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Posts posted by onzestan

  1. I have to admit that also I am guilty as charged.

    However if a genuine question is asked you get a lot of useful information, and some of the topics are simply hilarious.

    There certainly are some weird caracters (one in particular comes to mind) but many of the posters are very honest about their feelings on a particular subject. That I don't always agree that's another question entirely.



  2. They did not learn foreign Languages when they were young, because the school education was not very much focussed on that these days, other than nowadays.

    Although I agree that this is the case in most non-native english speaking countries, it wasn't in my country i.e. Belgium and in particular in my home town the port of Antwerp. I was born just before the 2nd wold war, and as from my earliest childhood, I and many others have been subjected to hearing foreign languages. At first German of course, but then after the liberation of most of Belgium, and Antwerp being a major port for the allies there was a lot of contact with american, british canadian and other military personnel. Coupled to that Belgium being a small country we as children looked at movies with the original soundtrack with subtitles in dutch and french. So again contact with foreign languages.Also if you wanted to make a career in the maritime sector, you had to learn at least 4 languages.

    Having said all that, and to return to topic, I have to admit that having a conversation in my mother tongue comes far more easy than in any other language simply because of the fact that my vocabulary is not in the same league as the native speakers, and I also admit that sometimes I refrain from getting into an argument simply because I know that the other person has the advantage of speaking his own language.

    So I think it's normal for a person to seek the company of his own kind, simply to have a touch of normality. That this is not always the case in pubs and cafées is another thing entirely, depends on the amount of alcohol consumed. :o

    My 2 bits



  3. When I flew out from SUV on the way back to the US on Feb.2, 2007. With the 700 THB on my hand ready to pay a/p tax. To my surprised, the ladies (3 of them) who were minding at the the passage that leads you to the Immigration booths in-side, just waved their hand to allow everyone in, several passengers including me were hesitate because we didn't know what was going on. Finally, they call out loud ...free...free ...free. All the passengers rushed in.

    So this practice must has been for quite sometimes now.

    Since february 2007 to be exact.



  4. the Taxes are a FIXED amount usually, so of course the percentage of the Taxes is higher if the actual fare is 99 Baht than if it would be 2.000 Baht.

    so, may I ask, where is the scam ??? thats absolutely nonsense.

    u think its scam because they charge u 99 Baht plus Taxes instead of 2.000 Baht plus Taxes ? well, then go for the 2.000 baht ticket and scam urself and be happy.

    Though, I do agree with the "publicize end prices" thing.

    but that doesnt mean, to sell a ticket for 99 Baht (and there are PLENTY of them available, its not just a promotion-joke) is scam....

    Sorry if i have offended you.

    In my book, these ridiculously low prices are publicized for luring potential customers, on FALSE pretenses, whether it's carriers or low-cost carriers.

    If you cannot see this as a scam then I rest my case.

    If the fish has been lured to bite the worm he's been had, hasn't he.

    Again my 3 cents


  5. I can not understand this outcry.....

    the budget-carriers don't do it in a different way than the big airlines.

    ALL will add their taxes, fuel surcharges, fees.....

    everywhere in Asia, ALL advertised fares do NOT include Taxes, fees and fuel-surcharges. If you read the BKK POST, you'll find plenty of ads for air-tickets everyday.

    but, for example, if u book a 30.000 BT Ticket to Europe, with THAI, AUSTRIAN, CATHAY, or any other airline, you will end up paying 37.000 - 39.000 Baht.

    so why blame the Budget-Carriers for doing it the same way ?

    I still prefer flying to Krabi for 630 Baht (99 Baht plus taxes) than paying a full fare of 3.000 BT with a big airline.

    oh, and I should add: THAI AIRWAYS does the same thing. right now they do have a promotion for domestic destinations (with quite competitive prices indeed), but OF COURSE the advertised fares do NOT include all the taxes and surcharges.

    I think you are missing the point here.

    Yes all the airlines should be obliged to publicize the end price, but there's a big difference with adding tax of abt 20 % to adding extra costs amounting to 600 percent.

    Fact is a lot of people will be lured to these websites and probably a lot of them will be scammed, through their own fault as you will call it, but a scam is a scam, and any rule that makes the pricing policies more transparent should be applauded.

    My 3 cents


  6. Yes, there is a guy with a goat farm and he makes excellent goat cheese. At the moment you will have to go to his farm to buy any. Here is his website.


    Hi Rdrokit,

    Thanks for the info.

    Will try to get some.

    Love the stuff.

    The ones available at carrefour are not what I'm looking for (the strong taste kind).

    Some baguette, cheese and a glass of red wine :o:D :D :D :D :bah:

    cheers and thanks again


  7. I've heard a rumour that there's an Australian in or around Pattaya that makes

    (on a limited scale) some really good goat cheese. :o

    Can any one help me getting his telephone number and/or address?

    thanks beforehand.


  8. Thailand to control low-cost airlines
    Thailand's Civil Aviation Department will enforce new regulations to control budget airlines beginning later this month allowing the department to examine promotional plans of the airlines following passenger complaints.

    The department will soon announce new rules for operators of no-frills airlines.

    The Post Publishing Public Co

    It's about time.

    I have never used low-cost airlines and one of the reasons is their pricing policy (not to say scam).

    Only the real cost should be made public.

    The airlines in question are NOT going to do it, as long as they're not obliged to. :o

    My opinion


  9. i suspect he is using vegemite to fertilize the grass. is this legal in Thailand? :D

    Dr. Naam,

    I think you should keep more pidgeons.

    More pigeons = more natural fertilizer = greener grass.

    All you need is an umbrella to venture outside. Don't give an umbrella to the gardener, he will get fed-up with the pidgeon droppings, leave your service and the maid.

    Solves all your problems in 1 go. :o



  10. Hi November Rain,

    I have to be careful here because there's a lot that makes my hair stand up whenever I'm on TV.

    I hate it that members claim to be one thing on a certain topic and then another on a different topic.

    I hate the cruelty of some members be it against people or animals.

    I hate it that certain members launch an all out attack without any reservation when they can't win an argument.

    I hate it when one of the mod's exercises his/her power to close a topic without legitimate reason.

    On the other hand, if you need some info that's hard to find otherwise, TV can be a godsend.



  11. I fly at least twice a year from Athens to Bangkok. Gulf Air used to be the best deal in business class. What I never liked was the 12 hour layover on the return leg. Last time I checked they had changed the route going through Oman and Bahrain so that there was a total of 30 hours layover time in the middle east. Not good. They were nearly 500 Euro cheaper (return flight) than Thai, but Thai is a direct flight Athens to Bangkok and return. I liked the cheapest price, but had no desire to spend more than 24 hours waiting in two airports, especially as the return leg had two overnight waits in Oman and Bahrain.

    So no more Gulf Air for me. Maybe new schedule?



    I think you better check their timetable again. I'm not sure but I believe they stopped flying via Oman.



  12. Hi onzestan,

    I fly to cdg too. Was curious what you found the best option wa so far - before you started looking at gulf air.

    Are all gulf air's flights from bkk to cdg via Bahrain, or do any have transits at another airport in the Gulf - eg Abu Dhabi? (I would stop off in AD for a day to see people I know - but not in Bahrain where I know no-one.)

    Hi l.e.

    Have flown Gulf twice to CDG each time in first because of special promotions.

    Gulf hub is Bahrain on this trip.

    However if you want to fly via Abu Dhabi I recommend Etihad. Abu Dhabi is their transit port. Flown them once in business recently and can thoroughly recommend them.

    However I have accrued a lot of miles plus Gold membership on Gulf so I'm looking now at business ticket on Gulf with upgrade to first for the BKK/BAH/BKK leg of the trip.

    Hope to have helped. :o



  13. Hope this helps. Let me know if you get any more definite news.

    Hi Filer,

    Thanks for the info.

    I don't live in Bangkok, so walking in isn't so easy. I will call them tomorrow, and see what gives.

    I always fly CDG or FRA since my final destination (rental car) is approx. the same distance from either.

    I'm hoping that since they abolished the Australia route on which they used the refurbished planes,

    that the BKK/AUH segment would benefit from the reshuffle.

    I cannot however deduct from their website if this is so or not.

    Thanks again, will keep you informed.



  14. Hi Mobi,

    In june I travelled to Europe with my medication (some of it liquid) in my hand luggage.

    I however have a prescription for all this medicines which I can show on demand. At Abu Dhabi airport I had to show it to the security person and that was it. The other airports (Frankfurt and Bangkok) didn't even ask for the prescription, so If you don't have one, go get it at any of the hospitals in town, and you should be OK.

    Cheers, good luck and have a nice trip. :o


  15. Today the European Parliament ratifies new rules regarding airline pricing, including budget airlines.

    Publicity, advertisements and airline websites can only publicize the actual prices of tickets.

    No more extra charges, taxes, supplements etc. only the factual cost price can be made public.

    This new rule goes in effect on January 1st, 2008.

    Good news from Europe for a change, let's hope the rest of the world follows suit.



  16. At the end of february I noticed (without paying to much attention to it) that my electricity bill was about 25 % cheaper than my normal invoices.

    End of march my invoice was Baht 44 and this really caught my attention.

    So I checked the meter and low and behold it was stuck at 1.000 KWatt.

    I had my wife phone the electric company and this is where it really became interesting. The first thing they wanted to know, was if we still had current or not.

    Upon the yes from my wife she was told : “Oh then it’s not so urgent” and was given a new telephone number of the maintenance department, to which my wife phoned 6 or 7 times without anyone picking up the phone. So she called back to the other girl and she said she would take care of it..

    End of April invoice 44 Baht.

    So my wife phoned again and again was told they would take care of it.

    I told my wife to sign a note saying in Thai : This meter is broken, please replace ! hung the sign on the meter, and took a picture of it.

    The sign disappeared , and end of May invoice 44 Baht.

    Last month I took my wife to the office in Banglamung ( about 15 km from our home),

    With all the invoices, the picture showing the sign we had put up, my wife went inside

    (I didn’t go in – bad for my temper) and told them we would like our meter repaired or replaced. My wife said the girl was very nice about it and thanked my wife for informing them. She also said that it would take some time to have it fixed because priority repairs are for people that don’t have current.

    End of june invoice 44 Baht, but no problem because we were told it might take some time.

    Today when we came back from shopping, my neighbour told me that a repair crew of the electric company had done some work on my meter, so I immediately went to have a look, and you won’t believe this, they replaced the outer casing of the meter, but the faulty meter is still in place.

    Now if you don’t believe me, PM me and I’ll give you my address so you can come and have a look for yourself.



  17. Hi all,

    My wife is a bit concerned about it. She claims that ever since I joined up I am more negative than before and she might have a point.

    Also there was an incident with one of the members that viciously attacked everything that was dear to me, and I must admit that at first I was very angry, upset and had a couple of sleepless nights over this, and my wife was very concerned.

    Some of the members might have noticed that I'm not very active on TV anymore as a result of that.

    Anyway as I said my wife doesn't like it, and not for the wrong reasons,



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