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Everything posted by msbkk

  1. Cheese does not go bad so easily as long as the packing is unopened. The expiry date does not mean that the cheese will be bad at that particular date. You can keep it for much longer without any loss of taste.
  2. It certainly depends on if you personally like silicone breasts or not. My ex-wife who was beautiful but she did it against my will even if I warned her that this is a red line for our relationship. If the original breasts are beautiful there is no need to implant large plastic balls. The result was a catastrophe for me as the choosen size was much too large. It was a huge sexual turn off and I lost all my desire in this regard. We did not talk for months. She simply did not understand the whole situation telling me how sexy she was after the surgery.
  3. Do you not have a Thai bank account? So easy to use the local banking apps for most payments here. As far as I know Makro accepts only local barcode scans as payment.
  4. Dogs like to chew and you must give them something to chew on. In our case the wooden bone (ordered from Lazada) did the trick. At the same time you have to try to teach the dog not to chew other items. There are lots of videos on Youtube how to teach the behavior of dogs. It takes some time and patience however. Or dog is sterilized.
  5. msbkk

    Bangkok parks

    Maybe the entrance fee is related to the once a year flower show at the moment?
  6. Extendable baton? Do you feel threatened here in Thailand? Or are you worried about Soi dogs?
  7. It is quite common for younger dogs to chew on all kind of things. It is the responsibility of the owner to carefully teach the dogs how to behave. My previous wife bought a young dog and we had the same problem for quite a while. You have to give the dogs some chewing toys and wooden bones to chew on. This is important. I did exactly that and the chewing on other items stopped after a while.
  8. No, the 650 was a Honda, the 1,000 Kawasaki. At that time I went to Honda, BMW and Kawasaki. The trade in price at Honda and Kawasaki was similar, BMW wanted to pay less. But the additional promotion discount at Kawasaki gave me a once in a life deal. But as mentioned this was during Covid and at that time all dealers had a hard time.
  9. I traded in a 650cc to buy a 1,000cc and got a good deal in doing that. The 650 cc was less than around 1.5 years old and the dealer paid me 60% of the purchase price of a new bike. This was during Covid when all dealers had a hard time selling new bikes. For the 1,000 cc I received an additional discount of close to 30%.
  10. There is a very slight chance that he woke up early for a morning ride.
  11. Most supermarkets offer it.
  12. It might be some kind of allergy. I recently did an allergy blood test because of chronic problems with nose/throat and was surprised about the result. I should avoid milk products, egg yolk, dust and all kind of other naturally occuring substances.
  13. Dr. Berg is not a medical doctor but a chiropractor. He claims to have knowledge to heal all deseases.
  14. This particular food court is really good and cheap. The downside is that it is usually packed with hundreds of people and quite busy. I personally prefer a quieter atmosphere with less people and I am willing to pay a higher price for that.
  15. In theory the system should be intelligent. The issue is not so much the exit but probably more the next entry I would worry about. Maybe I am overly cautious. But why do they still have immigration exit booths who stamp your passport if you go there instead of the automatic gates?
  16. OK, permanent residence might be in another category. The issue for us here is with a missing entry stamp it will be complicated to fill in that date in the 90 days report and visa extensions. For visa extension we also have to copy the most recent entry stamp. Not sure about the immigration when entering the country.
  17. I am in the same situation and was directed to the automatic gates. I pointed out to the staff that I do have a 1 year visa and re-entry. I was told that long visa holders cannot use the automatic gates and was then directed to the normal immigration counter to receive a stamp for departure.
  18. How is cholesterol level and lipid profile?
  19. Saw Palmetto is good, but has no effect on prostate cancer at all.
  20. I highly recommend to eat a few dates every day. Prunes work as well. Or even better a few of both daily.
  21. While a healthy lifestyle definitely helps it is in no way a guarantee for no deseases and a long and healthy life.
  22. The filters of 3M are very thin and there is no change in noise level at all.
  23. Fully agree with that. I am using the 3M filters and cover only about 60% of the required area. Within a few days the filter turns from white to grey and black within 2-3 weeks. This black dust would otherwise be in my lungs. I am in Bangkok.
  24. It probably depends on your suitcase. I tried that with a Samsonite without success, first of all you need some special tools and in my case even with those I was unable to remove the original wheels. That would require a workbench and additional equipment.
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