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Everything posted by msbkk

  1. The only solution to keep pidgeons away from balcony areas is proper bird netting. If you want to fix them yourself you can buy them in Homepro, the nets are cut in handy pieces of 2m or so. Forget about sharp spikes, you will hurt yourself more than the birds. In Bangkok you can also contact specialized companies who will sell the nets including installation service.
  2. Just as an update to the op as at first I was sceptical about the quoted figures of insurance premium. I had a longer discussion with Passportcard directly as last year my premium increased by 43% after my 60's birthday. After directly asking them about future premiums I was told that upon renewal in 3 months from now my premium will be increased again by more than 40% because of blah blah blah sharply increasing costs of healthcare in Thailand, inflation and so on. That means I will have to pay the double amount than beginning 2021 similar to the op. However, Passportcard was in my opinion a low cost insurer compared to other companies and with age 60 premium is catching up with unusual high increases. As I was told that every 5 years a new age group will bring a large increase I will also have keep this in mind as at some point premium will not be longer affordable with increases in age groups.
  3. To be fair this is a very difficult road even for experienced drivers. Steep declines with sharp curves. A lot of accidents happen there. And you have to use a low gear, otherwise brakes will overheat. Vehicles must be in good condition and drivers on full alert to be able to drive this road.. I went there several times riding my motorbike.
  4. I was not able to edit my post to give some additional information. Within the MyHealth International plan you have to fill in your personal contact details as well as nationality and country of residence and so on and. Online quotation will be shown within a few seconds. At least it worked for me. Alternatively you can also use the April UK website with similar plans.
  5. Do not click on the My Health Thailand plan, this is the Thai plan. You have to find the My Health International plan and there is an option to get an online quote from France.
  6. There are actually some small family operated coffee farms in Loei in Phuruea district and Nahaeo district. The coffee grown there is ok and drinkable but not premium. In lower regions than that the result will certainly not be good. I tasted also coffee from the mountains in Petchabun nearby and liked the taste more.
  7. Yes, I had to ask at several pharmacies to find it. Anyway it is still available and I always buy more to keep it in stock at home.
  8. I suggest Systral cream, excellent for itching and swelling. This is an antihistaminic cream, I always keep it at home.
  9. Ok, this particular insurer told me that every 5 years there will be a substantial increase because of a new age bracket in addition to a modest increase every 2 years or so to cover inflation. In my case I was also hit with a similar percentage increase after 60. The steep increase is also something which concerns me. They do offer a deductable plan on request, this is also mentioned on their website.
  10. Yes, but the figures do not add up because the mentioned premium of 142.000 Baht per year for this age group seems not to be the outpatient premium only. At least not according to my own premium at the same company and age bracket. Maybe the OP could check the contract regarding coverage and the surcharge for pre-existing condition again.
  11. The OP mentioned that the surcharge for the pre-existing condition is just 25,000 Baht per year so this matter is a bit confusing.
  12. Yes, premium increases are high. The figures quoted are however for inpatient plus outpatient. If you change the coverage to inpatient only premium are probably half of that. And passportcard also offers deductables to further lower your premium. If you choose April international for inpatient plus outpatient premium will be much higher, more than double of the quoted figures per year. You should compare both companies for the same coverage and options of plans and deductables.
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