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Posts posted by onzestan

  1. How many people pronounce "Paris" the French way?

    All the French and Belgians and any other French speaking country. Maybe these countries are not on your map, but they do exist you know. And I agree that most native English speakers have problems with the correct pronunciation of French words, but you can hardly blame the French for that can you? :o


  2. We went to Krabi with the intention of at least doing some of the above ACTIVITIES!!..........................we ended up doing just ne thing..........................CHILLING!! I've never been to a place that emcouraged me to elax half as much as Krabi, and guess what, I'm completely hooked.

    We will be back in January

    Chilling out. What a wonderful thing to do in Krabi. Have a massage, a cold drink, some wonderful food especially the banana pancakes, and most of all enjoy the scenery.

    I'm off next month, can't wait.



  3. Definate pronounciation tip :

    Kar (a sound as in cat) foorrr (oo sound prolonged)



    (si c'est pas français c'est pas bon)

    That's a classic. Receiving "pronounciation" tips from someone who "definately" cannot spell. :o

    At least my French is correct. :D


  4. Here you can hear it, that is maybe better then the whole phonetic spelling...


    I also think, since it is a French company it should be pronounced in French.

    Car four or Karfoer sounds very funny. [Do you remember the joke with the American who asked a stranger to paint his por(s)ch(e)?]

    I would think Thai people pronounce it quit ok, it is just the last "r" which is difficult to spell for them.

    Well done. Nice voice too :o



  5. Know those two beautiful spots very well Onze, thanks for the pics

    Nothing to thank me for. Have been going to Krabi (live in Pattaya) once or twice a year since

    17 years now. Seen it change a lot (not all for the better). Remember sitting alone on the beach

    in front of the last café sipping a cold beer enjoying the most wonderful scenery in the world

    (my opinion). Fond memories abound. :o



  6. You must mean "people are so stupid".

    This airport was opened a year before it was ready and ten years after it was needed. It it struggling with enough problems without loading more on it for the sake of hubris. Safety has to remain the main objective in air transport at all times, the minute you lose sight of that you open the door to disaster.

    Thai Air will probably not get any delivered before 2010 anyway. The very first A380s will not be in commercial service until the end of this year, no flights will probably land here until at least 2009. Again, what is that bloody beast of a plane doing at a new airport in the middle of SE asia? Its all a study in stupidity from front to back.

    Maybe it was part of the sales deal between Thai Air and Airbus!



  7. Some pictures. First is Railey west beach in the morning.

    Second is a limestone carst just in front of Pranang Beach.

    Also plse note that Koh Pi-Pi is in Krabi Province and NOT Phuket.

    Daytrips by ferries, speedboats or longtailboats are available.

    Best food in Ao Nang (my opinion) AZZURA in the middle of the beach promenade.

    Best beach massage is just past Golden Beach resort on the way to the last café.



  8. I'm trying to book a flight in October, one way from Siem Reap to Ho Chi Minh and as far as I can tell the only airline flying this route is Vietnam Airlines. Unless I missed something, Vietnam airlines doesn't currently let you book a flight online. I am able to book this flight on expedia.com , but they want an extra $36 to mail paper tickets to Bangkok plus a $10 booking fee.

    Can anyone recommend another way to book this flight online, or do I need to see a travel agent in Bangkok?

    AFAIK Vietnam Airlines have an office in Bangkok.

    Why don't you try there ?


    Vietnam Airlines

    10th Floor, Wave Place Building

    55 Wireless Road


    Bangkok 10330

    tel.: 02.6554137-40

    email : [email protected]



  9. I'm trying to book a flight in October, one way from Siem Reap to Ho Chi Minh and as far as I can tell the only airline flying this route is Vietnam Airlines. Unless I missed something, Vietnam airlines doesn't currently let you book a flight online. I am able to book this flight on expedia.com , but they want an extra $36 to mail paper tickets to Bangkok plus a $10 booking fee.

    Can anyone recommend another way to book this flight online, or do I need to see a travel agent in Bangkok?

    AFAIK Vietnam Airlines have an office in Bangkok.

    Why don't you try there ?


  10. My mother-in-law is trying to convince my wife that our baby's name, which I choose, is unlucky and that is why he cries so much. She wants us to change it.

    I agreed that it was a good idea to have his Thai name on the birth cert, as we live in LOS and have no plans to move, but that we would use his English nickname. Our baby is now over three weeks old and I like his name and so do my family.

    I have said no way.

    Am I being culturally insensive and unfair.

    I have gone along with other Thai customs and traditions and the only other time I put my foot down was when they wanted to remove my dogs pups as they thought this was unlucky for the baby.

    A father has rights too, and the family should be made aware that you intend to preserve those rights.



  11. If you knew your nuts would go if you were caught - would you start?

    Rape is so prevalent in Thailand - usually through incest - that it is barely thought of as a crime. It should be very severely punished and publicised as such.

    "We will catch you and your nuts will go" and this would stop a lot of this before it starts.

    When working in Iran an American friend's daughter was raped. The police caught the rapist and isolated him - then put the father in the cell with him. Just to make sure the father was the one who came out better, the police had already softened the guy up.

    No case of mistaken identity - the girl's family knew the man, he had been positively identified. He was later executed.

    Same applies in Saudi - Head-chop Square at Friday midday prayers.

    But in the real world now does this prevent it ?,. i doubt it, when someone attacks with a knife are they thinking ,id better not stab him too hard as if i kill him ill be hung ? ,.

    This was not an act of rage, temporary loss of mind, intoxication or other so called excuse.

    It was clearly premeditated to be a kind of fun thing for this monsters. :o

    No excuse for such acts in my book. As I said in an earlier topic about rape, the criminals had a choice to do it or not,the victim did not have any choice at all and will most probably be traumatized for the rest of her life.

    Think about that!


  12. The rules of a civilized society only work if everyone in that society is civilized enough to abide by the rules. Clearly, on a global scale, humans are far from that utopia and the politcal correctness of rights for the defendant of a heinous and proven act are no deterent. Cut their <deleted> off!, stop them making the rest of us males look like potential sex attackers and care more about the health and rights of the victim.


    Political correctness has a lot to answer for.


  13. This is a terrible story.

    I feel for the young girl, I truly hope she gets the treatment (in all aspects) and support that she needs and deserves.

    Must be a an horrific ordeal for her.

    I agree, and we should all be aware that the victims are affected for the rest of their lives.

    I'm sick and tired of all these liberals that say this or that is not a deterrent.

    Even if it's not a deterrent at least the ones that got their head chopped off will NEVER do it again, and that's enough for me.

    Stop feeling sorry for the criminals, start feeling sorry for the victims that's a lot more humanitarian.


  14. About 3 years ago I got a reduction of 5% for an 'ethnic ticket' in Switzerland. This was published on Thai's web site in Switzerland and travel agents where informed. I fact my travel agent asked me, if I was married to a Thai. There was nothing 'secret' about it. It was valid for Thais and their husbands as well.

    It did not see anything like this in the last 3 years, but the price politic seems to depend on your country of origin.

    In Germany you still get an ethnic tariff on Thai Airways. Includes (married) partner and children. This was confirmed by my brother in law just last june, and according to him was about 15 % cheaper.



  15. Hi Guys,

    The promotions page has recently been updated to include great sale offers from Etihad and can be view here..

    Etihad Sale (please note - passenger is required sign up to the Etihad frequent flyer club to be entitled to these fares)

    To view all current promotions please visit travel.thaivisa.com/promotions

    If you would like to request a quote please visit travel.thaivisa.com/contact-us.html

    Need to renew your visa ? See our great visa run package travel.thaivisa.com/visa-run.html

    Sorry the link travel.thaivisa.com/promotions does not work



  16. girlx, I think you're trying to hard.

    Buying friendships doesn't work be it with money or over the top friendliness.

    You're in a negative spiral now. Better distance yourself from all these negativity for a while, and try to regain your selfrespect.

    That's where it all starts. Predators feel when there's a victim at hand.

    goodluck :o


  17. Thankyou onzestan, it'll do fine, not "pretty" but near the beach and cheap! have gone ahead and booked. Thanks again

    Your welcome,

    As stated earlier you are welcome to use the facilities of the "Peace Laguna Resort" which are really - pretty - since the Verandah is from the same group but catering to the budget travelers.

    I'm sure you'll like it.



  18. Sorry, not a very original post i know but can anyone recommend where to go and stay in the krabi area? My wife (Thai) and i will have a week there in April next year. We would prefere some where not too far from a beach with plenty to do during the day and night. Lek enjoys shopping! but will do pretty much what ever i do as well. I enjoy exploring caves, beaches, forests and tours ect and am up for some active entertainment in the evenings too.

    Heres the tricky bit we can't afford much more than 1000 baht a night (maybe 1200 at a push) for accommodation and ideally want some where "pretty" rather than a drab back street hotel but i recognise beggers can't be choosers.

    Any help appreciated.

    Cheers mark & Lek

    Best budget deal is at Verandah Hotel in Ao Nang.

    3 minutes from the beach. Spacious clean rooms. As from 21.4.07 Baht 740,- night incl breakfast buffet.

    Can use the swimming pool of next door resort. look at directrooms for booking.



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