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Posts posted by onzestan

  1. I found the claim that Thailand is the deadliest place to visit for Brits measured as a % of visitors as surprising so I pulled up the summary report from the internet.

    I discovered after 23 seconds of exhaustive research that the number of deaths reported for Brits in Thailand includes all those lost to the Tsunami.

    I am applying to the Times and the other quality newspapers immediately for a post in their research depts. since they obviously don't have one.

    Proves the point I made earlier about statistics.

    The outcome always depends on who instigated the stats and what they want to prove. :o


  2. I'm looking to fly to UK around 20/12/07 returning around 7/1/08.

    We'd be flying as a couple.

    I prefer direct but the last time I went I used Etihad and it was probably the best flight I ever had.

    Though the B110,000 price was a little OTT at the time though I believe it was one of the cheaper options.

    Any other suggestions/recommendations?

    I noticed Gulf has a 2 for 1 deal making Bus about B60,000 which sounds good but I read a lot of negative feed back on airlinequality.com


    Qatar is cheaper than Etihad with very similar service (if not better).

    I would stay away from Gulf because the leg BKK/AUH is in VERY old A340.

    hope to have helped



  3. Do you think China Airlines Business Class Amsterdam-Bangkok-Amsterdam is any good ?


    Do you get access to the Business class longes Amsterdam & Bangkok ?

    :o Wiley Coyote

    Business class : not good compared to others (old style little reclining seats).

    Only advantage : direct flight.

    Lounges : if you fly Dynasty class you have access to all the lounges


  4. I am sure there is a high number of foreign scumbags in Thailand, residing in the usual places, which is why I believe Immigration seem to be becoming increasingly hostile towards arrivals.

    As for gangsters, there must be a few but far outweighed by the wannabees.

    IM (not so humble) O, the immigration Nazis with their insane/xenophobic rules and regulations have created a system that favors the "foreign, quality scumbags with their bags of dirty money."

    Good, honest, decent people are being pushed out or are willingly leaving LOS for better places.

    The new class of "high quality foreign scumbags" seems to blend in well with current Thai society.....a society that is corrupt to the core and embracing the worst human values. It is not surprising that they are being welcomed with open arms.

    Corrupt people feel better when they are surrounded by corrupt people.

    Now........something good about Thailand: Huuummmmmmmm..........I like Doi Suthep and Loy Kratong.

    Ehh, Houston we have a problem !!!

  5. Of course corporal punishment has no effect upon crime levels and the rate of recidivism but its attraction lies in the fact that it is immensely satisfying to those who advocate its use.

    Maybe it brings closure to the victims and that's enough for me.

    Let's also not forget that the crims did have a choice of doing/not doing the crime they're being punished for.

    The victims did NOT have that choice and depending on the severity of the crime it could mean that whole families are traumatized for the rest of they're life.

    For me closure for the victims is what counts, and maybe because I had a child in the family raped and murdered that I

    would have liked them hanged, but no they sit in a comfortable cell and NOT for the rest of they're lives.


  6. Oh, come on. We are mostly Westerners here. That form of punishment is barbaric. From the dark ages. Enough of being politically correct and sensitive to the Malaysian culture. They should be condemned internationally for this. There is such a thing as right and wrong that transcends cultures. When Bush tortures Al Queda prisoners that is wrong. So is this beating method.

    I reckon torture is justifiable when applied to a terrorist caught red-handed if it is believed they have information that will save lifes from other terror attacks.

    Right you are.

    If any country chooses to punish it's criminals by flogging, then there's nothing any of us can do about it.

    And furthermore I strongly believe that punishment must fit the crime.

    I ask myself very often why all the so called humanitarians always seem to be on the side of the criminals, and little or no consideration for the victims of the crime.

    My 3 cents


  7. In my humble opinion, all these statistics are made to prove a point and are more often than not complete rubbish, and/or manipulated.

    You can find negative things about any country. I prefer to look for the positive aspects of whichever place I visit or have made my residence, but you very rarely see statistics about that.

    And one more thing, If you are ready to bash other countries than your own, you must accept that the favour might be returned.



  8. I don't know about royal jordanian other than that they have a long layover (at least to my destination) and are not cheaper than Etihad and or Qatar.

    I've flown both Qatar and Etihad and my preference goes to Etihad although Qatar is cheaper.

    This based on prices available at airlines websites, which I never book because I can find cheaper, but use as a means of comparison.



  9. I have no idea if the "sports shop" still exists.

    Used to be located in soi 0, where the bus station used to be.

    Coming from the Dolphin roundabout its the first soi off beach road before soi 1, but it looks like a private soi (actually it is private!). Not too long ago you could drive all the way up to second road and come out at the bowling court, but last I've been there it was blocked of.

    The owners of the soi have been doing some strange stuff, with all the lease holders complaining/protesting, have no idea of the outcome, hence I don't know they're still there.

    If they are, they are in one of the first shophouses on the right hand side, next to what I think was a small diving school.

    Owned by an Englishman (Alan if I recall correctly) and his wife, they stocked a very big selection of darts, flights, shafts etc, they also repaired broken points and stuff...

    Also had fishing rods, pool cues etc...

    Sorry to have to correct you Monty.

    Allan has moved from Soi 0 a couple of years ago, to somewhere on the road to Jomtien.

    Don't know exactly where, but ask in any darts club and they will know. Also some of the larger clubs have some for sale.



  10. Thank you for that info.

    I absolutely hate anything to do with BPH.

    Samitivej seems like a nice alternative. My last medical intervention was also in Sri Racha, namely the Pyathai hospital.

    Very possitive experience, only drawback is litlle or no english.



  11. The topic header had me rushing in. What colour scheme? Am I blind? Did I miss anything? Colour? Suvarnetc? Did they beautify it over night? I am really glad domestic flights leave from good old Don Muang. At least it has a little bit of yellow.

    Thanks god for smokers :o:D



  12. In the case of a farang dying of natural causes be it at home or in an hospital first thing that needs to be done is inform the police.

    They will take the matter up with the embassy, and before the embassy gives the all clear sign the police will hold the mortal remains into custady.

    In my case my last will and testament regarding burial is in my file at the Embassy. This does not have to be an official testament. A signed letter with all your personal information stating what has to be done is enough.

    More info at http://www.siam-info.com.


  13. I have been following this thread with great interest, and wasn't sure if I would contribute or not.

    Fact is the OP only thought of marriage after he found out she could not get a visa if not married.

    Fact is he didn't ask the girl what she thought about a pre-nuptial, but imposed it.

    Fact is that he has absolutely no idea what goes on in the mind of Thai rural people.(Whether ex-BG or not)

    Fact is we don't know how these 2 people feel about each other and what social influences play a role here.

    All this makes me have doubts about the sincerity of the OP in REALLY wanting to marry her for better or for WORSE.

    My opinion only and no malice intended.


  14. Sorry - what was your dream, if you're living it now.

    What is your dream, if you're not living it.

    If you're living your ex-dream, do you still have dreams?

    My dream was being content with my life and I am.

    At my age I still have dreams but these concern the state of our planet for future generations and will probably never be realized.

    Please don't be offended I was trying to be funny.



  15. What's your dream, are you living it?

    If your living it, it's not a dream anymore isn't it. :o:D

    But to answer your question, yes and loving every minute!

    cheers and keep enjoying it as long as you can


  16. When I was younger it was ok, but now….NO…I don’t know if I can live in Thailand for a longhaul anymore. All that humidity, hectic and chaotic TRAFFIC everyday in BKK really drive me nuts! Most drivers don't drive, but just aim their vehicles in the intended direction. Nah.. too scary for me unless I believe in reincarnation which I do not.

    The only downside here in the states is…..there’s a sea nearby but you can't go swimming in it because if you do you either will freeze to death, or you would get eaten by a sea lion! But all in all I just absolute love the 4 seasons here.

    Yes I agree if you like a more unpredictable or less structured environment, then Thailand could be one of the place.

    There's more to Thailand than Bangkok.

    Just need to explore



  17. Say, what?

    I don't see this catching on. Smokeless cigarettes came out long ago and were a flop. Seems that part of what people like is seeing the smoke they exhale. One of the methods recommended to quit smoking is to try smoking only in the dark. You get the same miserable taste and sensations but not the visual effect. It ain't the same..

    Besides, part of what makes it so hard to quit smoking is that nicotine is addictive - so this product offers this addictive poison as an insert?

    Hmmm.. :o

    I have given the link for a reason. No need to comment without checking out what I mean.

    This is not a smokeless cigarette, the smoke however is harmless, doesn't smell and most of all, is completely harmless.

    I only want to know where I can buy this in Thailand.



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