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Posts posted by onzestan

  1. Let's make the Jews stand on the back of the bus and reserve the seats for everyone else. Let's do this in London. All Jews have to stand, they cannot sit. How about all black people, or people of dark color we make them pay double when the board the tube or a bus?

    Distasteful? Why? Many of you have no problem justifying paying double because of your lily white skin, so why fret about dark skinned people or Jews for that matter.

    And of course we know don't we, that Jews all have money - so why shouldn't they pay double. How dare they have more money than most, why they should be forced to spend more.

    What nerve they have, that the Jews can come to England and expect to pay the same as any other Brit - we know better - they have more money and they should be punished for having it.

    That's it, punish them by taking some of it and giving it to those less fortunate.

    Sure, that's equitable.


    Except for the fact that here, blacks, japanese, arabs and caucasians are ALL considered farang.

    It is not discrimination based on race, but purely different price for locals or foreigners (mostly tourists), and one must admit that tourists are fair game in many, many countries if not all.

    I do not agree with the principle of double pricing, but it's a fact of life here in Thailand, and for crying out loud we're talking about 5 Baht. If you take a bus 4 times a day, that's 600 baht in a month. Less than any 1 taxi ride in my home country.

    Have fun


  2. Family are just going to start painting the railings again, 2nd time now in 8 years, we have about 20, 3 metre lengths to paint, and the front gates, the question i want to ask is can you purchase HAMERITE PAINT in Thailand.

    I believe I've seen it in Homepro.



  3. use eithad 30 kilo allowance came back in july with 40 kilos not raised a eyebrow all the way to cnx superb airline and must be cheapest duty free of anywere

    Wher does it say Etihad has 30kg allowance in eco???

    I will be flying them next week, their website says 20 kg cattle class, 30kg business, which is normal standard practice, silver FF adds 10kg to that I think.

    On some routes Etihad offers special allowance. Have to contact local Etihad office or have your travel agent inquire.



  4. It is my understanding that few people know their rights in case of delays, cancellations, over-bookings etc.

    Here's a tip on how to learn your rights and amount of compensation that you're entitled too.


    On the homepage scroll to "Press releases and choose :

    16/02/2005. Air transport: Europe reinforces passenger's rights ( IP/05/181)

    Choose your language and what type of document you want. (I find -DOC - to be the clearest)

    Also note that these regulations are for ALL airlines for flights originating in the EU.

    Hope to have helped.



  5. Can anyone recommend a good gym in or around Pattaya? I have saw adverts for Tony's gym. Does anyone know the monthly fee for Tony's?


    Check out our newest sponsor here

    Castra Praetoria Gym

    Is not open yet. Maybe next month.

    Also no telephone contact possible.



  6. I flew back to LOS 8th august with Qatar Airways . but had a 6 hour delay at Doha due to tech problems,, the staff were really good and supplied unlimited food and drinks , also a staff member said that we should send an e-mail to the company about the delay , so thats what i did ,, got the reply today saying how sorry they were and would i except a credit note known as a MCO order for $250us off any future Ticket or services and they have faxed it to the bangkok office ,,

    fair play Award goes to Qatar Airways

    Just thought it would be nice to have a positive post about an Airline for once


    Good post. Wish more people would post positive experiences.



  7. Hi all,

    I was on the Immigration police website to download the 90 days notification form.

    I noticed at the bottom of the page a button : "send"

    Does this mean we can now make the notification online? :o

    Has anyone tried it?



  8. I'm currently a member of Fairtex but my membership expires soon and im lookin for a gym a bit closer to home. I live up Soi Khao Talo. Maybe one of the villages has some facilites that outsiders can pay to use? or up by the lake (Mabprachan)?


    I just noticed your query after going through some older posts. Did you check out the new "Castra Praetoria" gym which has a link above?

    Seconded and it's in your soi, couldn't be easier.



  9. Is it illegal to record a conversation if the other party doesn't know ?

    A friend has been harassed at work by their boss. The boss is an ogre and is so two faced that my friend decided to record their conversation during a meeting,

    The boss found out and is threatening to get my friend arrested.

    It doesn't matter about the job, my friend had already quit but has a few days left and just wants to know the legalities involved.

    Any ideas would be gratefully received.



    Best to ask a lawyer.



  10. .

    But plse don't expect me to give in to the notion that everything should be understandable in English.

    I don't hold or expect you to hold to that notion.

    I mentioned that foreign words will be pronounced in a local way irrespective of where they (the words) originate from.

    You were presenting the argument that a French company name should be pronounced in the French way. I was saying that this will never be the case in any country outside of France where French is not the spoken language because basically it's impossible for most non-French to get their tongue around French words.

    Dear Tropo

    You do want to have the last word don't you.

    If you would kindly read my posts on this topic, I NEVER said that a French company should be pronounced in the French way.

    It was you that claimed that a French company should alter their name to be more easy to pronounce for English speakers, and I fail to see why they should.

    Again no malice intended. I however consider this topic closed.



  11. Welcome to Castra Preatoria Gym!

    Please click on their banner and check out the ammenities.

    It's not only easy to reach on the East side of Pattaya, but they have just about anything imaginable for your fitness needs.


    Thanks for the link.

    May I suggest to the owners that a map detailing their exact location would be a good idea.

    "Soi Khao Talo and Soi Khao Noi it is easily accessible from most areas in the East of Pattaya City. "

    I have no idea where these streets are and I cannot find them on a standard Pattaya tourist map.

    On their website click - contact us - et voila !!! (small pun intended)



  12. With all due respect, you are still missing the point.

    The point is as I stated in an earlier post. Company names will usually be interpreted locally and not always be pronounced in the original language. In this case, we are talking about an English and a Thai translation of the french word "Carrefour".

    A poster earlier gave us a link to hear the original French pronunciation which is beyond most of us English speakers. Thai speakers will say "Cafoo" and English speakers will say "Carfor". Other nationalities will have their own particular translation...this is quite normal anywhere in the world.

    You say you speak French in the Belgian way, well that would be a substantial improvement on anything I could say in French. To even compare your French with my feeble attempts at its pronunciation would be ridiculous.

    I was under the impression that the OP asked for the correct pronunciation of Carrefour. I tried to oblige.

    I'm sure that there are very few French that can pronounce Mc.Donalds or Burger King correctly.

    That doesn't stop these 2 companies from doing well in the world markets.

    Carrefour started out as a French company for the French, and did also very well, so I'm sorry that I cannot concede to your point of view, and as in every forum we each have our own opinions. You're entitled to yours and so am I to mine.

    But plse don't expect me to give in to the notion that everything should be understandable in English.

    Again no malice intended.



  13. As I posted on the T.V. airport forum, the female immigration official was very friendly, when I arrived into the LOS yesterday. However, maybe it was because I was on an early flight arrival; 0800 hours.

    I do think that physical appearance makes a huge difference.

    If you are a shaven-headed clinically obese thug, covered in offensive visible tattoos, sporting facial ironmongery, displaying frontal gold tooth surgery and sporting stinking sweat-soaked vest and short pants then expect different treatment to a clean long-shirted, trig individual with jam-jar spectacles and a respectful, diffident smile.

    Exactly, plus it helps if you're friendly yourself.



  14. How many people pronounce "Paris" the French way?

    All the French and Belgians and any other French speaking country. Maybe these countries are not on your map, but they do exist you know. onzestan

    Talk about missing the point. Obviously French speakers pronounce French correctly, but very few others.

    French is a bitch to pronounce and personally I don't even try because whatever comes out usually sounds stupid, not to mention that French people don't generally appreciate others trying to speak their language anyway.

    I think you are missing the point. The French call their companies whatever they want and they don't care how English or any other native speakers pronounce it, they're French and proud of it as well they should be.

    Please don't take it personally but because you are an English native speaker doesn't mean the whole world has to oblige to name everything so that the English native speakers can pronounce it. I speak French in the Belgian way, with a slight but significant difference, and not one French person has ever taken offense at my pronunciation as you seen compelled to do when a non native English speaker makes a spelling mistake.

    My English is not perfect but I do try, and you should appreciate that.

    No malice intended.


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