paid offshore, and some of which is used in Thailand only by foreign ATM card, or foreign debit card. Does anyone else do this, and what documents do they file with the online filing? NB. No transactions in the aforementioned occur in any Thailand bank account.
  22. The point is I have NO remittances into Thailand, so my Thailand bank accounts show NO remittances into Thailand. ("Remittance" is the term used to cover say a telegraphic transfer, or bank transfer; there are none for 2024.) My "remittances" are ONLY via ATM withdrawals (using foreign bank ATM account) and Debit Card transactions (using foreign bank account). The only statements that show these are my foreign bank statements, which have 70% of transactions completely unrelated to the 2 methods aforementioned. If I give these statements to TRD they are not going to understand them, as they are a composite of my multicurrency accounts, and the ATM withdrawals and Debit Card transactions are from a source that varies; Example: Debit Card withdrawal of say THB 219, source: UK State Pension paid in UK, and transferred in GBP to my GBP account in my foreign bank, or from my THB foreign bank account, (partial sum), or source dividend on a foreign held share, (partial sum). Yes, that is correct, (using the broad sense of "remittance"). AFAIK, RD has not defined "remittance". The RD guide for completion of PND90 does not specify pension or debit card income, but is one of the many areas disputed by RD and tax experts alike. If they want documentary evidence I will probably end up sending them scanned copies of all the ATM withdrawal advices, (already scanned) and all the Debit Card transaction slips, about 150 documents in all. They all tally, down to the last satang. I will.
  23. The longer I wait to file my (e-file) saved PND90, and with the vague statement from the Finance Minister Pichai on 14 February 2025, I am now coming round to thinking it would be better not to file. The filing is easy enough, it's the documentation, which as aforementioned (in the quote) is not straightforward... I have read some unverified comment on Expat Tax that there are penalties for not filing. What are these penalties, (bearing in mind my tax due is ZERO)? Or is it just arbitrary? My Thai friend who has been helping me do the online file said he omitted to file for 2 years running, (change of job, circumstances). He went in the third year, apologised, was not fined and did not even pay back taxes. Grateful for anyone with reliable knowledge or experience could share.
  24. I did mine three times. First time at Krungsri head office about 2 years ago. The machine was not working. Did it a second time at another branch a few months later. Did it with UOB last year. Both times using my passport, although the UOB staff did not know how to use the passport reader. In the end about 4 branch staff completed the massive banking arrangement that they had asked me to do. It is required to transfer over THB50K. I guess you didn't ask, or read the 2 or 3 letter narrative, such as "SC" = Service Charge, or "FCD" = Cash Deposit via Cash Deposit Machine. (Glossary of abbreviations usually in the back of your passbook.)
  25. Full disclosure: I do not, nor have I ever bought or held crypto. I have never been tempted to buy it because I simply do not understand it. I am invested in a business in Europe and we have a private placement raise going on. One new investor has been waiting 5 or 6 months for his Ethererum to be converted into USD300K, to invest into the business. I am not clear on what the exact hold up is; it has been accepted, but the USD equivalent has not been paid to him. It seems crypto is not easily transferable or tradeable; a bit like Hotel California: "...You can check out any time you like, but you can never leave."
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